2010.07.22: A turning point in 8 minutes; transcript of some audio

...to sunflowers on green screen behind, instead of eyes to left...
(8:51 elapsed) [humorous] ..institutionalizing of—of— of Bailouts, being that we’ll have no Bailouts— they— they’ve— they’ve insti— they’ve written down how to Do it now. [uh-eh-uh?,stack slap on desk]
Why do you need twenty-three hundred pages to, to say that you’re no longer re—gonna reward failure?  Shouldn’t we just say, You’re on your Own, Jack!  And we don’t even have to write that one down.
How does this make you feel?  Is it— really, is it sunflowers? —makes you feel better?  It doesn’t make you feel (better).  It’s an illusion.  It’s an illusion.  It’s Pictures, that look like something, but they’re not. —Remember the eyes?  This is an illusion.  This is.. [snaps finger/green screen goes off] Magic.
[thud] There ain’t nothin’ there, Jack.  There nothing there.  What’s behind the screen?  Oh, I don’t know.  I don’t know. [the staff move g-screen]
Luckily for you, it’s the old set.  What’s behind the screen of This Bill?  Uh-oh, Trouble. [something drops]
Continue to ask the questions.  How does punishing lenders for irresponsible lending make it Easier for the everyday —uh—American to Access Cash when they need it?  How does a government, that is FifTeen Digits in debt create an Office of Financial Literacy with a straight face.  How does a government with 75,000 pages of Tax code, that applies to Every individually Successfully work.. with Other regulators, to induce undue regulatory burden—that’s what it says.  We’re gonna reduce it.  This is what they have. —Washington, call me— [canned laugh] Mr. President, call me, if I have this wrong.
What This bill does, as it says, There’s Too many Government regulators and regulations.  SO, to solve It, we’re gonna Add more government regulators and regulations, equals..less regulators and regulations—IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE.  It Doesn’t make any sense.  You Know, I’ve seen this pattern before.

…Beck goes into George Orwell’s (a.k.a. Eric Arthur Blair) Animal Farm, training the captured Winston to think 2+2=5

How can a guy who can’t pay his own taxes,
(11:37 elapsed) has been involved in every step of the financial collapse—Tim Geithner— Head something called, the Financial Stability Oversight Council?  How do we give him the power to seize any financial firm that he finds in danger of default?  Is this a constitutional Republic anymore?  How do we expect him to protect us from the potential threats to the over-financial system?
When we’re constantly being injured by Congress, how can we seriously, Seriously look at a Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, created by Congress.  How can a Bill, that’s just creates a Panel(!) that makes recommendations to an outside Body like the Fed, that they’re not required to follow be taken seriously?  How can this bill be taken seriously when it does absolutely nothing to touch Fannie and Freddie?
’You remember CountryWide?  Yeah, Evil —right?  Making crazy loans to borrowers who couldn’t handle them.  Remember that?  Well, 90% of loans originated by CountryWide were Sold to Fannie Mae, and backed by Jinnie(?) Mae.  If there were no Fannie, Freddie or Jinnie—or any other outdated name you could think of—there’d be no CountryWide.  And likely no Housing crisis, or economic collapse, or weird, shady loans going to Chris Dodd.  And speaking of CountryWide—
How can a bill written by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank possibly solve anything when they were right in there—real important—right in there, with the collapse, at every level in the first place.  Isn’t this a little like... asking Mel Gibson to write your company’s rules on Anger Management and Racial Tolerance?
How can we stand by and accept, as financial regulation — a bill that creates a cottage industry for lawyers by making it Easier for lawyers to Sue!  HOW is this Helping Us!?  How does the Fed, which helped cause the crisis—we can’t open any of their books, get rewarded with More POWER!  How does the Treasury, which helped bail every single person OUT after the crisis, get rewarded with More Power as Well!?  HOW does the SEC, which MISSED, the Credit ratings fiasco, get more power because they Missed it?
How can— How can we be told that there’re no bailouts in this bill when they are throwing a Billion dollars to states to rehabilitate individual houses, or stop crime.  Or, another Billion dollars thrown at people who lose their Jobs in the bill— This is not about a Bailout— Really?!
How does creating a Massive government bureaucracy with the Power to Watch your Bank account, and track Every Credit card account, over your shoulder, help your economic liberty?
[gasp] Oh, two plus two equals five, said Winston.
Big brother is watching your credit card now.  How is charging Billions of dollars in new fees on banks help an industry that has already been devastated.  How do we pass a law that Passes the Buck from LAWmakers to appointed bureaucrats..—you have this?  No longer does Congress oversea these things, appointed bureaucrats decide how the financial regulation is implemented.  None—..None—
Nothing—nothing that I just said— it’s all in this..Bill, but it’s, mm, kind’a hazy.  These new Czars will come in, and they’ll define it.  It takes twenty-three hundred pages just to outline the different groups of people— Who can later come and FIGURE THIS OUT!! [throws stack of pages]
What..is WRONG WITH US, AMERICA!?  WHY are people NOT IN the Streets!
Your Republic.. is Over. [pause, exhale]  And We’re talking about the President Firing someone, and Blaming it on somebody else.  At the Same time we’re talking about Financial responsibility,— this man can’t take responsibility for ANYthing! [pause]
I can’t figure this country out.  .. I apologize.  I said, this morning to my staff, [exhales].. Anger is not the answer. [pause to hold emotions]

America, the America that we grew Up in... is Gone.  The fundamental transformation that we have warning you about, that we have been begging (you/them) to address.
[soft] Through their lies, through there deception, through their Calling of Names, and smearing, Everything on this show— we have Shown you the Facts— MOST of it in their own words...  And yet they Still got away with it.  America, you have no idea what you’re facing.
I’ve been so tired this week. [pause]... [very soft] Some day, we will share things. .. Some day, we will have a tale to tell, but not today.
I’ve been So tired this week, .. and I have to tell you—.. I know you are too.  We have been.. working, very hard. .. The Fight must change.. because I believe they’re in the Final —
I’ve—I’ve talked to enough experts, I’ve talked to people who have studied revolutionaries and— all of this stuff.  I talked to them, I know what they’re— I know what’s coming next.  And it fits; it fits Right in .. with what’s happening with (Shirley) Sherrod.  (The) Next thing they have to do, is take over the media.  That’s what’s next.  Period.  That’s what this Sherrod thing is— is all about.
This government..is gonna Watch your bank account, track every credit card account over your shoulder— how does that help your economic liberty?  How does charging billions of dollars in new fees on the banks help an industry?  Devastating.  We’re passing the buck, from Lawmakers to appointed bureaucrats, over, and over, and over (again).

America,..on Radio, I’ve been diving into a blueprint from the 1960s—we’re gonna Talk about it on TV next week.  There are people In and around this White House.  They’re following Huge parts of this plan Laid out over thirty years ago.  The fundamental transformation of our society comes in two destinct pieces—the first one, is a United Front against Imperialism for a New Democracy, Built on a Joint dictatorship of the Working class and the Poor.  Class warfare, anyone?  The second, developed out of the new Democratic Stage Socialism— remember we’re All socialists now, according to Newsweek magazine.  It might be hard to keep track of the phrase that we’re currently in, but we are doing it here as the Show of record.  By the way, those are not my words describing what’s currently going on, those are the words of William Ayers!

Original AV content, Glenn Beck television program ©2010 FOX News Channel, of News Corp.