
Subject:  Insanity
Who was interviewed:  A counselor at a menatl health care center

1.  What symptoms does a person have who would be called insane?
      -Someone who is insane has an improper view of reality-they're dillusional; thay               hear, see, and believe things that aren't there.
2.  What causes insanity?
      -Cases of severe incidences of trajedy in their lives or severe head trauma.
3.  Is it hereditary?
      -In some cases it can be.
4.  Can it be reversed?
      -Depression, schizophrenia, and bi-polar can be controlled but will never go away.
5.  Can medications help with the symptoms?
      -Yes they can, symptoms are only the outside of insanity.
6.  How long would therapy take to start to help the patient to come around?
      -It all depends on how serious the patient is and what medications they're on.
7.  Are there different kinds of insanity and what are they?
      -Yes, there are many different types on insnity.  They are: Schizophrenia, bi-polar,           depression, multiple-personalities, and phobias.
8.  Is it found more in women or men?
      -In women bi-polar and depression are more common.  In men schizophrenia is               more common.
9.  What is the age range when most people go insane?
      -Early twenties is the most common age for different types of insanity.
10. Are there risk factors involved?  What are they?
       -Yes, there are.  Bi-polar can end in suicide.  Schizophrenia causes harm to                     themselves but not others.  All types of insanity have their own risk factors                   sometimes they affect themselves and other times it can affect others.

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