Hair horrors...
Roger tries out the Pamela Anderson look...
...while Brian goes for "the Bob Geldof"
Hair that defies gravity...
...and hair that defies words ; )
The words "hedge" and "backwards" spring to mind....someone fetch these poor guys their hairspray!
The evils of excess bleaching...on the left we see the "Bird's custard yellow", on the right...the infamous green hair disaster!
The unthinkable happens and John's hair finally overtakes Brian's in terms of sheer volume
Roger takes the "just got out of bed" look a little too far
If all else fails, accessorise, darlings!
A million illusions shattered here - yes, it's him, yes, it's his hair...(*whimper*...I always assumed Brian emerged from the womb with THAT head of hair!!)
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