The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

The Eight Rules of Counter-Strike:

The 1st rule of Counter-Strike is you do not stop playing Counter-Strike.

The 2nd rule of Counter-Strike is you DO NOT stop playing Counter-Strike.

The 3rd rule of Counter-Strike is if the C4 explodes/defused, all hostages/VIP's are rescued or a team is eliminated the fight IS over.

The 4th rule of Counter-Strike is only twenty guys to a fight.

The 5th rule of Counter-Strike is one map at a time.

The 6th rule of Counter-Strike is no lagging, no cheating.

The 7th rule of Counter-Strike is fights will go on AS LONG AS the time permits.

The 8th and final rule of Counter-Strike is if this is your first time on Counter-Strike, you HAVE to fight.

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