This is the Legend and Definitions Page! Here you will learn about all the basic and advanced moves found in the game. I encourage everyone player who is new to this game to view this page, because it will help you to understand all of the aspects of the game as well as how to perform those crazy combos that advanced players pull off all the time. As you may already have noticed, all of the character pages have a link that will lead you to this page in case you are confused about anything I talk about. If you're still confused, then feel free to e-mail me and I'll help you out.

Button Configuration

Default Setup:
Square- Jab Punch (JP)
Triangle- Strong Punch (SP)
L1- Fierce Punch (FP)

KICKS X- Short Kick (SK)
O- Forward Kick (FK)
R1- Roundhouse Kick (RK)

L2- x3 Punches
R2- x3 Kicks

This is Capcom's default button configuration. I've got to admit that I really hate this setup, because it really messes me up when I perform combos. So I have my own setup and feel free to use it!

My Button Config:
L1- Jab Punch (JP)
Square- Strong Punch (SP)
Triangle- Fierce Punch (FP)

X- Short Kick (SK)
O- Forward Kick (FK)
R2- Roundhouse Kick (RK)
L2- x3 Punches (3P)
R1- x3 Kicks (3K)

P- Any Punch K- Any Kick

Now this looks much better! I like this setup, because it looks a bit similar to the arcade if you look at it closely. Saturn owners don't have to worry about this since there's a six button controller available.

Motion Legend: Due to the fact that I had to get rid of my arrow images to show special moves and hyper special combos for each character, I have replaced them with text! This should make things simple for both you and me (the editor and manager of my site). Get used to the changed cuz its permanent!

F- Forward (not to be confused with Forward Kick)
B- Back
U- Up
D- Down
QCF- Quarter Circle Forward
QCB- Quarter Circle Back
HCF- Half Circle Forward
HCB- Half Circle Back
DP- Dragon Punch Motion (F, QCF)
RDP- Reverse dragon punch motion (B,QCB)
QCDB- Quarter circle down back
QCDF- Quarter circle down forward


This section covers all of the basic and advanced moves which all characters can perform. In this section you will also learn about the Magic Series Combo System which was originally created by James Chen (unfortunately I have no idea who he is, but oh well). You will also find this combo system in MSH vs. SF, Marvel vs. Capcom and Marvel vs. Capcom 2!

Dashing- F,F/B,B or Direction+3P

The Dash is a very useful move that will help you get closer to your opponent in order to add hits to a combo or to retreat when you have a sense that you're about to get into trouble. Some characters like Chun-Li and Cammy have some pretty cool dashes that can be conbined with a backwards jump which makes it easier for them to escape some close up moves. The dash can also be performed by pressing a directional button and press all three punches or all three punches!

Super Jump- D,U or 3K

The Super Jump is a useful move which allows a character to escape from corner traps, perform air combos or repeated aerieal moves. There's two ways of performing this move, but stick to the first because pressing all three kicks will give you unwanted moves in some situations. Some characters also have a double or triple jump after using the super jump!

Recovery Roll- QCDF+P or K (before landing)

The roll is a very important move to learn and master, because it will save you from taking additional damage or from those OTG combos that master players love to use. Also remember that this move needs to be performed before landing on the ground or else it won't work.

Recovery- F,B + P/K (repeatedly)

After an opponent has beaten you with constant hits, you will eventually become dizzy. To remedy this problem, use the recovery move to make your character recover from dizziness. Be careful though, because most opponents will be quick to attack you while you're dizzy and performing this move will become pointless.

Advancing Guard All 3P While Blocking

The Advancing guard is a move that will have your character push the opponent away while blocking their attack. This also helps to reduce the amount of block damage you take from blocked special moves and hyper combos!

Tech Hit- Any Direction (except up)+P or K

This move is used for escaping ground and air thorws. The moment you see your opponent trying to grab you or throw you, perform this move and you will safely detach yourself from him!

SPECIAL MOVES- Special Motion +P or K (varies by character)

Special moves are the key to all fighting games and you can be sure that you'll find some for each character. Unlike the six normal attacks, special moves require special d-pad motions and they inflict higher damage than normal moves, but the damage it inflicts depends on what button you used to perform it with. One good thing about special oves is that they can be combined with regular attacks (except overhead attacks)to create massive combos. Hyper Special Combos are also considered special moves!


The Hyper Special Combos are enhanced special moves that deliver high damage to an opponent while consuming 1 level of super energy from your Hyper Combo meter. You may cancel your character's special moves into hyper special combos, but you will need additional levels from you hyper combo gauge. Also, each hyper cancel must consist of a different hyper special combo your character has unless he only has one. You may even hyper cancel moves in the air, but it all depends on the character (see Cammy's combos for example!). The 2 characters that can only hyper cancel their hyper special combos into themselves are Gambit and Juggernaut. Gambit is kind of cheap because he can drain most of your life bar with just 3 well timed Royal Flush hyper cancels. But Juggernaut is not too much of a threat since his Juggernaut Headcrush hyper cancelled into itself 3 times does little damage. However, you may not hyper cancel hyper special combos into team supers. You can only do that in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom (both for Play Station).


Variable Counter- QCDF+P/K (while blocking)

You need one level from your hyper combo gauge to perform this move and it must be done while you're blocking your opponent's moves (it doesn't matter which one, but be careful). When you do this move, your main character will pose and your support character will counter for you automatically! You can counter ANY type of moves, but be careful because some last longer than others and you could end up getting hit by the last hits.

Team Super- QCF+P+K of same strength

You need two levels from hyper combo gauge to perform this move, but it can be done anywhere! When you do this move, your main character will start one of his hyper special combos and then your support character will come in and do one of his. This move hurts a lot, and it can be comboed as well! Be careful when picking your teams, because you may end up picking 2 different characters whose team supers do not relate to each other. An example of a good team for a team super would be Cyclops and Ryu, because both of those characters have beam supers and they hurt a lot. You may even pursuit your opponent after certain team super done in the corner, but it all depends on the relationship of the characters in your team (i.e Cammy's Spin Drive Smasher and Ken's Shoryuu Reppa).


The Magic Series is the name for the combo system in Capcom's versus games, and I gotta tell you that is one of the best names I've ever heard! I like this system, because there are different types of combos for each of the characters in X-Men vs. Street Fighter. There are six different types of magic series in the game and a character's comboability is solely based on what type of magic series he/she has. But that's not it, each of the six types of magic series fall under three categories and those are ground chains, aerial chains(jump-ins), and air combos (Aerial Raves). It is important to know what type of magic series your characters have, because it will strongly affect their comboability. Below is are some graphics along with a full description of each of the six types of magic series and some examples of the few variations that can be used.

Zigzag-You can chain all six buttons in a zigzag combo!Below is a graphic along with all of the variations you can use for ground, jump-ins and air combos.

  1. Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce/Roundhouse/Special Move + EX Cancel (optional)/Special Hyper Combo/Team Super
  2. Jab, Short, Strong, Fierce/Roundhouse/Special/Hyper Special Combo/Team Super

Stronger- Three hits can be chained from weakest to strongest. Use the graphic and the list of variations as a guide to help you understand this series a little more.

  1. Jab, Strong, Fierce/Roundhouse
  2. Jab, Forward, Fierce/Roundhouse
  3. Short, Strong, Fierce/Roundhouse
  4. Short, Forward, Fierce/Roundhouse

As you might have already noticed, this chain also exist in a Zigzag chain since you can skip any of the buttons in between. Also,you can substitute the Fierce/Roundhouse with a special move, hyper special combo (with the ex cancels which are optional), and team super.

Weak Start- You may only chain a weak attack into a stronger attack. In other words, you can only chain a jab or short into a strong or forward or fierce or roundhouse, but you cannot do Jab/Short, Strong/Forward, Fierce/Roundhouse. Below is a graphic along with the different variations you can use with this series.

Punch To Kick- In the Punch To Kick series, you may chain any punch to any kick for a max of 2 hits. The Kick to Punch is just the opposite!

Well that's it for the 5 main types of Magic Series! The None Magic Series only applies to Zangief where he can only do a single normal hit into a special move.Now I will explain the 3 categories that these 6 types of magic series will fall into no matter who your character is.


Like I said before the six types of magic series will fall under 3 categories. If you want to become a combo master, well you better learn how these work or else you'll always just have beginners luck. Well anywayz, just learn how these work and then discover some stuff on your own. That's how master players do it anyway right? The three categories are as follows.

Ground- This is where most of the basic combos start from, a ground chain combo. Although you'll get extra hits when you jump in with several hits, you will always have to land on the ground in order to launch an opponent for an air combo or for whatever else. No matter what character you're using he will always have a ground magic series, because all of the characters need it to setup other combos. So you can start combos from the ground and then end them on the ground or in the air with an air combo!

Air- This refers to the type of magic series your character will have for normal jumps and jump-in combo hits. These can be good and bad, it all depends on the characters. Also, this is a very important category to know about, because the amount of hits that you'll get from a jump-in solely depends on the type of magic series your character has for it. You can do the following.

1)Start a jump-in with a single or more hits and then land on the ground and finish the combo there.
2)Stat a jump-in combo, continue on the ground and then launch your opponent for an air combo and finish it there.
3)Just do whatever you want, but I don't advice that unless you're very, very, very good at this game (joking!).

Super Jumping- Another of the most important categories to know about cuz your character's ability to perform an air combo really depends on it. There's a lot to this, but I can't cover it all or else I'll end up clottering this page with text only.But remember, just make sure you always know your character's super jump magic series so that you can pull off those crazy long combos (specially with Strider Hiryu!).

Aerial Rave Launchers- This is the name that Capcom gave to air combo launchers for all of the characters, I just like to refer to them as launchers and you should too. Well anyway, this is the move that will setup an air combo by launching your opponent into the air. You can then super jump by simply pressing up on the d-pad/joystick and starting an air combo. But be careful cuz launchers for each of the characters will be different, and by that I mean that they will send the opponent into the air at different heights and angles. So depending on where you launch your opponent, their launchers will change significantly. For example, if you launch your opponent when you're in the middle of the screen with Wolverine, then they will be launched in an angle cuz both of you are in an open area. If you launch them in the corner, then they will not be launched in an angle because they have to where to move so you can just super jump straight up and start your combo. However, with some characters you must super jump towards your opponent instead of just straight up because some of their normal attacks have short range.There are 3 types of launchers in every single one of these versus games and it is a must that you learn about them.Also, this is the most important type of move in the game because you need it to start those long and crazy combos or else you're gonna have some problems with your offensive game.

Normal Launchers-This is the generic version and every character has one. They knock the opponent into the air at a good height and they serve as great ground and air defense!Most of these are done with the MP/FP or MK/FK buttons and they have a little bit of a recovery time, but they're still good ones. Learn to chain these during combos so that you can add extra hits.

Regular Launchers- Besides the normal kind of launchers, there is the regular launcher.The small launchers like Wolverine's C.MP cannot be followed with a super jump and an air combo because they only launch the opponent into the air slightly, but they really help to setup air launchers like his S.FK! The small launchers good though cuz they lift your opponent into the air there's nothing he/she could do about it in order to recover. You can follow them with special move, super or air launchers. The characters that have small launchers are:


Air Launchers-These are launchers that will only launch your opponent if they are already in the air or they are jumping in on you.So if you try to hit your opponent who is standing firmly on the ground, they will not be launched. You can still super jump, but your opponent will stay on the ground. However, they are great moves because they prevent your opponent from starting their jump-ins as well as some special moves they might have in the air. I don't know any examples yet, but I will find out about some.

AC Finishers- Put simply, these are air combo finishers! It is important that you know your character's ac finishers because they will finish your air combo and prevent your opponent from countering. Not doing one will show that you're just a scrub and you need more practice. I have provided some AC Finishers for each of the characters in their individual sections where their magic series are shown.Examples of AC Finsishers are Ryu's Hadouken, Wolverine's Drill Claw and Cammy's Cannon Drill.You may also use supers as AC Finishers, but make sure that their startup delay is short so that they would end the combo.

Well that's it for my Magic Series Tutorial! But I gotta fill you in some more stuff and that is my Combo Notations. You need to know these in order to be able to read the combos I list for all of the characters in their individual sections. There's many of them so pay attention!


These are the little abbreviations that I will use when I show a combo. You need to know what these mean cuz I will not take a year posting every single detail, I will do that when I explain how the combos work.

Comma (,)- Shows chaining normal attacks
Cancel (XX)- Shows you that you must cancel the current move into a special move.
Super Jump Cancel (/\)- Means that you cancel your current move into a super jump and continue with an air combo. It also means that you double jump after a certain amount of hits for characters who have double jump combos.
Land (\/)- Means that you land after a jump-in and continue your combo on the ground
S- Stands for standing normal attack
C- Stands for crouching normal attack
J- Stands for jumping normal attack
SJ- Stands for super jumping normal attack (air combos)
T- Stands for holding towards on the d-pad/joystick while jumping
DN- Stands for holding down on the d-pad/joystick while jumping
UP- Stands for holding up on the d-pad/joystick while jumping

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