The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

More Than A Bit of Metal With A Pointy End
By Nebula

The knife. When it comes to battle in the interests of valor and chivalry, lets face it, its the only weapon that would even slightly apply to the old battle code. Many dismiss the knife, thinking it useless in any type of dangerous situation. And in many cases, they'd be right! However, with advanced strategies and just a pinch of luck, the knife can be turned from a relatively useless sharp piece of steel into a deadly primary weapon. Let me explain.

Firstly, your not going to just be able to run into a firefight wielding your knife and screaming, as proven over and over again by myself. The knife requires stealth, patience, a good ear and a lot of strategy. If this means camping, then camp! If someone starts to mouth off at you about it, just remember! Your using the weapon that requires the largest amount of skill. Any fool can point and shoot, and most campers simply set up the tent with their MP5 in hand.

kn_ginsu.jpg (17445 bytes)Getting close to an opponent with a knife is the first obstacle you must overcome. Waiting just around a corner may succeed in getting you close to your opponent, but it will also most likely succeed in getting you dead. Find a secluded spot that the enemy should pass without looking behind. When your behind your enemy, its time to be cautious! Most competent players travel in groups and work as a team. However, do not despair, as even when they travel as a team, they nearly always travel as a team looking one way. Before you break cover to tail an opponent, listen! If you can hear multiple footsteps, it is probably wise to keep hidden and wait for the next person to pass. Once your sure, break cover and stay behind your prey's back. If there IS someone else behind you, you'll get shot and your dead. Big deal, better luck next time. If there isn't, thats fantastic, stay on your target's tail. Keep behind him at all times. Your opponent will hear multiple footsteps, but the glory of the knife is that everyone expects gunshots. Therefore, your target is most likely assuming you are a team-mate right now, simply because you haven't shot him yet. Use this advantage, and keep behind him. At some point or another, your target may turn and see you. Dodge if you can, but best guess is your once again dead. Again, keep at it, better luck next round. However, if you can avoid identification behind your target, and reach his back, then things are looking good! The knife, as you know it, has only two modes of attack. Slash, and stab. True, it may have been easier to use it if Gooseman had let you throw it, but for now there two features of the weapon will have to do. kn_dual.jpg (13528 bytes)The slash is a quick attack, however not as deadly as the stab. Both have their advantages over the other, but by combining the two we see a real alchemy, and this is where the knife becomes most useful. You have now reached your opponents back. The knife, like all weapons, does more damage in the back than the front, and more damage in the head than the torso. You can actually "headshot" someone with a knife. One hit knife kills are difficult, yet not impossible. The trick is to jump and stab, while looking straight ahead. Jump, and then just a fraction of a second later, hit "Stab" and this should send your knife straight into your opponent's unsuspecting skull. If this kills, good for you. Leave a spray-paint and move on to another victim. If the target is still breating after the stab, quikcly get in a few slashes before the target can respond. This should finish him off. Laugh evilly at your prowess and run away to trap someone else.

Scout out maps to find perfect hiding spots for knifing and your in buisness! If you can exceed 15 knife kills, good work! My personal record stands at 31 knife kills on a 30 minute match of OilRig. Try and beat it! If you do, I may even knight you.

Happy and plentiful knifing to you!

Nebula is the legend from down under that brought you Counter-Strike Pizza and the more popular

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