toy soldier

A Soldier's Christmastoy soldier

toy soldier

toy soldiertoy soldiertoy soldiertoy soldiertoy soldier

Strange faces surround me - I'm so far from my home;
In this land where I'm stationed - feeling oh so alone!realistic tree

I know that my being here's for everyone's good;
fireplaceBut I'd rather spend Christmas with you if I could!

The tree they erected in our tiny mess hall;
Just isn't the same - has no glitter at all!

We'll have Christmas dinner, but no logs on the fire;
No carols being sung by a neighborhood choir!

My buddies and I will get through Christmas the best that we can;
But holidays are hard when you're in a foreign land!

And so now this soldier will say.......simply this

"Peace On Earth To All Men"

That accomplished, we'll have Christmas - together again!

toy soldiertoy soldiertoy soldiertoy soldiertoy soldiertoy soldier

For Oaklie Annie, the families & friends of all our service men & women

Peace and Love To You All

Written 12/21/99

Copyright/1999 - Rita A. Hallenbeck

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