The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

Mastering The Steyr Scout
Originally posted in the "sniper's handbook" at csnation

By: [XGs]FireStorm

The Steyr Scout is one of the most overlooked weapon in CS. Many CS players going for the more expensive AWP, which is strong, but takes a chunk out of your salary. I used the scout many times. It is cheap. You can buy that little "bb gun" sniper rifle for under $3000. The thing is, that little bb gun is strong, if you know how to use it.

The first tip is too believe in that weapon. Don't think it is a piece of crap, but a very lethal weapon.

When you buy the scout, run to an area where you can view with your scope the place where most of the battles take place. Once you get there, just be a camping sniper. Crouch down for better aim. I recommend only zooming in once. I don't know about you, but I have a 19" monitor. Once is enough. FOR BETTER AIM, GO TWICE, BUT I DON'T DO IT BECAUSE IT IS TOO DANGEROUS IF AN ENEMY COMES TOO CLOSE.

The scout is a powerful rifle, but not as powerful as the awp. Aim for the chest, head, or feet. One shot, and they are dead. If they are crouching, aim at there belly or head, and they are dead. REMEMBER TO CROUCH WHEN POSSIBLE.

The scout is also very good in a short range battle. This might sound stupid, but I am not kidding. Circle Strafe is very important. When you are face to face with an opponent, strafe side to side, trying to aim anywhere on the body. One shot will stop them, and that will give you enough time for the second and final blow.

Well as you can see, the scout can be hard to use, but if you follow my instructions, aim for head, chest, and feet, you should be fine.

Happy Sniping!!

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