Discussion Results

These are answer to some questions we posted on the internet.

-In Act II, scene 1, Ophelia talks of her encounter with Hamlet.  We know Hamlet has an antic disposition throughout the play.  When Ophelia describes the encounter Hamlets gets a hold of her and physically expresses himself to her (i.e. sighing, head down, looking deep into her eyes).  Its almost as if he is trying to tell he something.  Do you believe he is trying to tell of his love for her or that they can never be together?  Or is he just "playing" her along with everyone else?
       1.  As to your question, depends on wether Hamlet is faking                    insanity or not, who is listening in, if anyone..-W.R. Cockerel
       2.  Check out Hamlet's reaction as the funeral procession enters               the graveyard scene.  in my opinion, this is where Hamlet                  really goes ever the edge...forgive me, I don't have a text                   handy, but I'll try at a quote..."I have something in                            me...let thy wiseness fear..."  Could that something in                        Hamlet be insanity, ironically the state he has been trying to               fake??? It is immediately after this scene that the audience                 sees a change in Hamlet's attitude toward death--he's now                  ready to die.                    -Deb
-If Ophelia had told Hamlet of her problems with her dad, do you think he would still be mad at her for breaking up or do you think they wouldn't break up?  Why?  If Hamlet loves Ophelia so much then shouldn't he be more understanding when she returns his gifts or atleast ask why?  Why or why not?
         1.  I don't think Hamlet broke up with her because she has                      been avoiding him.  If he loved her he would have                             confessed his feelings and demand a reason for the break                   up.  Instead, he gets sarcastic about it and tells Ophelia to                   go to a nunnery to avoid losing her chastity.  Hamlet's                        sarcastic remarks has more to do with the fact that his                       mother has married her husbands brother.  Because he feels               so much betrayal from his mother, he feels that Ophelia                     could be like that too.                  -Brittany

-Why does it seem that Polonius is determined to ruin Hamlet's life?  Or is he just trying to help himself?
          1.  Polonius having Ophelia break up with Hamlet was not                     directed at Hamlet.  He was trying to protect his daughter.                  He believes Hamet is using Ophelia and he could never                      marry her because he is supposed to marry royalty.  He                     didn't want her or her family name to be hurt.                                                                        -Ben Dappen

-Is Polonius trying to find the easy solution by blaiming all of Hamlet's problems on his love for Ophelia?  Does he not see all of the other things Hamlet is dealing with?
           1.  Polonius is convinced he is smarter then the others and                      insints on finding simple solutions to complex problems.                     He would rather talk then listen.  He promotes honesty to                  his son and then sends a man to spy on him and lie about                   him.                        -Joe McCarthy
           2.  Polonius is trying to walk a line and keep Claudius happy.                  If Hamlet and Ophelia got together Claudius might think                     Polonius liked it.  Claudius might see that if he died                           Hamlet would be king and Polonius would be royalty.  He                  needs to reasure Cluadius that he is planning a takeover.


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