Meeting Review Page
We meet at the varrok castle, on the top story the ladder by the libraian, remember, the town center of varrok, that castle and the top story, its a huge room.
Nobody freaking came to our meeting last time, now it is manditory, go or be kicked, Plus soon these is going to be a lottery to win a rune large, me and omen will supply large, we will annouce contest later
Last meeting was a victory and a failure that almost split clan in two. It started out normally 5 membersa were on, me, vlad was on phone with me, dragonlordo4, goldeneagle8,moogledude2,  and surfboy, It was great until dragon asked if his girl friend could join clan, the problem, shs lvl 25, the clans founding rule was nobody under lvl 60, this raised a controversay, so we all voted and the anwser was no, but then dragon said that he would quit clan if she couldnt join, so surf backed him up and said if dragon left they would make their own little clan, so after 50 minutes of arguing(no exaggeration) we decided she could join if she gave us a 50k fee and was not an honorary member with no page or position, she said no and the problem was solved she didnt wanna join so dragon didnt quit clan and we were all happy(exept baldy, inside joke)
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