The [C3] Professional Counter-Strike Weapons Site

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why the heck are you telling every tactic your clan use to the world?
A. Because we got tired of killing all 10 newbies every round.

2. I seen you guys at tournaments, you guys suck!
A. Nobody really loses at a tournament... We just got tired of winning.

3. What is with the Yankee accent? This is Malaysia... We suppose to be a British colony.
A. I studied in the US. If thoust can understandth thee... Who cares lah!!

4. How come this site is not in Bahasa Malaysia?
A. Actually, I would love to post this in Malay. Unfortunately I don't know it. (DOH!) E-Mail me if you wanna translate this site!

5. How come there is no flash movies, MP3's or anything.
A. Thanks to our local ISP here, connecting to the net is not free. I'm grateful for the free webspace though.

6. Why is this site inverted? (A.K.A. White words with black background?)
A. To be easier on the eyes after seeing so many white background websites. That and the cool hacker look. TRENDY!!!

7. You know about Pulau Tiga of Survivor, Abu Sayyaf of Jolo and that Discovery Eco-Challenge Race?
A. Yes, Yes and Yes... They all happened here in Sabah, Malaysia!

8. What about the tallest building in the world which is in Malaysia? The Petronas Twin Towers?
A. Do you know about the tallest mountain in all of South East Asia, Mount Kinabalu?

9. My goodness! The articles are horribly written. There are so many grammatical errors! Take this site offline now!!!
A. Yes folks, you heard the man! Learning for FREE IS a crime!

10. OMG!! I fragged so many people with this website! I 0-\/\/-/\/-3-D the server thanx 2 U!!!
A. Cool. Tell the newbies about this site for us and play on playerz!

The tree living and cave dwelling folks of Sabah would like to thank the world for the Atomic Bomb.
Thank God for World Peace through Mutual Armegeddon. (HEY! SARCASM DUDE!)

Certain excerpts are taken from the SAS CS guide and BlackBishop's CS guide.
Counter-Strike Retail Version 1 weapons were taken from CS-Nation.
Background weapon data and photos are taken mainly from Remtek Arms, HKPro, and other sites who wanna sell me guns!
CS weapons guide is written by [C3]Bangsta

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