Cloud Dragons

Cloud Dragons: Cloud dragons are solitary creatures, and most encounterd will be with a lone creature. If two are found they will most likely be a mated pair. Cloud dragons are a sky dwelling race. Some will make lairs in cloud shrouded caves but most will have their lairs on floating cloud islands.

It is very hard to distinguish cloud dragons from the clouds around them because they can take on a cohesive gaseous form at will. Will in this form the only attacks the dragons can do are spells. Three times a day the dragon can breathe a blast of wind some 3 ft wide, 3 ft deep, and 20 ft long. Creatures lighter than 1/2 of the dragons weight will be blown around.

Cloud dragons are able to use spells that are weather or wind based. One special spell they have is called Cloudburst. It takes all water from a cloud and compresses it into a mass rain that can extinguish all magical and normal fires.

Cloud dragons look like fringed and frilled gold dragons. Coloration depends on surroundings and mood, ranging from dark gray (angry), pure white (neutral), or golden/rose colored(very pleased).

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