† twm - Tab Window Manager: †

Origionally copied from Windows 3.x Schemes featuring Makeover - twm and Command Post. The links have been updated 8-15-2003, and if for whatever reason they do not work, don't blame me.

click to enlarge

This spartan look belongs to twm, the default window manager for the X Window System (or at least XFree86). Due to the lack of 3D anything (borders, buttons, title bars, etc.) I've noticed a speed increase when running Windows. Especially noticeable with AOL 4.0. The number of gpfs relating to WAOL and the video driver have decreased. :-) Couldn't figure out a color for the window/client areas that goes with green titles/menus.

The shell covered here is Wilson WindowWare's Command Post. This is one of the first shareware programs I ever registered. At the time I had to have it as I couldn't stand to point and click with Program Manager. Wilson WindowWare no longer makes the program since they put more energy into their File Manager enhancement program known as File Commander.

There are no icons to be found since this program is designed for the keyboard user. It has fully-customizable menus. In fact the whole underlying menu structure is since Command Post uses a powerful menu language called Command Post Menu Language (CPML). It is, for the most part, the same language that makes up their other product, the famous (once famous?) WinBatch. This means you can create any kind of menu structure with whatever keys you want. Your own user prompts, listboxes, pop-up comments, Yes/No/Cancel dialogs, etc. An example of the language is shown in the file viewer.

One example of what the language can do: Choose edit INI files from the main menu and a pop-up list of all INI files appears. Click on WIN.INI and now a list of [section names] appear. Then click on whatever section you need to modify where you'll be shown a list of keyname=value entries ready to be changed. DOS Heads who love to do things their way with custom batch files and whatnot would feel at home with either Command Post or WinBatch.

New Menus for Windows is also shown again, this time with graphics and icons turned off and the color changed to match the scheme. As with Windows in general it works faster this way.

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