The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

The C3 Group:
It was a late saturday night when me and my friends was going to throw a going away party at the internet cafe. The universal standard of multiplayer was going to be StarCraft. Out of the hour we booked, that game lasted 10 minutes as the zerg hoard became upon us. Tired and frustrated of such a dishonorable death, we tried out CS Beta 5.2 and the rest is history.

The Calvary Counter-strike Coalition is a Local Area Network clan based in the city of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Originally designed as another gaming clan in Malaysia, the C3 group became more so. The C3 group became a guild of exchanging gaming information, tournament event organization in the area and general camaraderie amongst players.

The Elite [C3] Members Roster:

Bangsta , FastRex , KuRt , RusSouLZ , LordOfTheCheese, Jabatan Kastam , Timing , Tiching , A2J , Architech

The C3 Explosive:
Since the first part of WWII, the armed forces of the United States has been searching for the perfect plastique explosives to be used in demolition work. This search led to the development of the C composition which is just a copy of a British explosive that was adopted early in WWII. Of this group, C-4 being the latest formulation that has been readily adopted by the armed forces. This formulation was preceded by C-3, C-2, and composition C.

Composition-3 explosive is as sensitive to impact as is T.N.T.. Storage at 65 deg. C. for four months at a relative humidity of 95% does not impair its explosive properties. C-3 is 133% as good as an explosive as is T.N.T.. The major drawback of C-3 is its volatility which causes it to lose 1.2% of it's weight although the explosive's detonation properties are not affected. Water does not affect the explosive's performance. When stored at 77 deg. C., considerable extrudation takes place. It will become hard at -29 deg. C. and is hard to detonate at this temperature. While this explosive is not unduly toxic, it should be handled with utmost care as it contains aryl-nitro compounds which are absorbed through the skin. It will reliably take detonation from a #6 blasting cap but the use of a booster is always suggested. This explosive has a great blast effect and was and still is available is standard demolition blocks. It's detonation velocity is approximately 7700 M / sec. C-3 is is very good for demolition of buildings and a good choice for these types of applications.

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