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Meeting with the Venoms Part I
Venoms Convention -> Conversation with Audrey

So the 2 luckiest fans in the world - Audrey and Belinda - actually had the opportinuty to sit down and meet for the first time actusl cast members of the Five Venoms! I wouldn't call them "lucky", because these two fans have put in countless hours so far to try and make this Convention a reality for all of us! The first of many meetings, Audrey shares with me a first - and lasting - impression she got from being in Hong Kong and sitting down face to face with Philip Kwok, Lo Meng and "Johnny" Wang Lu Wei. Enjoy!

VenomsFan: Hey Audrey, how are things?

Audrey: I'm great, but I miss Hong Kong already! Mostly because we had a cold snap here.

VenomsFan: That's good to hear Audrey, that you had a nice trip and all. So was meeting them at all what you expected?

Audrey: It was a bit of a mixup from the start. Things didn't really sort out until our last full day there. That is when we finally met Johnny and it was our second meeting with Lo Meng. They are both alot of fun.

VenomsFan: Yeah, I knew one of your fears would be how they'd react to you.

Audrey: Lo Meng was a bit wary at first and that is understandable but once he felt sure of our sincerity he got right into the whole idea of the convention.

VenomsFan: Great!

Audrey: By the way, best news of all. Lu Feng has been found! And he would very much like to come!!

VenomsFan: Fantastic, maybe he can show me that Golden Blade Technique! I always wanted to know how to do that

Audrey: Yeah, I think I scared poor Lo Meng with my reaction to the news. I was exuberant in my happiness. I hope the bruises on his arm clear up soon.

VenomsFan: Oh wow!!

Audrey: I guess after Chang Cheh's funeral, they all went out to dinner and talked about the event.

VenomsFan: An interesting turn of events indeed. Are they at all aware of their fanbase on the web?

Audrey: Lo Meng doesn't have a computer and doesn't want one. He thinks it would eat into his personal time too much. He could be right. Johnny is checking out some urls I gave him.

VenomsFan: HAHA he is the smart one... Imagine all the email he'd get. That's what us VenomsFan's are for!

Audrey: If you look at the convention site there is a gallery of picured Lo Meng kindly provided us with. [Click here to see them]

VenomsFan: And what's Philip Kwok up to?

Audrey: Philip Kwok is not sure if he can attend the event because his schedule is very heavy for the next year.

VenomsFan: Really?! :-( That's not such good news...

Audrey: Yeah, he has three movies he's working on. (Unfortunately) he will be behind the camera in all three as action choreographer.

VenomsFan: Not to mention the recent martial arts craze in America. alot is to be credited to them and it's time they be noticed for it.

Audrey: AND they're still cute. but more importantly they are genial and friendly and very nice people.

VenomsFan: That IS great to know. Who knows - actors can be different people when you meet them. It's great that they welcomed with open arms your questions.

Audrey: We didn't know what to expect and we were of course in some awe of them from watching them in the movies. Who we met were pleasant funny men who made us feel at ease.

To be continued...

Venoms Sitemap

Featured Films

2 Champions of Shaolin
Avenging Warriors of Shaolin
Chinatown Kid
Crippled Avengers
Five Deadly Venoms
Flag of Iron
Invincible Shaolin
Kid With the Golden Arm
Killer Army
Legend of the Fox
Magnificent Ruffians
Masked Avengers
Ninja in the Deadly Trap
Ten Tigers From Kwangtung

My Tribute to Chiang Sheng

Philip Kwok Interview: Brotherhood of the Wolf

Women of the Venoms Video Tribute

Wang Li: The Sixth Man

Music Samples & the Venoms

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Venoms: Philip Kwok, Chiang Sheng, Sun Chien, Lu Feng and Lo Meng