Ok we have our first 10 members...remember its not if u were signed on first if its you logged on and talked to me first.  Sry if you didnt get a webpage.  I am making a new page for the other recruits now.  Remember keep recruiting!!!!!!
Now there is news...  We have several new recruits this month plus the first meeting on the new DARK WARRIORS.  We will have a small drop party. Remember for every new recruit you um recruit, i will pay you 1k in either money or items.  Eventually if this continues we will have hundreds of members.  At this point the original 10 people are the officers of the clan.  We will rule over the hundreds of people in our clan bringing a reign of terror over runescape.  Wuahahahahahahahahahaha.  I mean, we will grow properious and plentiful and become powerful.

Also post on the guestbook what you want your position to be.  Vlad and I are presidents, Dragonlordo Vice-Pres and the rst of you decide later.  We need things like magician, archer, smither, assitant smither, that kind of thing.

Eric Boy of Destiny
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