The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

The Factor of the Guerrilla Warfare Men (GWM)
By: [C3]FastRex

Afghanistan.jpg (33870 bytes)When I first saw the new Terrorists' guerrilla warfare in the CS Beta 7.1 thought was then to equal the selection between the good and the bad. So far I can really see that he is the only bad guy reveals all his face next to the LK337 krew where he just wears sunglasses. Then there is the reason to it.

As I look through deeper behind the scenes of this 'guerrilla warfare men', they are more likely to be a big mean pests in the real world.

The definition of guerilla warfare is warfare by roving bands of FIGHTERS who TORMENT the ENEMY with AMBUSHES, SUDDEN RAIDS and other SMALL SCALE ATTACKS. Now, why am I emphasizing these few words is just that some people just simply uses the GWM and thought that he's Rambo or somewhat hero of the world...NOT! Their character is more likely the recent Abu Sayyaf activities at Jolo Island in The Philippines.

The GWM may be sometimes well organized, in a small groups of fours or fives. But usually fights in small bands in aggressive way. Their common style are most often operate behind the enemy lines and does hit and run tactics to sabotage to surprise and harass the enemy. This kind of workout usually happens in natural features of the terrain such as forests, hills, lakes and rivers as part of their advantage in a way to conceal and launch their attacks. When they wage upon the cities, such things often called "urban terrorism". As what you all people out there watching the TV's, they usually feature their bombings, kidnappings and other violent kinds of action. the GWM may ranged from ordinary banditry and thefts(pick the guns guys!) to raids by disciplined, well trained forces (Rush! Rush! Rush!).

These guerrillas are called in the urban area as the 'underground', 'the partisans' or the 'resistance fighters'. The GWM tactics are usually used by groups where they take measures in their limited resources against the enemy with vastly superior power and strength. In other means that you all CS players using the GWM character should use more knife slashing instead of wasting around the bullets. But then, guerrillas can be easily wiped out in am open battle especially when they are outnumbered.

The meaning of guerilla means 'little war' in Spanish. This tactic was then perfected by one of Asia's own, Mr. Mao Tze Dong when the world evolved to the modern time of warfare. Mr. Mao did that so for a good cause and yet had bad results where people are being assassinated and attacked. Yet it is still repeated in many countries where they want to overthrow their governments. With that, this adds the fact that they do not cooperate with the government. GWM members are usually comes from a normal civilian background like farmers or laborers who act SECRETLY as guerrillas.

So CS friends, this whole lot factor applies to the game we're playing. Besides that, this shows how a bunch of norms can turn out to be the outrageous maniacs, shooting tons of innocent people around the world.

My last words in this article towards you all is we're playing virtually and rationally.

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