
Medicare is the federal health-insurance program for elderly (age 65 and up) and the disable. It was enacted to provide a safety net of health-care coverage. Medicare provides coverage for two parts. First part covers hospital insurance, which helps pay for care in a hospital and the facility used. The second part covers the medical insurance, which helps pay for doctors, and other medical services.

Medicare is very benefiting to people with financial needs. Medicare can also help some people with low-income Medicare beneficiaries. Depending on the states, people who cannot afford to pay Medicare premiums or other costs, they may be eligible for assistants through the their state. There are Medicare assistance programs such as �Qualifying Medicare Beneficiary,� �Specified Low income Medicare Beneficiary,� or �Qualifying Individual.�

With many innovative changes to the Medicare systems, they are going to provide the elderly many benefits. For example, President George W. Bush says signing the Medicare Prescription Drug law, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 are to keep the promise to America�s seniors. According to President Bush, signing the Medicare reform will accomplish four goals to the health care system. First, the new law-Medicare Prescription Drug provides prescription drug benefits under Medicare. �Drug coverage under Medicare will allow seniors to replace more expensive surgeries and hospitalizations with less expensive prescription medicine.� (The White House). This will save many seniors from overwhelm of worries. Many seniors spends most of their Social Security on medications, and they should not have to live with fear and financial worries. The new laws are supposed to ease the tension and aid them in the extra help they need. Secondly, the new laws provide more health care choices for elderly Americans to find the right health coverage they need. Bush says they don�t have to change their current coverage but they have the options if they want to. When seniors are having the ability to make their own choices, they will have better control of their health care. Third, the new laws make Medicare more efficient by providing screening to detect any health problems early. Beginning of 2005, all newly enrolled Medicare beneficiaries will be covered to have a complete physical. The program is to help seniors diagnose any health problems early so they can be treated early. Lastly, the new law allows Americans to pay for out-of-pocket health care expense through the new Health Saving Accounts. Bush says the new laws encourage people to plan for retirement and to save for education. With the new laws, they are easier for Americans to save for health care. For example, the Health Savings Account allows Americans to set aside pretax money to cover medical expenses, including co-pays and prescription drug costs that are not covered by their insurance policy. With the Health Savings Accounts, every year the money not spent would stay in the account and gain interest tax-free (just like an IRA). People would live a healthier life style if they have the Health Saving to look forward to as it grows.
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