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Achievements 1 - 7

1 - Feats of Skill

a. (Requirement) Play catch with someone ten
     steps away.  Play until you can throw and
Note: This can be done with a water
     balloon or other creative object.

b. (Requirement) Walk a line back and forth.
     Do it sideways, too.  Then walk the edge of
     a board six steps each way.
c. (Requirement) Do a front roll.
d. (Requirement) Do a back roll.


e. (Requirement) Do a falling forward roll.

Do ONE of the following (f, g, h, i, j, or k):
f. See how high you can jump
g. Do the elephant walk, frog leap, and crab walk.
h. Swim as far as you can walk in fifteen steps.
i. Using a basketball or playground ball, do a - baseball pass, chest pass, and bounce
j. Do a frog stand.
k. Run or jog for 10 minutes.  Or jog in place for 5 minutes.

2 - Your Flag

a. (Requirement) Give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of
     America.  Tell what it means.
b. (Requirement) Lead a flag ceremony in your den.
c. (Requirement) Tell how to respect and take care of the flag.  Show three ways to
     display the flag.
d. (Requirement) Learn about the flag of your state or territory and how to display it.
e. (Requirement) With the help of another person, fold the flag.

3 - Keep Your Body Healthy

a. (Requirement) Show that you know and follow the seven rules of health.
b. (Requirement) Tell four ways to stop the spread of colds.
c. (Requirement) Show what to do for a small cut on your finger.

4 - Know Your Home and Community

a. (Requirement) Write down the phone numbers you need to have.  Put them by your
b. (Requirement) Tell what to do if someone comes to the door and wants to come in.
c. (Requirement) Tell what to do if someone calls on the phone.
d. (Requirement) When I leave our home I will...
e. (Requirement) Talk with others in your home about helping.  Agree on the home
     jobs you will do.  Make a list of your jobs.

5 - Tools for Fixing and Building

a. (Requirement) Point out and name eight tools.  Do this at home, or go to a hardware
     store with a grown-up.  Tell what each tool does.
b. (Requirement) Show how to use pliers.
c. (Requirement) Use a screwdriver to drive a screw.
d. (Requirement)Show how to use a hammer.
e. (Requirement) Make a birdhouse, a set of bookends, or something else useful.

6 - Start a Collection

a. (Requirement) Make a collection of anything you like.  Start with ten things.  Put
     them together in a neat way.
b. (Requirement) Show and explain your collection to another person.

7 - Your Living World

a. (Requirement) Land, air, and water can get dirty.  On a sheet of paper, list ways
     this can happen.
b. (Requirement) It takes a lot of energy to make glass, cans, and paper products.
     You can help save energy by collecting these items for use again.  Write the
     name of the recycling center closest to you.  Find out what items you can save
     and send to this center.
c (Requirement) With a grown-up, pick up litter in your neighborhood.  Wear gloves
     to protect your hands against germs and cuts from sharp objects.
d. (Requirement) With a grown-up, find three stories that tell how people are
     protecting our world.  Read and discuss them together.
e. (Requirement) Besides recycling, there are other ways to save energy.  List three
     ways you can save energy, and do them.



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