
    We surveyed 100 people on questions related to Hamlet.

1.  Have you ever had a close family member die?
               Yes-62%             No-38% 

2.  Is there any time
, that you know of, when your parents have spyed on you? (i.e. Asking your friends about what you do, listening to your phone conversations, or going through your room.)
         Always-16%      Sometimes-42%      Never-42%

3.  Has someone ever
truly broken your heart?
                Yes-48%            No-52%

4.  Do you ever think about killing yourself?
     Always-4%    Sometimes-35%    Rarely-24%    Never-29%

5.  Do you ever feel that someone is getting away with murder? (i.e. hiding a secret that effects many, lying to cover their backs)
     Always-19%    Sometimes-35%    Rarely-17%    Never-29%    

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