The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

Explosive High!
By: [C3]Bangsta

In every game I always buy a High Explosive Grenade and with one good reason. It's deadly. Too many people throw the grenade like it was a giant bullet where they must aim straight while being able to see their target. This misconception is not true and by learning and exploiting how to use the grenade properly, it can do that extra damage needed where guns just can't.

At long range in a hallway, any amount of damage one can deal is important as it's difficult to kill a sniper from long range. Unfortunately, snipers are not stupid as sometimes there are support team members with assault weapons for anyone who wants to assault a sniper. By throwing a HE grenade at long range, it can seriously injure a sniper and his support crew. If used properly, a pair of team members can eliminate a tight formation of enemies simply by using HE grenades.

In tight corner situations where even peeking out of a box means death, bounce the grenade off of walls or flat objects and be prepare to rush. When the grenade goes off, chances are they will take some damage or die. If neither of these occur, rush in and eliminate the threat. If they are dead, move in and quickly secure the area and move on when safe. Keep in mind that this tactic also works well with flashbangs too. When you bounce it, your chances of blinding you and your allies are slim and that's probably one of the most important aspect of flashbangs... blinding the right people.

At close range, the HE grenade is virtually useless... or is it? It's understandable when others tell you this as it's damage radius affects you too. So, how do you use it? Well, this is probably one of the most nasty tactic but it's their own fault if they fall into it. In most firefights the losing side fall back to seek a ground advantage or to reorganize. While in this process, the offensive team will rush in. The defensive team can plant a surprise along their path which can turn the tide of battle. By running backwards and throwing the grenade to the ground, the opposing team will run right under the grenade. Timing is crucial as they need to be close to take maximum damage. This tactic is particularly useful at doorways and key points where there is no other way to go around the obstacle.

The grenade at $300 is a steal considering what it can do in a battlefield. Just by using it to kill one person gets your money back. However, if it is used to kill more than 1, the money bonus is halved for everyone beyond the first. Money isen't that important beyond the first anyways since we're talking about killing a group by one grenade. Not only is it humiliating and hilarious, it's something that we would all take rather than buying better weapon.

A personal experience would be me and my friend were on the CT side in De_Aztec when we rushed towards the side door for the terrorist side. My friend took the far end while I took the dark balcony. We converged at the door and the terrorists hid there sniping at my squad. Taking heavy fire, I took a grenade and threw it at them. Although seriously injured, they were not dead and refused to pull back. When my friend saw this, he threw his grenade from the 2nd bomb site and BOOM! 4 terrorists died with one grenade.

Oh, by the way, a grenade headshot is a instant kill. As for how to do this, I will leave that to your imagination...

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