The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

Sun Tzu's The Art of War
Commentary by: [C3]Bangsta

The Far East
calvary.gif (3890 bytes)The legendary Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote the earliest military treatise, The Art of War (about 500 BC). In it he described Chinese weapons, command systems, communications, discipline, grade distinctions, strategy, and logistics. Intelligence was early recognized as a vital tool of statecraft-of diplomacy or war. Sun Tzu stressed the importance of intelligence. His book The Art of War (circa 500 BC) gave detailed instructions for organizing an espionage system that would include double agents and defectors. Intelligence, however, was haphazardly organized by rulers and military chiefs until the rise of nationalism in the 18th century and the growth of standing armies and diplomatic establishments. Although in later centuries Chinese and Japanese military organization was comparable to that of their Middle Eastern and European contemporaries, the Asian invention of stirrups (by or before the 2nd century BC) had revolutionized mounted warfare by making chariots obsolete. The Battle of Adrianapole (AD 378), in which Huns, Alans, Goths, and Spartans annihilated the Romans, demonstrated the superiority of cavalry to infantry forces.

"Sun Tzu," Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 99 Encyclopedia. (c) 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

advisor.gif (3817 bytes)The legendary book "The Art of War" was and still is the encyclopedia of warfare, tactics and business. Centuries past and weapons have changed yet the wisdom embedded within each page teaches it's reader of the best course of actions. These advice gives leaders ingenuity and soldiers the skills to survive. Large Corporations use it to gain an advantage during negotiations or hostile takeovers. Hackers use it to enhance their "social engineering" skills. This book can be used in many games including Counter-Strike. Though most people in the Counter-Strike community think this book is only for strategy games, leadership and tactics will really set apart the beginners and the pros... especially during tournaments. Because it is written a long long time ago, the vocabulary is quite "dated" and thus requires the reader to have some thinking to interpret it's meaning. Keep in mind that it is translated from Chinese to these 2 English translations. Good luck and happy gaming everyone!

Thomas Clearly Translation | Lionel Giles Translation | Original Chinese Text

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