Gods and Generals
The 5th's particaption in the epic movie Gods and Generals
During the first weekend of filming three members of the fifth got the thrill of their lives.  Not only did they get to be at the filiming of the movie but, they were treated with a great surprise portraying themselves.  Robbie Ambrose, Sterling Ambrose and Frank Brennan all dawned colonial style uniforms similar to what the 5th wore early in the war.  Also  four other members of other companies that portray the 5th Regiment were members of the Continental Guard for the filming. They were involved in  scenes dealing with the gathering of the Confederate forces at Harper Ferry early in 1861.   

As Filming continued The Ambroses' and Brennan also took part in a Manassas battle scene the capture of Rickett's Battery.  Frank Brennan has also taken part in other weekends of filming, in several roles.   Kevin Johnson took part in several scenes that were being filmed during the Cedar Creek reenacment.  Unit Members Bob Massella, Tim McCowan, Robert Shambaugh, and Butch Shouffler also took part in the filimg.

It's a wrap Filiming is complete and  the movie hit theaters Beginnning February 21, 2003  everywhere.
Now that the movie has played the 5th made many apperances on the big screen, all the above mentioned unit members can be sceen in the movie and most in multiple sceens.  The 5th itself made an appearance as the Continental Morgan Guard in several scenes in the film.
The Movie is now avaible on DVD and Video (VHS).
Click here for the official Gods and Generals website
Click on the pic to see more Gods and Generals photos
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