The Gaming Lair

What can you find here?

Whenever you look at games and try to figure out what to buy you will always have the question of "Is this game good? or worth it?" Here at The Gaming Lair, we understand the issue with these questions and well most cridics arent really helpful at times, so others like the people with give honest reviews of games. For now we give the reviews for new games that are new releses within the recent months that have been hard to find. Eventually we will add a section that will allow people to leave their own custom reviews in our website. But for now please enjoy the reviews of the last two months with 3 top selling games.

Monthly reviews on games from critics and others like you

Elden Ring
Metacritic Rewiews

IGN Reviews

Gamestop Reviews

Kirby and the forgotten land
Metacritic Rewiews

IGN Reviews

Gamestop Reviews

Lego Starwars
Metacritic Rewiews

IGN Reviews

Gamestop Reviews

We're currently working on working on being able to post your own custom reviews, please stay tuned for more updates!