The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; accept the aggregate, working facts of the original and multiple sources.  (Do your own research.)

Represent yourself.

Make sure you get out and vote.

Mary Baker Eddy defined God as Infinite Mind; Spirit; Soul; Principle; Life; Truth; Love.  Too bad Christian Science Monitor/Moniter has been taken over by leftists.


Come Jan., patient care: lots of industry and lots of turnovers.

Afghanistan: NATO forces enter Taliban-controlled areas; 5 troops killed.
Yemen: Govt. convoy attacked; 1 dead.
100K Belgians protest in the streets over spending cuts.
Apparent coup fails: violence in Ecuador as its Pres. cuts public sector work.
Pakistan: Musharraf launches new pol. party.
Pakistan bans NATO convoys; U.S.: only 1 supply route shut dn.
U.S. pushes more sanctions against Iran on human rights abuse.
Mitchell, Palestinians meet in West Bank.
N/S Korea talks end w/o progress.
Official: U.S.-China relations “back on track.”
On death row, Damien Echols seeks new trial.
New book reprints prophet Mohammed cartoons.
Jimmy Carter out of hosp. after viral infection kept him there for 2 days.
GDP for Ireland over 1/3 debt due to bail-outs?
Internet virus Zeus wreaks havoc, zaps $3M fm. banks.
House passes bill aimed at Chinese currency.
China launches lunar probe
Postal svc denied rate hike.
BP to pay larger dividend next yr, puts up oil flds as collateral.
AIG to continue paying back U.S. taxpayer cash.
Study: those w/ ADHD, autism, or schizophrenia 2x as likely to have absent/extra chromosomes.
Fisher-Price voluntary recall: millions; possible choking hazard, small parts.
Palin to team up w/ Steele at RNC rallies.
Tom Colburn (R-OK) held up $917M in aid anonymously.
Chambliss staffer removed after anti-gay comment.
W.H. interim: Peter Rouse, involved in everything campaign, to repl. Rahm Emanuel.

Meg Whitman says she did not know immigrant maid she fired is/was illegal, saying the immigrant is being manipulated by pol. forces, Gloria Allred.

Carl Paladino takes after Chris Christie by not taking crap from anyone; accused of being a bum kisser to rival Cuomo, Fred Dicker blamed for photos taken of Paladino’s daughter/wife; Dicker says that the photographer does not work for his New York Post.

Backdoor regulation of all media (including cable), and commentators are falling for it: legis. has passed the House to equalize volume bet. programs and commercials.

Remembering Tony Curtis on LKL...“friend w/ the ladies” Hugh Hefner.
Back To The Future creator may do Timeless.
Michael J. Fox sits down w/ Sanjay Gupta (CNN).
Christopher Nolan to do another Batman.
After 13 yrs, Heidi Klum, 37, to leave Victoria Secret for Project Runway.
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm may be pushed back for playability w/ new Star Wars game.
Snooki pens Jersey Shore life.

Charlie Rose: Brain series is back!  Sponsored by Simons Foundation.  Emotions, and why people do reprehensible things.

Deep Sea Aliens: to what extent are octopi self-aware?  The deep sea chameleon learns from others.

Stan Lee’s Superhumans: a man that endures -4 Gs to +12 Gs in his ethanol-fueled plane (deadly blood pooling, avg. person passes out by 6 Gs); a Moroccan man who has a digestive sys. that rejects non-foods (big colon), can eat just abt. anything—plastic, saw dust, any kind of light bulb; Chi Man can knock people out w/o touching them—power of suggestion at the least is a very powerful thing; 100% Memory Man got all names in a race, became the first to score 100% on a medical memory test, beats the store computer recalling store items.

Designed to change, exploiting or creating the problem

70%: lower taxes; avg. turnout for the last U.S. election was 38%.  So many say that they are on the right track but the country isn’t.  That says, sick of being screwed, but feel powerless.  The Afghan turnout was 95%; putting their lives in danger, the ink doesn’t wash off for days; well-educated and gutsy.
So long as you set yourself right with the truth, nothing can stop you.  It isn’t pro or anti anything—it is you knowing better.

The progressives are trying to recreate 2008, playing defense, calling for youth turnout against the villain, non-progressive stereotypes—and that includes conservative Democrats.  They have been ruining their own credibility w/ the Tea party movement, 9.12 and 8.28, now 10.02.
The press mix fact and opinion till they cannot tell the diff., while the powers take your right to choose, and make it look as if it was your idea.  Using what they demonize...the con is taking shape.
George Soros (no longer donating to Dems.) and Al Gore are about to talk at people at another “conference” where only like-minded people can speak w/o ejection.  Also, the feel-good rally in WI: Russ Feingold, the President...
WSJ Rpt.: McDonald’s will have to drop health insurance coverage for thousands of employees because it will become too expensive under the HC law.  The govt. penalizes the companies and the gullible will blame the companies, the insurers...
The death spiral continues.  Divide and conquer, they will have to go back to agitating once they lose.

B. Obama in front of the support crowd: again, they hope you have amnesia.  Well, of course people can’t remember what never happened.  And now the Pres. is using the word fact to describe the unfactual.

Roll it back: Ed Schultz partially admits that the D’s “should and will take us backward.”  Like F.D.R., do fire chats to talk (down) to the people.  “99er” M.V.-Fields(?) needing help on pol. grounds.
Political insanity tracker: the Christine O’Donnell cover-up of a cover-up...


Oscar® nominated actor, and father of Jamie Lee Curtis, Tony Curtis dies at 85 of cardiac arrest.  Orig. name Bernard, he starred in Spartacus and Some Like It Hot.


Quake hits off Indonesian coast.
Suicide attacker killed in Kurdish region.
Omaha hospital shooting: 2 officers, suspect wounded.
Mexico: 30 drug cartel members arrested.
First Gitmo detainee tried in Fed civ. court.
Judge blocks CA execution.
WH pregnancy aid tied to abortion plans.
Msg. of victim to E. Long: You are a monster.
Immigrant abuse claims hit Whitman’s door step, rocking CA race.
McCain gives $1M to NRSC; like some, declared himself a small business in yore...
Italy: Berusconi wins confidence vote.
Portugal unveils debt relief.
AP on Pelosi’s promise 4 yrs ago: “…most honest, most open, most ethical Congress in history.”

Euro/US$, 1.3628; AU$, 0.9691 (18:36E).
Facebook working on partnering w/ Skype; Facebook video chat capability in mind.
Star Wars to be rereleased in 3-D.
Pinheads & Patriots (Bill O’Reilly) sells 100K in first 2 weeks.
Nintendo 3DS pushed back to March.
Zach Galifianakis out-Galifianakis’d in new pseudo-interview.
Jon Stewart on Dems., after Steny Hoyer: We Came, We Saw, We Su..ck.
FOX’s Lone Star canceled after 2 episodes.

NOVA: Ghost In Your Genes

Chromosomal deletion at #15 linked to rare separate diseases; one of them, obesity, expressed when tested on mice.
DNA is the hardware of the body.  Some epigenetic switches can be switched w/o changing one letter.  Epigenome comparisons: identicality in twins falls w/ interaction, age.  Gene markers in nurtured rats turned on(?); stress levels were lower.  Walter Kaufmann studies the diff. between identical twins; one of one pair is autistic.
Cancer is where genetic tags get misplaced.  Stem cells divide to repair tissues; overworked stem cells show age—more apparent in older organisms.  Pesticides show generational, lasting damage to rats’ sperm.
Nutrition plays a huge role: death fm. diabetes is linked to grandparents living through a famine, harmful or beneficial depending on sex/age.  Mortality is directly linked to the womb—what the mother is exposed to.  Stress alone can be carried down the line.

Must-watch ep. of GBP

The press have gotten good at mixing fact and opinion, blending them together—the real reason why they are failing.  The powerful are hoping, betting on the notion that you can’t tell the difference between the two.
Dinesh D’souza on his book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage; facts today, opinions tomorrow.  Research includes Barack’s two books, Dreams From My Father and Audacity of Hope, and books by anti-colonialists.  Sa’id, Ungers... Dinesh is no natural born citizen; he understands anti-colonialism because he has lived through it in India, fm. father and grandfather.
Soros-funded Story of Stuff lays out the ‘rape and pillage’ stuff that the U.S. is depicted as doing.  Somehow, our stuff came fm. the Third World, so we took it, and when it goes bad, we trash the placeHelp China by giving money to Venezuela—it doesn’t work!  Socialist pipe dreams.

CoastToCoast AM

Guest Richard: concealed for some time, “Goldilocks” planet discovery, of a red dwarf 6-planet sys.—some put probability of life at 100%.  Some UFOs are now identifiable (IFOs).  People are coming out—real, shoot-you-in-the-head shakeups.
Owls seek to cover up; Roosters call for disclosure.
Time of the Messenger: sending up the Orion; 44th Pres.; coded msgs. in NBC’s THE EVENT—the reverse ‘E’ stands for this exists.  A Norway spiral (the real thing happened in Moscow last yr.); 97 foreigner (alien) detainees in a secret AK base.  It’s going to get wild in Nov.
If something sci-fi makes it to TV, then there’s truth in the orig. story.  Richard says, “get my book so you’ll know what to do when it hits the fan.”
Four-dimensional changes underway; chem. trails used to keep appearances.  Climate Modification Program...

There’s a reason why Afghanistan is called the Graveyard Empire—it’s a diverse land that is difficult to navigate in, with a lot of tribal competition.  Once the Soviets were driven out with our help, tribal factions dominated the economic drive, having nothing but opiate trades and the competition of driving us out.
Attempting to eradicate the poppy fields is not as constructive as replacing crops, getting the growers sell for pharmaceutical purposes—far more money to them than what they get now, currently funding violence.
...Why isn’t Osama bin Laden charged or put on the FBI wanted list for the 9/11 attacks?  Trying to pay him off like other terrorists to not attack us again?

On a completely different note, Cindy Shehan has come out as a 9/11 truther...in front of a joyful mass of truthers.

Hate around the stadium

Rutgers stud. Tyler Clementi dies in jumping off a bridge after hidden cam. reveals him having gay sex.
Peewee Patriots game: coach blindsides the other in “adult” brawl.
Man at a game starts another fight, arrested for the 2nd time; neighbors call him an insane nut for death threats.

Passing the torch of press fraud, propaganda

Countdown tactic, like w/ Reaganomics on TRMS... GOP: 1854-2010 due to Tea parties.  Dinesh D’souza’s book should be in the fiction section...because Media Matters is in no way an honest source of info?  Finally, the Beck vilification issue of New York Times mag; 3 mos. for mainly the same junk heard for 3 years.
CNBC’s Rick Santelli created the new Tea parties, ya’ jerks—and the graphics then screwed up.  No one is really manning the station...


Bonnie and Clyde director Arthur Penn dies at 88.  He did many films that moved the bar.

Comedian Greg Giraldo dies at 44 of accidental prescription drug overdose in the hotel he was staying at (in NJ).  The Comedy Central regular was hit hard from divorce, but he endured getting few breaks after all the completion of studies (has a law degree), and made everything fun.


TERROR ALERT: Osama bin Laden plans Mumbai-style attack for U.K., France, Germany, U.S.
Recent plot foiled, new one urged by UBL after ethnic tensions in France, and Germany closes its Hamburg mosque (used in 9/11 plot).

Oaxaca, Mexico: major mudslides; 1K could be trapped, says Gov.
Cuba braces for trop. depression.
San Bruno gas blaze death toll hits 8.
Gov’t official among 6 dead fm. Afghan blast.
Mex. mayor and aide found dead in truck.
Restaurant owner featured in reality show commits suicide.
Sarah Monke, Quentin Tarantino’s editor, found dead.
Eiffel Tower reopens after 2nd bomb threat this mo.
Karzai, family under pressure fm. Taliban, U.S. probes.
Egyptian gets 15 yrs for pop star’s murder?
AZ mayor arrested at his office; accused of taking bribes.
Arrest made in NJ off-campus shooting.
Fingerprint leads to exoneration of a deaf TX inmate.
Woman who splashed acid in face to plead not guilty to theft.
Jimmy Carter hospitalized in Cleveland over “stomachache.”
Promoting collision rates: many cell phones users only avoid being caught.
Spotters w/ binoculars aid drug smugglers cross the border.
Kim Jong Il names son, Kim Jong Eun, as successor.
Hugo Chāvez’ has nuclear ambitions, “peaceful purposes.”
Israelis intercept aid boat (the Jewish one?) to Gaza.
Chile: drill past half-way pt. to miners.
FEMA rejects aid request (fires).
Birth control pill maker adds folate.
Continental debuted food-for-purchase menus.

U. of Texas shooting: Police ID 19-yr-old Colton Tooley as the shooter, firing 5 shots.  Tooley wore a dark hood and ski mask, killed himself in the library w/ his assault rifle.

Bob Woodward on O’Reilly Factor; Obama to Woodward: you have better sources than I do.  Uh-oh, responds Bill.

Solar storms: in 1859, a solar storm knocked out battery-powered telegraph sys. for 10 days; can you imagine having no power, even w/ batteries, for a month?  No computers or phones afterward?  Scientists are baffled that the aurora borealis isn’t showing normally.

Parade: Drew Carey, and his major weight loss (now 185 lbs).  Did you know that he was in the Marine Corp. (1980-6)?

New BlackBerry Playbook to compete w/ Apple iPad; RIM falls 3% after announcement.
Handheld 18MP Cannon camera for <$800; thousands for a big movie cam. w/ same res. 5 yrs ago.
Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam to be out; Halo Reach #4 in Japanese sales.
2,600 words that Google will not auto-search (while typing) include nipples, fun pillows.
104-273, the House sold off the helium reserves; we will eventually run out of He.
Hadron collider breaks protons to produce primordial subatomic particles.  The particles quickly disintegrate, but the scientific process will advance understanding of the universe.

Nature’s God, and Nature’s Law

Obama left by our creator in citing the Declaration of Independence.  Not about religion but keeping powers at bay.  If corrupting forces capture the youth, the country is over; w/ history erased, no accurate memory or experience can live on.  Out of the threats, many global forces outside and in would end our sovereignty w/o a second thought.

Pres. Obama in Rolling Stone: Fox News is one of things destructive to the future of a country w/ a vibrant middle class.

Yes We Can...is the title of a 1981 communist booklet; People over profits.
Published by CPUSA—Did I say too much?

Any accountability?

New Alan Grayson (D-FL/Orlando) ad inverts context: Taliban Dan Webster says his wife should submit to me.  He actually said, when it comes to picking verses, don’t pick the ones that say, uhm, that she should submit to me; pick ones that are right for you.
I expect worse from people like Grayson.

MI Attorney gen. (asst.) Andrew Sorwell is attacking a gay student (Chris A.) on his blog; invited on AC-360, Sorwell goes after Anderson Cooper.  Mike Cox defends Sorwell.  Being a public off., he does not have the same rights.  People have been fired for less.

Intimidation on Colbert Report: Paul Begala, w/ shovel used in prev. burial sequence, says, “take the shovel, and smack John Boehner across the head with it.”

Add new (old) O’Donnell to the TV media list.  Last Word With Laurence O’Donnell premieres; it’s already old, tired, and filled w/ the daily pol. trash.  Even I could not watch for >5 mins at a time, and I watch everything I can...that is, everything that isn’t “reality TV” like Jersey Shore.
O’Donnell gives the guy he subs for (Keith Olbermann) a lot of wisdom time on subjects.  The entertainment portion was under 5 mins: writer for the Christine O’Donnell SNL opener.  And Levi Johnston...
A Ken Burns baseball documentary, w/ K.O. for commentary/hist., will air on PBS.


Only 55% of youth “certain to vote.”

Sou. California record: 113°F.
Overnight vehicle collision; 14 dead, some are children.
FL: 6 dead in apparent murder-suicide.
Segway’s creator dies testing new Cross-Country model...off a cliff.
Wyclef Jean hospitalized over stress.
Much of the Midwest cannot be rebuilt due to heavy-rain flooding.
New offensives, violence expected.
NATO choppers cross Pakistan border chasing insurgents.
UK natl. kidnapped in Afghanistan.
Police protest leads to resignation of Romanian interior minister.
Japan’s PM rejects China’s demand for apology.
Dems. are coming out against Pelosi, “most hated woman in America” (survey).
Chāvez’ party wins most seats in Venez. elections.
Southwest Airlines to buy rival AirTran for $1.4B.
China state authorities looking into injustice allegations piped through companies.
Ford to hire hundreds of new British factory staff.
Some countries ban the use of twitter during sporting games.
DOJ finds significant cheating on FBI exam.
POM Wonderful charged w/ selling snake oil.
WI D.A. to resign.
Pope voices trust in Vatican Bank.
Rpt.: UFOs blamed for dismantling nukes.
Govt. report: you won’t recognize this country in 2025.

Israel says it will only build at slow pace as settlement moratorium expires; State Dept. disappointed in Israel’s restart.
Hamas pol. leader vows fight against Israel.
Now a Jewish flotilla heads for Gaza?

Afghans killed for sport: shocking allegations against some U.S. troops.  Kill this guy, kill this guy.…he wasn’t a threat.  SSG Gibbs bragged abt. killing, seen carrying teeth, parts of leg bones and feet as memorabilia.  Witnesses say Gibbs’ bearing is so threatening, they knew he would have killed them for telling; he beat up a nark (informer).  Names blanked out in CNN-acquired tape.
Australian PM Julia Gil(l)ibrand speaks out on the killings of Afghan civilians.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met w/ the New Black Panther Party over the weekend, got an earful fm. a relative of one of Iran’s state-killed.

Child Svcs Alert: ‘Octomom’ out of money, tries to sell photos w/ her kids.

To US$: Yen, 84.21 (6:15E); AU$, 0.9592 (6:17E); GBP, 1.58 (18:15E).
Another bail-out over the weekend...

Not willing to let their work go to waste

When it came to asking the CIA abt. the program to kill U.S. citizens deemed terrorists (exposed by NYT, rejected by ACLU) at any location, they responded: we can’t search our own records on that.
When power slips, the killers come out; Brennan on American citizens having no due process...
Rpt.: Feds want more ability to eavesdrop on people over internet, want ISP key to decrypt w/o warrant.
Moving past the constitution.  Obama dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan?
John Kerry calls voters gullible—“an electorate that buys into slogans.”

What a joke

Dept. of Education has not helped test scores since its creation in 1979; it adds a tax burden...now also a burden of pushing students to agree w/ environmental policy.  Same stuff, different messenger.
Fmr. SEIU head Andy Stern now part of an Economic Financial Responsibility Commission, let it sink in... taking advantage of the 16-24 unemployment rate at an all-time high fm. 1948.  So now the Pres. is voicing extension of the school year.  (Less power to parents.)

Paid/bribed attendees, socialist groups to show at the 10.2 One Nation Working Together rally include the new SDS, Sojourners (Wallace), Solidarity, Green For All, N.Y. Democratic Socialists For America, United Farm Workers Org., Working Families Party (Rogers), Progress Campus (George Soros), and is mainly funded by Tides Foundation (Soros).  For giant lists of websites, start by going to CPUSA or Young Communist League—hey, another site to lure children.
They are out in the open now.

Coffee Party conference on the weekend (Louisville): no one covered.  350 people, mostly elderly, and a white guy rapping next to a black guy (hey, I just stole your music).


Fmr. Newsweek writer Fareed Zakaria to leave CNN; his departing words: those who oppose the construction of the Park51 Islamic center should look at Hizbollah, an org. that is looking for diversity, cohabitation w/ Jews... quotes fm. the extremist group speak otherwise.

Bill-O and G-Beck top a list of most influential, having larger positives than negatives.  Bill O’Reilly is recognized by most of the country (42% positive).  Rush Limbaugh has a 52% negative.  Only 1/8 trust MS-NBC—a joke, says Juan Williams.

Not So Fast: Marc Lamont-Hill brought his evidence of racism in the Tea parties.  Analysis in the nos. indicate dishonesty in the polling, but Marc’s progressive beliefs trump all.
Not one sign presented says racism to me—dumb provocative stuff like monkey see, monkey do.


Civilization V changes the franchise; map of hexagons instead of squares, policy feature.
Cobalt Neural 4: Wachowski brothers making a ‘what if Bush were killed’ movie.
Rick Sanchez agrees to be ‘tazed’ at 10.30 if Colbert would swap places w/ him for a day.
On Rick’s List, Rescued From Hell: Ingrid Betancourt’s Story.
Paul Begala: ‘stimulus’ prevented a depression.  Pinhead.
Delaware Peach, Bacon Ice Cream...

CoastToCoast AM: New complication in time travel: you age normally!
In order to stabilize the model of everything, scientists set no. of dimensions to 10 fm. 11.
Raymond Frances(?) (Never Be Sick Again, Never Be Fat Again): get L-ascorbate, not D-ascorbate (irritant)—he likely makes the best vitamin C the world.  Iodine deficiency is a cause of thyroid malfunction.  A woman’s 3-decade case of depression was cured in 48 hrs; Raymond figured out that she has a cerebral allergy to gluten.  FDA to storm feds in any moment now...


Wisconsin River evacuated over levee failure.
Berlin bus crash: +12 dead.
Yemen offensive: 5 suspected militants, 2 soldiers dead.
Blast in sou. Afghanistan; 2 NATO officers dead.
2-yr.-old boy shot and killed in New Orleans.
Baghdad’s green zone hit w/ mortars.
Hamas says progress made in talks w/ Fatah.
Rpt.: Fire in China forces airport to close.
Water taxi hits Seattle pier; 5 hurt.
Hyundai recalls nearly 140K Sonatas.
U.K. supermarket chain to sell Viagra.
Gas avg. unchanged nationwide; $2.69/gal.

Computer worm Stuxnet appears in U.S., India, affects new Bashir plant in Iran bef. operation in 2 weeks.  This worm is industrial; it is intended not for theft but physical damage.  Size and scope shows large teamwork, many mos. to develop, silencing error messages et al.


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps tops weekend B.O.
Sunday Housecall: reading glasses w/ LED headlights.
Flight Attendant as plane scrapes flames in hard landing: heads Down, stay Down!
Geraldo mispronounces Pawn Stars as Porn Stars while guest is on.
Daniel Tosh jokes, 2nd season finale of Tosh.O will be a big letdown.
Eddie Long: horrendous things people on TV have said abt. me...I have faced many things, but this one, I am going to fight. [applause]

Sen. Dick Durban does racists/extremists rhetoric.  Sen. Joe Lieberman, unlike Durban, predicts Congress will extend Bush-era tax cuts.


Actress Gloria Stuart dies at 100 of lung cancer at her L.A. home.  Stuart earned an Oscar® nom. for The Invisible Man (1933), and was picked by James Cameron for Titanic after he saw her in the horror film The Old Dark House (1932).


Afghan fighting: +30 militants killed.
Pakistan: drone strike kills 3.
Young woman dies after off-campus shooting in NJ.
Flight fm. Canada to Pakistan grounded in Sweden over explosives tip; none found.
4th man comes forward against pastor Long.
Pentagon destroys thousands of copies of Army officer’s memoirs.
Obama Admin. to dismiss al-Awlaki lawsuit.
Best Sept. for DJI since 1939?  Bigger highs and lows...
Spacecraft carrying 2 Rus., 1 Amer. lands in Kazakhstan.
‘Phoenix’ rescue capsule arrives ahead of sched. for Chilean miners.

New details in CT home invasion trial: suspects Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky exchanged text messages, then poured gas onto the children bef. torching them.


Ralph Vicinanza dies at 60 in Old Brookville, NY.  He was a close friend and literary agent to EW columnist Stephen King.


Typhoon in China: death toll rises.
Caracas floods: 7 dead.
Flooding displaces +2M in Nigeria.
Floods ruin MN, damage SD; floating cars, destroyed homes, home games canceled.
Latest cartel/pol. killing: Monterrey (Mexico) mayor.
U.N. slams security forces for mass rapes in Congo.
Fire at KY mfg. plant injures 4.
ISAF releases 2 journalists captured this wk.
Violating 1998 peace accord, IRA threatens violence in England(?).
Surgery sched. to fix Bret Michael’s heart.
Cuba will let people work for themselves.
22% of pvt mortgage mods re-default.
Judge orders to reinstate lesbian Air Force nurse.
Politician who omitted slavery in Confederacy Day renames, Civil War In Virginia Day.
Citi CEO to get raise on $1 salary.
Fake earthquake disaster drill tests Facebook, twitter.
Comedian Bob Marley beat the Guinness World Record, longest stand-up act: 40 hrs!

Similar to an ep. of Medium: proxy bank robbery, “explosive vest”; police see that the actual robbers got away.

Pakistan protesters tried to break into the U.S. embassy, turning heads of the country’s gov’t, now looking to pol. pressure; the reason: Aafia Siddiqui, a terror suspect that carried sodium cyanide.

Hud’s: problematic and (obsolete) on ACORN Housing Corp.’s bus. accounting; the Co. has been asked to pay back the money it owes to taxpayers, then go into standby mode.

Ahmadinejad plays games w/ Fox News, first canceling interview w/ Shepard Smith (morning), then after calls the available interviewer Eric Shaun a U.S. govt. operative.

Testimony for NBPP case... Christopher Coates, who worked at ACLU: voting rights, policy since Bush Admin. does not protect whites.

Stephen Colbert, invited to Congress by a Dem. who takes illegal immigration lightly, gets booted by John Conyers.  Too many immigrant farm workers are really indentured servants.

Obama Admin. has no definition for “green jobs” but says 200K have been “created.”  People asked... a reporter position is an example?


CNN’s “Visionary” Klein, the one that picked Rick Sanchez, is out; replaced w/ HLN’s Ken Jautz.  Jeff Zucker pushed out of NBC-Universal for Comcast deal.

Colbert to Sanchez: Come to the rally, let me taze you.

Real Time guests: Andrew Breitbart, Amy Holmes, Seth MacFarlane (there was also a Politically Incorrect sketch of Lois’ voice actor (Alex Borstein) playing Christine O’Donnell), Ann Duryan (shows some concerning climate change beliefs—people who disagree are lying for the oil companies).


Blast kills a police officer in Baghdad.
India braces for protests; bans mass text messaging.
6 arrested in England on hate charges.
‘Mono Joy’(?) killed in combat.
Russia opens route to Arctic.
Nationwide protests in France.
FDA tightly restricts use of diabetes drug Avandia.
Obama to sign $42B “jobs” bill Mon.; it passed the House.
Obama urges peace in Middle East.
Offensive,…inexcusable Ahmadinejad at U.N.: U.S. behind 9/11 attacks to save Israel.
Socialists are trying to recruit frustrated Democrats.

Virginia’s Teresa Lewis, the woman w/ an I.Q. of 72, was executed by lethal injection; her defense: she had a borderline I.Q., therefore easily manipulated.

Judge orders competency test for IL man, arrested Wed. after saying he had explosives in his belt, threatening to ignite a war bet. Muslims and Christians.

One of the most sophisticated s/w cracked, paying certain officials in Europe thousands of Euros/mo. years after term.

HANG SENG: 22,047; Pound/US$: 1.57; Yen, 84.4; Euro, 1.3328 (18:25E).
Blockbuster officially files for bankruptcy.
Facebook capacity down; only ~1/3 getting to the site?
Duh: NBC networks got most interviews w/ Pres. (22), CNN (8) and FNC (4) last on list.
Near silence fm. W.H. on Woodward book that gives sensitive info.
NBC networks to do Waiting For Superman event on Sept 26.
Forbes 400 wealthiest: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg surpasses Steve Jobs, Bill Gates tops, 15th yr. in a row, at $54B.  Zuckerberg donates $100M to Newark schools in NJ.

Comments in Harvard become anti-military and pro-illegal immigrant, against Scott Brown; giving a legal DE student the boot for lying, but a free pass to the illegal one.

House Minority Whip James Clyburn calls Pledge For America, a plague on America.
On an unrelated note, no apologies fm. a OH Dem. for dropping the F-bomb.

Ijaz Butt(?!) offers apology for cricket match-fixing.


Sesame Street edits out Katie Perry; a YouTube video deemed too provocative.
R. Sanchez promoted S. Colbert via we’re not going to talk abt. the other guy.
Indie games: 2-D-animated violent Shank; family-friendly Plants vs. Zombies.

Stan Lee’s Superhumans: Anti-Venom (U.S. Midwest), a man that has gained such an immunity that an overkill amt. of black mamba venom only causes swelling at injection site; Gary Turner (U.K.) is Rubber Band Man, has a rare genetic trait that allows his skin to stretch multiple times avg.; Super Sword Swollower starts w/ 1,500°F, then triumphs at 7 swords—nearly died the prev. time; man who can fly w/ a small machine he developed, steering w/ his body.

Sergio on InfoMania, the show that remains in std. def. and covers Fart apps instead of the fall TV line-up, takes on Glee’s misuse of songs.

Polarized siding of Creationism/Darwinism on CoastToCoast AM: Example of the long-necked giraffe, blood flow to the head—how it’s able to life and move quickly.  Science is the process of observe, theorize, predict, and test.  You can’t observe what happened millions of years ago.
2-1-1 will be the phone no. for crisis help.  Radiation cloud measures: immediately remove clothes, wash thoroughly w/ cold shower (cold to prevent blood from ionizing).

Book—“politicians keep feeding us candy”

Lords Of Finance.  Once you’re in the Weimar forest (point of no return), there are no nice options left.  Don’t print more money.  Hitler got into power over the panic.  Lead the people out with principles.


ISAF svc member killed in Afghan bombing.
Talks in Moscow: Efforts to prevent Arctic fm. becoming next mineral battlefield.
Russia prohibiting weapons sales to Iran.
Palestinians riot after guard kills man.
Police: gunman who killed 3 in Indonesia tied to militants.
Afghan Sat. parl. elections: 2.5K write-in complaints of irregularities, fraud.
UN to spend $40B in aid relief: extreme conditions women/children face, especially in Uganda.
CBI predicted: UK’s economic progress slower than expected.
Vatican Bank probe marks first time it has been blocked.
NYC: 3-man helicopter makes emergency landing.
Hood ornament problem leads to Bentley recall.
Similac baby formula powder recall for U.S., Guam, Caribbean(?); insect contamination.
Senate to vote on campaign ad spending.
Detective, CT home invasion trial: suspects showed no emotions.
3rd man comes forward against Eddie Long.
Cabbie stabbing suspect pleads not guilty.
11-yr.-old sitter charged w/ homicide.
New details abt. Titanic: did not wait for help; moved forward, broke up.

USDA safety?  Partisan bickering.
Photos of bad egg farms: flies/maggots, dead chickens, manure overflowing a garage.
DeCoster(?) faces Capitol Hill questioning... he gave the it’s complicated, and refused to give any concrete answers.

Donald Trump on China: they’re getting away with murder.  On OPEC, artificial pricing: we’ve protected them for years.

Heckled by people w/ signs on AIDS aid, Obama (More Pitchman than Pres.) says the Admin. has increased it; what’s with the signs, the GOP will drop it, even though the Bush Admin. (2001-9) about tripled it.

GOP unveils “Pledge To America,” a new...rehash.  No say on pet projects...1994 again.
Murkowski retains Senate committee spot.
Sources: W.H. advisor Rahm Emanuel to leave as early as Oct.
Charlie Crist (I-FL) announces appeals court’s decision ruling gay adoption plan unconstitutional after lower court ruled the same.

Household wealth is falling, not just income.  Deflation: household avg. income lost $1.5T, stocks $2T.
The gov’t is conducting ENRON-style accounting, but marketing on emptiness.  ENRON did actual substance—water, not puffs of air (CO2).
Collapse this sys. into another.  And, of course, they don’t care what you think.
The older FDA was called Pure Food and Drug; 1904: after Coca-cola removed the cocaine, PFD went after them for cocaine, and then for false advertising because Coca was still in the name.  This time, it’s things like healthy food items fm. Center For American Progress (George Soros).  Obama: the debate is over for the HC law; tells churches to back it.

Edward Bernais: make it seem like your target came up with the idea.
With the HC “reform” law now 6 mos. old, a “benefit” enacted: children must be covered until 26.  Make health insurers unprofitable.

Clinton Global Initiative: Redistribution Of Wealth On Global Scale

Cook stoves paid w/ taxpayer money ($50M+ to Africa), heads of state, CEOs and the Clintons.  Clean global standards (unlike charcoal stoves)...while we suck.  Long-time for climate change, first time about global wealth redistribution.  $100B+ investment for JPMorgan, $6 cook stoves—less money than carbon credit (scam).  GS, Merill Lynch, Land Rover, Barclays, Citigroup.  Four tons of carbon dioxide removed...as if this can work.
The common theme: screw you.  Regular CEOs know, but globalists like George Soros will lie through their teeth.  For full advantage, the elites say “the world is unsustainable.”
To CBS’s Couric, Companies sitting on cash uttered by Clinton.  “It took eight years to dig this hole.”  Wow.  Jimmy Carter has some better qualities than the 42nd President.


Apple and Microsoft agree on one thing: Blu-Ray is obsolete.  And Yahoo! is practically a subsidiary of Microsoft.

Google G-mail app to update automatically for Android systems instead of on every OS update.

Casio $1K LED-laser projector does 2K lumens—brightest for its kind; scored 4/5 (AOTS).


Bioshock Infinite gameplay demo, several mins. long.
LOTRO.com — play Lord of the Rings On-line for free?
CPP to release Eve Online expansion pack Incursion in Nov.
Live performance filmers don’t like the use of phones to record (low-quality) video.
Steve Tyler and Jennifer Lopez unveiled as new judges beside Randy Jackson on American Idol.

“Beliebers”: insane Justin Bieber fans— fanatics seen on YouTube.

Mispellings: 15 Good Things About Our Pubic Schools, also Tennessee Hihgway.

Christmas With A Capital C is a straight-to-DVD Christian movie (made outside Hollywood), co-stars Daniel Baldwin as “the atheist.”

Ed Schultz: the last time I checked, we’re still a democracy.  No, and we should never be one.  A democracy risks a dictatorship.  A republic offers large, localized representation—more people, less oligarchy.


Obama’s Wars by Bob Woodward: bitter disagreements on war strategy; Hamid Karzai is said to be bipolar, has manic depressive episodes, “off his meds.”  Book contents apparently include transcripts.


Singer and 1950’s pop star Eddie Fisher dies at 82 due to complications from hip surgery.  Fisher, responsible for songs like Thinking of You, performed w/ Liz Taylor; with Debbie Reynolds, Fisher is the father of Todd, actress Carrie (Star Wars)—his self-titled NBC show was canceled amid scandal of seeing other women during separation; w/ Connie Stevens, father of actresses Joely and Tricia Leigh Fisher.  Never fond of his wives... he only married Stevens because he inadvertently impregnated her.


Demand dropping.

Pakistan: 5 killed in drone strikes; 28 feared dead in bus crash.
After flooding, Pakistanis struggle to live off livestock.
9 U.S. svc members killed in helicopter crash.
U.S. Muslim cleric said to be hiding in Shabwah, Yemen; raid conducted.
Man pleads guilty in NJ schoolyard shooting case.
Vatican Bank faces money laundering probe..
Ahmadinejad @ U.N.: capitalism faces defeat.
DADT repeal fails as part of including it into defense bill.
Somalian PM resigns.
Study: flu shot may reduce heart attack risk?
Woman splashed acid in face...to save her skin?  She has been charged w/ theft.
Poverty rate, fm. 1/9 to 1/7—a 3 point difference.
Abbott Laboratories to cut 3K jobs.
Larry Summers leaves the Admin.’s economic team.
Onto another loophole for insurance Cos., such as Cigna, to kick kids to the curb.

Lawsuit accuses GA pastor/bishop/millionaire/body builder/Bentley owner Eddie L. Long of oral sodomy.  Anthony is one of two victims coming forward.  The only thing the lawyers can say in terms of legality is that the children were 16 (of age).  Long is a guy that attacks homosexuality.

$5M for 8 officials.  2x: $784,637—CA’s top cop.
8 CA officials arrested on fraud charges, on excess of vacation days, selling them back; the D.A. calls this “corruption on steroids.”
Police chief that was paid $450K not arrested.

Toy guns, etcetera: South Portland, Maine looking to ban non-lethal weapons...
Grafton(?) looking to ban sexting?

Sony to issue update so the PS3 can play 3-D movies.
For the first time, PC games have been purchased more over the internet than in stores.
Bryan Cranston to host SNL a couple of shows from now (Oct).
Only one ep. in for Boardwalk Empire and HBO has already greenlit another season.
Because the first word of $#*! My Dad Says has non-alpha-numeric characters, you can’t enter the Will Shatner-starring show title for searches w/ current TiVo software.

MouseOver hackery

A 17-yr-old Australian thought it’d be cool to write, test out a worm script on his twitter page.  Run when the mouse cursor is over an element (not when clicking it), the onmouseover worm spread, loading malicious sites, porn sites...

Did you know that with the GeoTagging feature on in smartphones, the GPS location is stored in photos taken?

Only the beginning of a dangerous ride

Well, the federal reserve has been given police powers.
Progressives aren’t worried abt. changes fm. the elections because the infrastructures are in place (Apollo Alliance) to “help the party.”  UAW, UFT, SEUI...

Instead of dealing with the BP spill, leave it to the globalists and cross your fingers: every well not used for 5 years must be shut dn.  That’s 3,500, and the employment lost in that.  And then there’s redistribution of wealth on the global scale.
The gov’t tries to increase demand, sending money out of the country for “ecological equality.”  H.R. 2454 alone sends over $1.5B overseas...loaned $2B to Brazil, $2B to Mexico.  Foreign investments, drilling—it doesn’t even help the environment.  Send money to Brazil to improve quality of rain forests through the scam of carbon credits.
We make 30x that of the Chinese worker, but don’t you worry, the unions will take care of that.

Running out of places where you won’t have to show your papers

The excuse: security reasons.  Can’t grow plants in certain areas of Georgia... there is an actual “papers please” law in Florida... can’t go to certain national parks w/o identification papers... banning salt, for crying out loud!  A student got detention for eating one, single Jolly Rancher... pet store ban... possible mandatory breast feeding...
Homeland Security puts in place the least secure kinds of RFID—and the same already being done for clothes, driver’s licenses.  Anyone w/ the technology can hack into these things.  Less common sense, less privacy...because the pushback against it has not been fully realized/materialized.
To those who “say so what”: Is your freedom that cheap?
Hackers have the ability to turn the computer’s mic and camera on.

Cass Sunstein’s definition of ‘conspiracy theory’: anything critical of government, even if said theories turn out to be true.

John Holdren’s de-development and a list that is too long for me to remember.  To a CNS reporter on how to implement global redistribution: through the free market economy.
Speaking of people in the White House thinking this is the solution...

Who doesn’t regret the ’80s...

On Hannity for the final talks w/ national media prior to elections.  O’Donnell claims that she set herself back financially to help someone, then paid back her debts, “no truth to misappropriations claims.”  And Biden is involved in Delaware...

Delaware Sen. Chris Coons rose property taxes “to pay off a federal mess that came before him,” but claims he’s not a Marxist.  In a student paper column Coons wrote, he joked about being “the bearded Marxist,” after it was passed around for him being a Democrat...also writing compelling things about disbelieving the free market system.  I haven’t seen him with a beard though.  Reid calls Coons my pet.

Barack Obama: “you can’t go to Vegas on the taxpayer’s dime.”  Well, 140 Census workers did just that.
Some dumb Dems. think Stewart/Colbert rallies will hurt midterm chances.
Harry Reid calls Gillibrand hottest member of Senate...after a list came up.
Jaywalking: the number of people who can name cast members of Jersey Shore over those that can name faces on Mt. Rushmore.

This is the line in the sand.
Mr. Ed treats his viewers, tired Obama supporters like dirt.  Are you going to quit like Sarah Palin quit.  P. Caucus liar Keith Ellison (D-MN)...  And with people like Mike Papanpio(?), I cannot keep of track all of the lies in just one segment alone!
Loaded poll question for The Ed Show: Are the GOP and righty talkers destroying the American dream?
The New McCarthyism on Hardball to describe something that isn’t McCarthyism w/ help of John Hellemann.


Highest turnout was in 1960.

Utah evacuees may return home shortly; wildfire(s) contained?
Allen: BP well dead; oil still in Gulf.
India: 20 dead, 30 injured in train collision.
Kashmir efforts to cap violence: main separatist leaders meet w/ Indian MPs.
Inmates take several wardens hostage in a Lebanese prison.
Official: Mex. journalist killed Thu not killed for line of work.
Ft. Bliss, names undisclosed: man fires into convenience store; El Paso officers shoot suspect.
Elias Abuelazam charged w/ murder and attempted murder for stabbings.
FBI arrest man who saying he had bomb in backpack?
Parent of child killed in Lockerbie bombing to meet bomber.
Venezuela deports 2 drug suspects to U.S.
Missing sect members found after fears of suicide pact.
Commuter svc being restored after a bridge fire; cause of fire unknown.
W.H. denies plans for anti-Tea party ad campaign.
Some Republicans continue to attack O’Donnell.
Retailers to boost holiday temp jobs.
GM turns to electric car, eyes the Volt.
1/6: Pct of crashes linked to distracted driving persists despite awareness campaigns.
Only 2% of the rubble in Haiti fm. the devastating Jan. quake has been cleared.

Israel’s settlement freeze set to end 9.26 while Iran steps up Middle East warmongering (wipe Israel off the map).

N. Carolina: Cops arrest a sex offender suspected for the rape and murder of the police chief’s daughter, Valerie Hamilton.

Non-partisan research/stat. org.: the recession ended June 2009.  The underemployment nos. beg to differ (16-18%); recession if +12.5%.
New financial sys. outside the expenses budget; not part of the fed so you can’t look at any of the books now.
No sandcastles: you now need a permit for at least one FL beach.
What you can or can’t use... Gov’t mandates on appliances?
A school banning chocolate milk...

FDA considering whether genetically-modified salmon is safe.  Does anybody appreciate the seriousness anymore?  Nothing genetically-modified should be regarded as edible.

El Diario submits to cartels.
Peace agreement for 2 journalists killed in 2 yrs: tell us what is or isn’t okay to cover.

France’s First Lady talks to CNN abt. UN aid, and an unauthorized biography that has her commenting abt. our First Lady.

“I’m tired of supporting you.”

Obama at “Economic Recovery Town Hall” in Washington, D.C. to try and get his mojo— I mean, poll nos. back after attending church to combat polls reflecting a falsehood... and VP Joe Biden heads to Ohio...for poll nos. as well.
Supporters are not happy.  Velma Hart, of AmVets, is “exhausted in defending” the Admin.  Jon Stewart calls her Obama’s kryptonite—she’s even stayed away from owning credit cards.
The President will head at least one DNC fundraiser.

House Repubs. to unveil their “way out”...


Gavin Newsom: “It’s not wrong to criticize parts of the stimulus, stimulating job growth in the public sector but not in the private sector.  I’m not proud, as a Democrat, to say it, but it’s true.”

Worth up to $60B, the Obama Administration seeking to sell hundreds of aircraft to Saudi Arabia would be the biggest arms deal ever for the U.S.

Fmr. Iranian Pres. Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani urges current clerics of Iran to take sanctions seriously.

I don’t want to hear another apology. — Margaret Kennedy, Minister and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors group on Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the U.K.

Robes For Women: Against Vatican resistance, the movement to ordain female priests gathers steam.  In July, the Vatican branded the female ordination a delictum gravius (grave crime)—the same label it branded for pedophilia...

Authors, Artists, “Artists”

OK GO does the impossib—no, the difficult; dogs in sync for White Knuckles.
Rumsfeld said to ‘pull no punches’ in new book.
Israel buys @israel fm. Israel Meléndez, Spanish owner of a porn site.
Ellen, Tyra “top” list of highest-earning women in prime time.
Arrest warrant for Lindsay Lohan issued after she failed a drug test.
Randy and Evi Quaid arrested.
Ricki Lake loses rental home to fire.

WCSH: Lady GaGa visits Maine to rally against Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell.  She was last, in suit and tie.

“Symbolic of creation and destruction,”: some guy uses screens to make “Rome is burning” literal.

Jimmy Carter on LKL, promoting White House Diary: Tea parties not racist, but for leadership, maybe; if it wasn’t for anti-establishment movements like this, I wouldn’t have been elected.  Carter declares his superiority as fmr. President, later saying that his comment was about superiority in charitable giving.

Rick’s List in #primetime will be moved/replaced...with Parker & Spitzer on Oct 4.

TIME/Joe Klein on Tea parties, again (ignorance): all anger, no solutions; Joe Klein: vanity.  Michael Sherer: only paying attention, somewhat, considers O’Donnell’s usage of When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty an error.  Yeah, don’t believe in or look up to anything...$2.99 a pop.

Actual definition of Paranoia (n.): A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution and/or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.  It starts with failure, is promoted with the persistence of insecurity without humor, and continues with the denial of failure.


Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

Taiwan braces for Typhoon Fanapi.
Rpt: floods in northern India leave 19 dead.
100 officers: 2 shot in TX standoff.
Church van transporting 14 crashes in NY; 6 dead.
HS qb collapses, dies after throwing touchdown.
Mexican journalist shot on Thu may not have been the target.
First time in 100 yrs: woman to be executed in VA for double-homicide.
Chechen separatist leader freed in Poland.
Admin. resumes aid to Lebanese military.
New aid convoy heads for Gaza.
Iranian Pres. talks to Syrian ally bef. heading to U.S. for U.N. assy.
British police launch murder probe into Pakistani politician’s death.
Toyota reaches settlement w/ families after fatal crash.
WI D.A. not stepping down after texting woman in case.
Obama announces rpt. to bolster exports.
Values Voters (Social C’s) straw poll: Pence (24%), Huckabee, Romney, Gingrich, Palin.

Eye of hurricane Igor passes Bermuda, generating deadly rip tides, elevating coastal waters, knocking out power to thousands, packing a sustained and wide punch of 75+ MPH winds.
Igor spans nearly 700 mi. across.

Police and drug cartels step up tactics in war on drugs.
Police say armed gunmen held/holding up 9 Mex. lawmakers.

Kabul: Afghans head to polls despite violence and fraud; 4.5M ballots cast for parliament; U.S. base attacked.
Interior minister felt one of 33 mines; 27 killed, 22 injured, 26 Taliban arrested.

Whistles and flags: Tens of thousands protest nuclear energy in Ger.; Merkel canceled 17 closings, extending life of plants by 12 yrs.

Alaska: Lisa Murkowski doing a write-in campaign (confirmed yesterday), breaking her promise; insane crowd applause for her announcement.  More extremism rhetoric (spinning Joe Miller’s positions), solidifying a progressive problem in the Republican party.
Miller (R) v. Murkowski (R) v. McAdams (D).

Sarah Shourd heading home; Ahmadinejad wants 8 U.S.-held Iranians, at least two of them were caught looking for nuke tech. docs. (call three hikers spies, deny existence of state espionage). 
Iranian authorities have extended the sentence of the other two hikers by mos.—her husband, Bauer, and Pattal are both 28.  In Iranian jail for over 400 days, she didn’t even get a mattress.

I was like, Dude, you have no Koran.  And I ran off. — Amarillo’s Jacob Isom, after snatching the Islamic book of sacred texts fm. the leader of a radical Christian group planning to burn it in protest.

Dictatorial Sri Lanka

New constitutional ammendment in Sri Lanka repeals term limits for the Pres.; hard-liner Mahinda Rajapaksa will also be allowed to appt. officials to key posts in the judiciary and election commission.

Anti-Japanese sentiment in China highest in years

Tensions over long-standing maritime disputes flare: Beijing’s cancellation of meeting(s), and protests; some violence occurred in 2005 protests.  All crew members of a Chinese fishing vessel were released on 9.13.

Studies, Numbers

Nearly 29K for 2008-9: For the first time, women got more doctoral degrees than men.
21.8M aged 12+: illicit marijuana use up for 2009; however, cocaine use is down.
Type-D personality: depression; triples chances of disease.
More nicotine: smokeless tobacco products actually promote disease, addiction.
Thinner air (living at higher elevations) exacerbates mood disorders.
Observational: less than 7/9 men wash their hands after using restroom; only 16 pts higher for women.

Who claims what in Mexico

Los Zetas cartel claim East; La Familia Michoacana claim the SW; New Federation (Gulf Cartel) claims northeastern edge; Beltran Leyva org. claim W. edge; Arellano Felix org. claim top NW, Carillo Fuentes org. claims E. of N. Mexico; Sinaloa cartel claims much of everything else not eastbound, with exception to the south-most.

Movies, TV, Radio

Devil actually makes for a good B movie; simple, not overplayed.
Senior secy. character on Mad Men suddenly dies.
Us: “Snooki” charges $20K per red carpet walk.
Caught on video: a toddler crawls into a busy roadway; trucker blocks traffic to help.
Don Lemmon and sleaze-b—I mean, John Avlon (repeats verbatim).  Don: O’Donnell says she isn’t a wingnut, but then you see her admitting to...

CoastToCoast AM, broadcast from the haunted Queen Mary, with a live audience.  George Noory: we reject so many companies on this program; of one accepted, Bob Crane unveils the new CC Radio, getting a clear signal fm. within the ship’s protected cage.
You have to be serious when conducting séances, interacting with the dead; otherwise, they may follow you.
Spirit activity when energy is released; earthquakes can set them off.  Rubbing granite, even w/ train tremors—a piezoelectric effect.
Next: haunted brothels; GhostPublishingCo.com.

Toxic Reverend into Sunday: microplasms, toxic chemicals that are in, to some degree, foods that people eat.  Get a filtered showerhead for chlorinated tap.
Traces of +80 chemicals in drinking water: plastics, toxins, carcinogens, and even feminine products (boys grow breasts)—and that’s not counting lead.  Arsenic (As), Germanium (Ge), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and uranium (U)—the last two are radioactive.  Dumping grounds, hot spots in the country...
Combinations, interactions—posted listings—their website was taken down...  The guy who covered up Gulf war and asbestos illnesses was put in charge by the Admin. for the BP oil spill.
One caller says that people are out to kill her, but “naturally”—has reactions to purchased supplements...faxed to TDS/CR?
The diabetes link, and macular degeneration.  Like me, this guest is going blind.


Screenwriter/producer Irving Ravetch dies at 89 on Sun.  With wife Harriet Frank, Jr., co-wrote Oscar® nominated scripts for Hud (1963) and Norma Rae (1979).


Constitution Day

Sri Lankan storage site blast; 70 feared dead.
Quake hits NE Afghanistan; 9 killed prior to election.
9th baby in CA dies of bordetella pertussis.
Hurricane Karl weakens over Mexico; Bermuda braces for Igor again.
Aid falls short in flood-damaged Pakistan.
Some New Yorkers still have no power after storms.
Possible Los Alamos nuke espionage for Venezuela; undercover agent; suspect denies.
Pot. terror plot against Pope; 6 men arrested, poss. Algerian; officials not worried.
Venezuelan state-owned airline grounded after fatal crash.
Helicopter crashes along Pikes Peak while filming.
Shot Baltimore doctor expected to be okay.
MD shooter may have been hacked off by mother’s surgery.
Woman splashes acid on face, blames black woman; parents puzzled.
L.A.: no jail time for Paris Hilton; plea deal; guilty.
Prosecutor Ken Kratz caught txt’ing a women involved in (his) case.
Omani minister discusses release of hiker Shourd.
MA sch. district apologizes for mosque field trip; boys prayed, girls removed.
Protests erupt in Pakistan after politician’s death.
Rallies planned for soldier involved in WikiLeaks case.
Bitter primary battle: Hawaiians head to the polls.
Charlie Baker for MA Gov.—he’s a progressive; wants public option.

Girl on bus gets condom put in hair; father of cerebral palsy-disabled child thinks it’s his girl, the next day threatens kids on the bus; father arrested for disorderly conduct, holding back school function.  He has since apologized.  I’m gonna F— you up!

Inflation rate flat amid price confusion.
The Arctic may be the next mkt. boom—resources
Liz Warren finally got admin. post; consumer advisor to avoid confirmation process.
Bore hole reaches trapped Chilean miners; goal: 26 in. wide... blindfold them, chute them out.


Program Notes: on Wed., Jon Stewart will be on The O’Reilly Factor; subsequently, on Mon., Bill O’Reilly will be on The Daily Show.

Larry King Live has is own ‘brain’ special.  Next week: Jimmy Carter on Monday (final interview for the show)—is he going to talk about his Ted Kennedy stalled HC comment?.  Barbara Walters on Tue., then Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Jerry Seinfeld, and the cast of SNL on Fri.  Tina Fey is the surprise guest—well, not anymore.
The brain has a mind of its own; the right combo of fat, sugar and salt triggers the heroin ctr. of the brain (addictive).  Only 40 neurons devoted to consciousness, 40 million to subconscious.  Plasticity of the brain—PTSD can be healed through desensitization techniques, according to the guy on the furthest right.  Overactive frontal (cortex)’OCD.  Dimentia is broad, comes from a no. of complications: vascular, traumatic, entanglement, pollution.  Alzheimer’s is tied to lifestyle health.
“We are slaves to our emotions.”  Dr. Drew Pinsky, hot dark-haired neurol. researcher w/ lip-ring,...guy w/ lazy eyes.

Real Time w/ Bill Maher is back!  And everybody is still confused about... reality, still trying to compete on who is more of a fake liberal.  The Panel: Actor Jonn Hamm (The Town), ABC̻s objective Martha Raddatz, and rino Mark McKinnon.
Other guests: co-opt-er Robert Reich, populist/opportunist Michael Moore, again...
Drips and drabs says Maher to O’Donnell, that he will be playing tapes of her on Politically Incorrect, says he made her.  One ep., gone viral: she dabbled into witchcraft.
Great—now ‘Churchers’ is sticking.

DNC unveils a new logo and slogan for the Democratic Party: a blue circle-enclosed cyan D, and Change That Matters.  R’s trying to copy will get a registered trademark (®).  What a stupid scheme.

An iReporter caught evidence of a tornado; thin path destroyed.

Phoenix’s Bogus Journey/Adventure

Casey Afleck admits his film was fake, that characters in it were portrayed by actors, and David Letterman knew about it...and the film sucks.

Non-violent Revolutionaries

A rabbi (couldn’t catch the name) for Moses; Dr. Robert Franklin (Morehouse College, Pres.) on Jesus Christ; Rajmahan Gandhi on grandfather Mahatma Gandhi (used non-violent Satyagraha), was 12 when grandfather died, turning pt. was in reading Tolstoy; Dr. Alveda King (author, Who We Are In Christ Jesus) on uncle MLK Jr.

Gone viral

Taiwanese video of Tea party ’n’ guns, shooting pol. targets; train analogy: Karl Rove hit by train; Obama laughing, then chased by train.

Caboodle Ranch, FT Village: a guy built cat-scale buildings of famous places for his 11+ cats.

300 audience members on Oprah Winfrey Show given free 8-day ticket to Australia; 2+ episodes will be shot from there.


Homeland Security SNAFU.

22 suspected Mex. drug members killed in firefight.
Afghan election workers targeted by Taliban.
Routine detonation kills airman in Iraq?
NY storm(s) bring down trees; tree falling on a car kills one.
“Smurfers”: they use false IDs to buy and smuggle pseudo-ephedrine (for meth).
Great, a new bill: Dream Act for illegal immigrants.
Sen. Grassley launches investigation on internet porn surfing on taxpayer’s dime at NSF.
Beyond Ahmadinejad: Holocaust-denier David Irving now denies the Anne Frank diaries.
Hulk Hogan to start a “kid-friendly” court show...

Could American society function for one day w/o govt. “help”?
The no. of programs in place for the purpose of keeping us dependent on subsidies looks limitless.
Due to lobbying, sugar costs more because the supply comes down to a few Cubans in FL.

New details arise in 2007 CT home invasion trial: rape and murder of mother and daughter, bank account extortion.  The mother thought, by going into the bank, that the $15K would be enough.  It wasn’t.

For the first time since 2004, Japan began to actively sell its Yen in response to a 15-yr. high to the U.S. dollar yesterday, perceiving the high as harmful to exports—a challenge that came to PM Nato Kan’s party after a pol. shift, as investors aren’t sure if Japan’s moribund economy can really launch.

On TV, Radio

On Attack Of The Show, the Asus EEE PC 1215N laptop was reviewed; a lot of computing power for 485 clams.  The only one in three rated 5/5.
iCO/Shadow Of The Colossus collection, and other games are being reworked for HD rereleases.
Only 2 days out, Halo: Reach has sold the most in Microsoft history, beating the prev. Halo.
YouTube “drama geek” KessaKitty (Tessa) has thousands of followers, 43M video hits.

Stan Lee’s Superhumans: Isao Hachii is Modern Samurai, a man able to halve fast-moving objects, even BBs; Bee Man uses pheromones to control bees; Extreme Escape has 60-90 seconds to escape timed Saw-like contraptions; Rusty Haight is Crash Test Dummy, a survivor of over 900 car crashes, some exceeding 10-G in force.

The announcement on Daily Show: after the week of Too Many Stars, the checks and stand-in signs have been written and made for Rally To Restore Sanity on 10.30.
The extreme 15% is taking over the countr—it’s the same problem all over again; you can’t have sanity w/o a sense of truth.
RallyToRestoreSanity.com.  Take It Down A Notch For America.
After that, March To Keep Fear Alive on Colbert Report.

The guests on Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann are stuttering like crazy now; it’s difficult to follow their own contradictions.  Leave your signs at home says Beck—What’s next, wear a uniform?  says liar Eugene.  Then I would be concernedNot allowed to wear costumes like as he wears...
Fearmongering bkgd. banner for The Rachel Maddow Show was Really Really Big Government, as if the tgt. audience is watching.
It’s the entertainer that limits freedoms of the people, not politicians.  MS-NBC promoting the corruption they speak of, now in panic mode.


Establishment freaked.  One thing left: wear your work clothes to protests.

Pakistan: drone strike kills 15.
5 killed in Kashmir protests.
Fmr. Foreham stabbed in NJ.
New breakthrough in identifying TB, a disease that 1/3 of the world has.
IA egg farm Salmonella source may have been found.
Maternal deaths fall by 1/3.
Russia and Norway sign border agreement after 40 yrs.
Israel says mortars fired fm. Gaza are white phosphorous.
Unproductive period of diplomacy in Israel/Palestinian conflict.
Immigration minister in Mexico resigns.
FBI employee charged w/ concealing steroid use.
CA AG sues ex-city officials over “obscene salaries.”
Bullying case: Phoebe Prince’s suicide goes to trial.
Impeachment trial of justice Thomas Porteous to continue.
LKL: justice Stephen Breyer disagrees w/ Bush v. Gore decision.
Top cardinal compares London to ‘Third World Country.’
Hans Zeiger knocks...the girl scouts?
Vulture shatters helicopter windshield.
CNN: Tea party wins boost Dems... FOX airs ad critical of News Corp. giving money to GOP.

NJ Transit fires an employee for burning/tearing pages of a Qur`an, ACLU “defends” him on First Amendment grounds.


Hackers have cracked the secret HDTV code.
Microsoft launches Internet Explorer 9.
Best Buy to reduce phys. constant media, such as CDs, for E-readers and Kinect.
Disney Epic Mickey sched. for release Nov 30.
Google: New social elements.

Charlie Rangel: President Obama needs more candidates/people like me.  Yeah, I know he needs more crooks.

Rachel Maddow “interviewed” VP Joe Biden, helped him out, smiled when he told her what she wanted to hear... Tell the progressives, get your act in gear, man, says Biden.

The Ed Show poll, Do you think the Tea party movement is bad for America?: 74% say yes.


Dark Matter is a story of a brilliant Chinese student coming overseas to join a cosmology team.  Hey!— I said, “and now a VA Tech-style shooting happens” in jest!


Interpreting calendar events on CoastToCoast.  2010 is the year of “not gonna take any crap anymore.”  Not to great for the Pres.: Aug. (#5), Pres. step in crap; Oct. (#7), Pres. sell his crap...  Astrology—Get rid of all of the crap (90% junk), then you have a remarkable clock.
With the introduction of the Gregorian calender a long, long time ago, patterns in nature reveal that people born on the same day—within a 6/12 hr window—have the same exact types of events occur in their lives.  Not the same events, but the same character-changing swings and rhythms.  Project Merlin works on multiples of 7 years, looking at the cause to each effect.  Children outside of the 6-mo. birth date range in the family are seen as the “black sheep,” that they don’t fit into the mold.  Here’s something else: take the birth date of an important person you know; you will probably run into someone w/ a day or so off from that—and not even know it!
Off-subject caller: a Ugandan teleported to his village before a bullet hit him?

Big events come when the charts show hills or sharp changes.  Deaths come before or during clusters in a short amount of time, and spikes show challenges.  Tiger Woods, for example, has spikes along 2012-14 that indicate even more relationship problems to come.  Without real willpower, nature will dictate losses for the Tea parties.  One thing obvious, the trak (TimeTrak.org) for the Israel/Palestinian conflict shows that things are rather unproductive.  The days are numbered for the New York Times.  On Sept. of 2008, the Merlin team predicted the Obama/Biden ticket.  The drama windows have increased in numbers as years go by, leveling off around now.
Wait—Alan Colmes did stand-up?  Funny at the time?
John H. Nelson, a radio propagation analyst(?), gravitational pull of sunspots on planets, tracked rhythms from “the big bang,” isolated the 60-sec. hum cycle.  This guy started in 1967, the same year we peaked in U.S. arsenal nukes (31,255 stockpiled; after reductions, only 5,113 now, 2.2K “strategic”).
How The Future Happens: 40 years of research put into 32 pages.  It took years to actually narrow down which patterns are good or bad.

The new CC Radio SW ($149.95) has two coils for great AM/shortwave and 50 presets, even for FM (more than enough).

Dreams From My Father (the source)

Okay, Barack Obama is an anti-colonialist.  He doesn’t care about race or America on the global scale; he never participated in the sit-ins.  Obama is a revolutionary in the genius sense.


TV News, grammar maven Edwin Newman dies at 91.  He sung a tune on Saturday Night Live.


Who’s protecting the consumers?

Yemeni gas pipe damaged in attack.
Eiffel Tower bomb scare ends w/o further trouble.
U.S. 2009 violent crime down 5.3%; property crime down 5.6%.
Only 25% trust the federal government.
U.K. teen banned fm. entering U.S. for offensive E-mail abt. Obama, and then some.
Failed Christmas bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab to represent himself in court...
Arizonan pediatrician wanted on child porn charges flees.
Small business jobs bill passes key test vote.
Vitamin defici...gov’t cracking dn. on supplements for “safety reasons.”
ME candidate lashes out at reporters.
Gordon Brown to serve at Harvard Law this fall.
Many adults slow to adopt smartphone apps.
New line of German stuffed animal horror shows.
Outspoken Bill Maher uses N-word on LKL.
NAACP sending “stop racist Tea parties” E-mails to private accounts.

Despite local censorship...Barack Obama tells students, teachers to “do better...” via TelePrompter, of course.

Poll workers are supposed to be impartial, but in NY they were applauding Charlie Rangel, as he won the ‘D’ nom. for his NY district.

Tea party-backed candidates are winning the ‘R’ noms.  Carl Paladino wins his...something—Albany.
Delaware: Christine O’Donnell wins 53%.
Special MS-NBC anti-conservative coverage at midnight: Chris Mathews had to get in as many fringe, extremist and far-right as he could.  No Country For Old Republicans, as CNN (JKUSA) also ran the Republican Cannibalism narrative.  It’s a big win for Dems., smiles talking head Paul Begala.

DJIA, 10,526.49; Yen, 83.06 (18:13 EDT); Euro, 1.2991; AUD, 0.9395.
Smartphones: Nokia releases C6 and C7.
New $700 Fuji camera, one of the thinnest, shoots 3-D.
New $500 Nikon camera can shoot 14MP.
Heavy Rain PlayStation support starts 9.19.

Legislating Choice

Michelle Obama at National Restaurant Association, taking from pg. 1 of Cass Sunstein’s Nudge: remove items like french fries from sight on the menu.
Let’s start with Prohibition.  You can’t get credit for freedom or natural selection.  So to be a modern progressive, an insecurity must yield the belief that I know best, and will do whatever it takes to limit public options.  When “the will is too much to control,” it becomes push.  The 18th Amendment was passed in 1920, mostly repealed in 1933, still allowing states and localities to remain “dry.”

It never stops at, nor is it the point, to hide options on the fast food menu—with rationing necessarily being part of the health care legislation, you are forcibly tied.  Cass Sunstein has compared Americans to Homer Simpson many times, underlining the despotic notion that it is government’s job to take care of people.  He has also said, if you see that there is a little Homer Simpson in people, there’s a lot you can do to manipulate them.  Because he sees regulation as key to higher standards, in his mind a real free market is either frivolous or dangerous.

From taxing, to fining, to jailing, so long as progressives are in power, they will go all the way for the unrealistic utopia they seek individually, generally blaming others for their damage or otherwise inevitable failure.  They want to believe that they are beyond liberal or conservative, but fail to understand liberty, let alone the losing battle.
Each player has a role in the game; understand the evil; beat the illusions, not the evildoer.

Tethered To Insanity

The “Nudge Team” in Britain has already done a lot of damage, all willing to do “whatever it takes for the country to survive”...and David Cameron is in the thick of it, responsible for his sins in the matter.  Too many entitlements.
Political terrorism is on the rise in Europe, as more rioting in Greece could be seen last weekend.  The unions are planning more, tethered to the insane playbook (The Coming Insurrection, for one), global ACORN and SEIU (fmr. head Andy Stern: Workers of the world unite?  It’s not just a slogan anymore; it’s a way we’re gonna have to work.).
To nudge you into global governance—How does a global union work when the Chinese are paid less than a dollar a day?  Well, you could redistribute wealth, or you could continue to take advantage of the workers, undocumented, in a plantation-like structure.  There is no point to having these unions, so only bad things can come when the “leadership” wants to keep it alive, and they get paid.
There needs to be a welfare crisis, said the 1960’s radicals.  A utopian scheme for equalizing wealth.

Frances Fox Piven was standing next to moderate progressive Bill Clinton.  Us liberals didn’t bring us to the brink of depression.  You aren’t liberal.  And progressives like John McCain or George W. Bush aren’t conservative.
Let the people have the debate; let them understand the consequences.

The funny part: for the First Lady’s push for healthier eating, the Los Angeles Times ran photos of Barry stuffing his face with hotdogs and other high-cholesterol foods.  DAISNAID.

On TV, Radio

CoastToCoast AM is turning eight.  One of the guests this morning says that we are using up all of our resources for SUVs and video games, the other disagrees... diamonds can only come fm. outer space (asteroids, commets); you need to have some kind of gravity for embryos to develop (art. gravity is necessary to bear children in space); static electric propulsion produced too much power when tested (blew out circuitry); the sun produces excess protons, keeping the Earth in check; like the bug zapper, vertical electric fields—loops upon loops of wire can take advantage of stray energy.  And then it gets into the complicated mathematics: Terroelect(r)ics—hyperdimensional maths, from/for ancient times; a man that studied those things, numbers to a million places—he worked at Silicon Valley.
Magic number method for guaranteed prime numbers?  Compute a prime factorial (the name I coined long ago); plus or minus the next prime on the list should both be prime.  And there is symmetry to it; you can add or subtract prime nos. down the list.  For example, 2(3)(5)(7) = 210; 210 ± 11 (the following prime after 7) makes primes 199 and 221; 210±13={197,223}; 210±17={193,227}, and so on.

Mr. Ed: No one seems to care about the black President.  I think this is motivated by…

I was lovin’ it.
New anti-McDonald’s ad targets the fast-food industry.  A burger in the guy’s hand, and his feet forming/dissolved into the ‘M’ logo.
Michelle Obama: America’s taste needs to be reprogrammed.


25th anniversary for Back To The Future, Super Mario Bros. (the video game), and Law & Order.

ID’d superbug gene named NDM1, found in meat supply; ND stands for New Delhi.
Rpt: 3 Palestinians killed in/after shelling.
Venezuelan Gov. found dead after crash; plane crash kills 14, injures 34.
Clashes in Venezuela.
Cuba to lay off more than half a million; part of “reviving the economy” plans.
Russia TV news threatened w/ lawsuits.
11 hospitalized after boat collision in TX; 8 are children.
Workers burned in chem. spill.
Alligator caught near FL elem. school.
BP oil spill: new photography of oil on sea floor; 2 inches thick.
Sergio “El Grande” Villerreal nabbed.
Israeli PM considers settlement compromise possible.
Obama uses Mr. Boehner 8 times in one speech.
NYT points out only the mosque at fl. 106-107 of WTC on 9/11; there were two.
Imam Rauf is a Khan man: one of his guys is a 9/11 “Truther.”
Fmr. UK PM Tony Blair to be awarded one of U.S.’s highest honors for his work in the Ireland peace process.

Like Joe Biden (illogical spend money to make money), Imam Rauf gives the answer is yes answer to the question, build this moque for peace to occur.

Portland, ME: gas fire; seized marijuana plants missing; sch. drop out rates fall to such that West and the 3 middle schools had zero.

Currencies (18:17 EDT): US$/Yen, 83.68; Euro, $1.2872 (1.1978 Pounds).
Top chipmaker hopes to revolutionize PCs with new chipset.
HP continues its buyoff of Arcsight; $1.5B.
Fmr. IBM exec. Moffet gets 6 mos. in jail.
Hershey asks judge to weigh in on “Hot Chocolate app battle.”
Cocoa sent to 32-yr. high in July; one investor bought $1B of cocao (2 Titanics of beans).
20 states have signed on to the suit barring HC insurance mandate as unconstitutional.


Kashmir and Delhi pro-independence protests against India and the West, Qur`an burning plans spark more: police kill 18; 70 total.

Global Financial Death/Communism As We Know It

Nearing protectionism: new global bank rules to curb risk, how much physical holdings banks should have.
By 2019, banks will have to reserve at least 7% in capital—Base III Accord.  U.S. banks appear to already have nearly enough.
IMF and Bangladesh buying 2 metric tons of gold.
Aug. was the worst month for markets since 2001.  No gain.

The system is set up against you—Bullcrap!

Pissed that info was leaked about the 9.11 speaking arrangement (the money was given to charity), Glenn Beck is extra pissed that people say that making money is something to be ashamed of.  He paid for the airfare and security of 8.28, and spends more money on research in radio than any other in the business, going from 6 to 40 employees because he treats them right.
The answers are not easy but simple.  Dammit!  I’m never going to get credit for the phrase; I said it years ago.

People magazine

On Michael Douglas’ status, promoters of throat cancer: smoked years ago, has HPV.
Valour-IT donates thousands of laptops to wounded troops; vets that have lost arm functionality turn to blogging.

Actor/screenwriter Marianne Leone (58), wife of actor Chris Cooper (59), wrote a book on her son’s (Jesse Cooper) 2005.01.03 death from cerebral palsy at age 17.  Jesse had an amazing capacity to deal with his disability.  He went so far beyond expectations.
The Jesse Cooper Foundation supports the Federation For Children with Special Needs, AccesSportAmerica, and Romanian Children Relief.

Meredith Fiel, Ben Jr. was the Prince of Fontainebleau, the regular hotel attraction of A-list celebs. like Elvis and Sinatra, was used for a scene in Goldfinger.  Fontainebleau opened in 1954, was sold for ~$28M after Ben Novak Sr. went bankrupt.  Narcy Novak is accused of 3 murder plots for money: husband Ben Novak Jr., his mother, and a witness.  She appeared at Jr.’s funeral on 2009.09.02.


Megamind: the villain (Will Ferrell) is the star, as the hero dies at the beginning.
Colbert Report opening seq. now reads HETEROSAPIEN.
Bill Maher on Tonight Show talks of Pee Party and P—y Democrats.
Michael Moore wants the community ctr. and mosque built on Ground Zero.
New Wizard of Oz pol. ad is worth the watch.  Portraying Pelosi as a witch?  So what?


Actor Kevin McCarthy dies at 96.


Hurricane Igor now cat. 4, east of Leeward Islands.
River rising: thousands evacuated in New Delhi.
6 missing for San Bruno blaze; 1956 high-pressure line ranked high-risk.
East KY shooting: 6 dead, including gunman, wife and stepson.
Pakistan: 5 dead in suspected drone attacks.
Northeastern Iran pipeline blast kills 4, state-run media reports.
Bus crash in northern New York kills 4.
Tropical storm kills 3 in China.
5 Americans arrested in Zimbabwe; 2 doctors, 2 nurses.
Greece: corporate tax cuts spur protests.
Brazil rescues workers in slave-like condition.
Key evidence: 300-ton blowout preventer arrives at NASA in New Orleans.
U.S. envoy arrives in S. Korea.
Rpt.: about 2/3 of Americans are at least “overweight.”
Tea party activists gather in WDC ahead of elections.
Another breast cancer awareness walk.
Kim Clijsters wins second straight U.S. Open title.
13th-Century Bible pops up, sells for $17K?

Facebook domination...any domination is not really a good thing.  Many robbers use the location status to see if their target is home.
Facebook updates on GM models.  We are so screwed.

W.H. vs. Boehner: John Boehner caves on Bush-era tax cuts.  New anti-Boehner ads, new website, and help of CBS’s B.S. (Bob S.), going after Mr. Boehner for smoking, as if Bob will ever w/ Obama.  Robert Gibbs says the ads are not directed at the individual.
Businesses are being held up by some Republicans—you have a supermajority!  Stop B.S.’ing the public!
New Admin. appointee made jokes at the D.C. Comedians club two years ago: how can we throw money at the problem.…go back to the (rule/master book)—Karl Marx.

Sarah Shourd makes $.5M bail w/ help of an “unknown figure”, will go to Oman.
Some questions raised as to whether the bail would violate UN sanctions.

MTV MVAs: Lady GaGa, shows in meat dress, wins 8 Moon Man awards.

Portland Press Herald “forgot” 9/11 for Ramadan?

Guardian/John Ross: …barbaric killing and taking power, not the liberation of the working class.  Yet given a globalized world in which the market seems to be all, a narco-insurgency may be the best revolution this lacerated (Mexico) is going to get.


Director and film critic Claude Chabrol died at 80.  Like Hitchcock, he often told stories of men with a toxic focus on women, says Richard Corliss for TIME.


2,996 lost in a tragedy: the ninth anniversary of September 11th, 2001.  Many got out in time, yet so many firefighters in one area did not.  Never forget.
102 Minutes That Changed America ran on History Channel w/o commercial interruption, following I-Witness interviews of the people who shot the footage.
Zero Hour: The Last Hour of Flight 11: American Airlines 11, from Boston: 7:46-8:46:40; Passenger Daniel and a flight attendant were murdered first to show who Mohammed Otta, and four others, were—militant hijackers.  The plane was turned toward the towers at 8:36, made a sharp decline ~4 mins. after that.
WTC Tower 2 collapsed at 9:53; Tower 1 collapsed at 10:28.

New Colorado wildfire...
“Burning sensation” guns being tested by police on police.  For public use?
U.K. unions in the streets, threatening (more) violence.
Demonstrations over building of Park51 community ctr. and mosque; ~2K for, ~1.5K against.
Shares fell for PG&E (responsible for San Bruno pipelines).
Stand Up To Cancer aired on many channels, almost all NBC/Universal, HBO, BIO.
The military recently banned Electronic Arts’ Medal of Honor; you can play as the Taliban...

You don’t need nukes

EMPs are on people’s minds these days.  The EMP part of Ocean’s Eleven is...actually inevitable.  Electro-Magnetic Pulses do as much damage as the amount of power put in.  Large, long-ranged EMP devices can down planes and electricity for whole areas, and if concentrated on power plants, take out electrical grids for entire countries.  The implications are lethal; think about refrigeration.  Meds only last a month, and w/o refrigeration, dependents would have a hard time surviving.

CoastToCoast AM: NightHawkZone.com—the guy that represents it says the server can withstand traffic of cyber-attack proportions.  Is he right?  Slammed at 2:39 EDT after its mention, but it is still up.  George Noory asked to keep it up, for just a second.
Really?: caller Sid claims to be ~500 years old.  Another is thinking along Steven Spielberg’s modern line of The War of the Worlds, that “ET” is not benevolent.
Let’s see... lucid dreams; J.C. calls again; oh— attempted drowning of someone with fibromyalgia... ‘C’ over the heart in sign is “Cop,” I think.  A symbol for help.

How progressive has Pat Buchanan become since joining Morning Joe?
He’s asking the president to send security dn. to Florida to stop pastor Terry Jones fm. doing what is rather constitutionally protected (Jones owns the copies of the Qur`an; he can do what he wants with them).  Someone has to go to jail.
What’s worse, Jones was “invited for an interview,” and all the people at Morning Joe did was insult the guy to his face; what a horrible excuse for a morning show.
Terry Jones met w/ Imam Rauf, as planned.


Gifted writer at Princeton and brilliant book reviewer Paul Gray did at 70.  Never bitter or cruel, he covered a lot of the literature landscape.


A poll does not describe fact; it is a tally, meaningless by itself.

San Bruno, CA (near San Francisco), KTVU camera feed: 4+ dead, as a leaking natural gas fm. a gas pipe line ignited last night, sending flames 100 ft in all directions; +37 homes were destroyed.  Some people say that they’ve been smelling gas for weeks, but PG&E says that they have no such phone records.  The fires have been contained.

CO wildfires lap at city limits, but “contained w/ favorable weather.”
Denmark police arrest man after small hotel blast.
Bus hijacked in Kansas City, MO.
Internal terrorism: Americans being recruited by Yemeni and Lebanese groups.
DADT ruled unconstitutional by CA judge; gov’t given time for injunction.


Just for you: E-mail virus attack; several major companies affected, including Disney.
The same lesson repeated: avoid clicking on unknown attachments or links.

The New York Stock Exchange observes a moment of silence for tomorrow’s commemoration of 2001.09.11.  (NYSE’s not active on the weekends.)

Euro, $1.27; Light Sweet Crude, $74.25/bbl; 10-yr. Tres. Note, 2.76% (+.1).
Thu Closings: DJI, 10,415; NAS, 2,235.20; S&P, 1,104.18.
Nokia stock rises after CEO switch.
Goldman Sachs fined $27M in Britain.
Insurers warned about rate increases.
Thilo S. to leave Bundesbank over “Muslims and Jews” comments “scandal.”
Toys R Us plans holiday pop-up stores.
What many government officials owe in 2009 taxes: W.H. workers, $831K; Capitol Hill staffers, $9.3M.
“Pay Czar” Kenneth Feinberg has stepped down; he was responsible for gov’t fin. assistance of 4+ companies.

Flash to finally run on handheld Apple devices; Flash-to-HTML conversion will be built-in.  However, some analysts say that there will be more Android than iPhone users by next year.

Loan modification snags spark lawsuits: some trial pgms. denied perm. mortgage charges by banks’ actions left them in worse shape.

Credit card use keeps falling amid economic uncertainty.
Rpt.: 2009 use was 56%, could go dn. to 46%.

$3.26B deal underway: Fmr. Latin American railroad exec. Bernardo Hees to lead Burger King; Hees was the executive of America Latina Logistica, ~6% owned by 3G Capital.

Postponed, canceled or rejected

Iran will not release Sarah Shourd tomorrow due to the theocracy’s view of women.  (In a recent case, they executed the female adulterer but sentenced the male to 4 years in prison, reducing it to two.)

Is the trump’d up Park51 mosque site controversy fake?
Donald Trump is still offering to buy the mosque site for $6M+, even though he was turned down.  Trump says El-Gamal bragged about the real estate money in return, saying he would get over $18M in selling it.

What did Health Czar—or, something—Kathleen S. say?

Health insurance exchange?  There’s the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) for trading puffs of air (or experiments on puffs of air), but now, in response to health insurance companies jacking up prices to prepare for Obama-care,... there’s a new public insurance market?
Just what kind of legislative structure did they put in to enable this kind of—oh, yeah, in the bills that were passed for this Administration.

Gone viral

Tonight, I WIN!!  Phil Davison, who “majored in communications,” wanted the treasurer pos. in an OH county, screamed out his prewritten lines at times.  This Republican, in meltdown mode for six minutes, lost.
WHO said that!?  Yes!

Photo: 30lb koi carp (goldfish), held w/ both of a man’s hands.  It’s ’uge.  (Fish bowls restrict goldfish from growing.)


People want sanity in government.

Tropical storm Hermine forms; series of tornadoes rip through TX.
Philippines police admit that they may have shot some hostages in bus takeover.
L.A.: alleged knife-wielding immigrant worker shot dead.
Shooting at a Kraft plant; 2 died; a woman now held.
LFO singer dies after long battle w/ leukemia.
Melbourne’s Denis Hart issues guidelines to ban rock, pop music at Catholic funerals.
Iran to “release” Sarah Shourd, of the three hikers detained.
Nearly a million have to pay back their home buyer tax credit.
Fr. investigators go through Sarkozy’s place.
Carp Czar: Goss to manage $80M...helping the Asian fish in the Great Lakes?
Red Skins team name dropped.
Dem. Sen. Bennett rejects new $50B stimulus.
Maine: Paul LePage now 43% in new poll nos. out of five main candidates.
Canadian dollar jumps ~1% in one day; silver hits about $20/ounce; gold, $1,255.60; platinum rose 26.50 to $1,562.20.

“State Secrets” tactic prevails in lawsuit: San Fran. judge dismisses ‘extrodinary rendition’ damages.

FL pastor Terry Jones has changed his Qur`an burning schedule after someone told him that the pending cultural center and mosque in NYC was going to be moved; it is not.  Jones plans to meet w/ Imam Rauf instead.
Obama, in his soft-spoken, yet overbearing, fatherly tone: This is a recruitment bonanza for al-Qaeda.
The press are smiling in all of this.  And Donald Trump has offered to purchase the Park51 mosque site...

Where economic state control is over 90%, Fidel Castro says the current sys. in Cuba is a bust.  Jeffery Goldberg, of The Atlantic magazine, asked Castro whether Cuba’s economic sys. since the 1959 revolution was worth exporting to other countries.  The Cuban model doesn’t even work for us anymore, Castro replied, apparently saying the current model resembles too much like the U.S. model.  Many publications are falsely suggesting that he denounced communism.

Tech News

Microsoft to launch Windows® Phone 7.
“We don’t need anymore Fart apps”: Apple loosens its app store development/submission policy after many complaints over time.
New iPod Touch has fastest A4 processor, thinnest; new iPod Nano is the most ridiculously small...

Colbert Report:... Returnification Troopscape

Army Of Won, where the studio audience was comprised of those serving, and Joe Biden was giving out hot dogs (the other part of being VP in the constitution), veterans for Ready, Vet Go! today, w/ a Virginia legislator... a dancing guy in a hot dog costume ate a wiener.
Because the troops don’t have access to any toilets, the ending of combat in Iraq means this show will feature a special one.  And cue the Price Is Right music.

Crash Course, Day Four: Curbing of Free Speech

Cass Sunstein is in the business of what he calls, choice architecture.
George Soros’s Tides Foundation puts money into the Huffington Post Investigative Fund, and Soros’ Center for American Progress has a lot of control of this Administration.  Any collusion there?
The ironically named free press, a Marxist publication that claims that free speech and capitalism need to be limited because special interests have too much control...a special interest.

Infiltrate, defuse burning of Qur—Fired Up?  Ready to go!

Mr. Ed: Rahm Emanuel is already mayor of Chicago!  (This administration has) been wingin’ it from the very beginning!
Marxist Jim Wallace on CNN’s John King, U.S.A...


I am too cerebral for the daily crap I face...and make.

Asteroid buzzes (by) Earth; another one coming.
Brazil declares state of emergency for 14 states over fires.
Nat. Guard training w/ goats for Afghanistan rebuilding.
Caught on video: A lion attacks its trainer; 2nd trainer help it off of him.
A New York Post writer did Why We Miss Bush...
Talent Brit. Piers Morgan to take over for Larry King Live.
Ronald Reagan biopic in the works.
Nevada is the only state that has “none of the above” on the ballot.

Selectivity (disregard) of First Amendment rights

Secy. of state Clinton condemns FL pastor’s (Jones) disgraceful plans for 9.11 (Sat.) after Gen. Petraeus says it could lead to (more) violence, as people burn (more) U.S. flags.  O.K. to build a community ctr. and mosque near WTC for the wrong reasons, “disgraceful” to burn a pile of books.
The Vatican calls the plans outrageous.

Disregard of Financial Freedom

Obama to John Boehner (BAY-ner) on tax cut “plans”: Let me be clear to Mr. Boehner.  You are holding the middle class hostage.  More obstructionism B.S.

Crash Course, Day Three: Revisionist History

The Forgotten Depression of 1920: proof that government intrusion in finance—capping wages and keeping prices high—causes depressions.
Separation of Church and State does not exist in the founding documents; Jefferson coined the term in talking about government intrusion.
Look for the Union Label: translation, made by white peopleCapitalist Robber Barons bad, socialist Unions good...a fuzzy history.
Margaret Higgins Sanger was a princess in some books.  She tried to, in her words, “wipe out the Negro race.”  The American Progressive eugenist movement...to “breed a better race.”

Astrology on CoastToCoast AM this morning

No guarantees of intellectual discussions anywhere... look for economic tribulation in and around Oct 19, the anniv. of the 1987 crashing—keep one eye on commodities.


The lost day.

More than 230 civilians killed in Somalia for one week?
Eruptions in 3 provinces; 2 teachers in Thailand killed by Muslim extremists.
Journalists among 6 killed in Iraq.
Mexico’s state-run oil Co. bombed by drug cartels.
Militant murders of troops pick up again after Aug. 31 major combat end.
After numerous aftershocks, scientists say that N.Z. could see another big earthquake.
St. of Emergency declared for Boulder, CO; hvy. wildfire smoke keeps helicopters grounded.
Thousands protest in France over pension reforms (2 yrs added to retirement age).
Stem cell research ban: Federal judge turns down order for some financing.
Mark David Chapman’s sixth appeal denied; he killed John Lennon in 1980.
Over 3/5 of U.S. pop. say country is “on the wrong track.”
More people heading to ER for non-emergencies.
NOAA: no sign of “dead zone” in Gulf.
A man (Hamilton) chases w/ revolver, shoots a man he wrongfully suspects stole a DVD.
Disney tells ABC to cut its News division budget.
Holy book burning: our military’s burned bibles over alleged proselytizing.
Officials say WTC rebuilding may finish in 2014...
Republican Jewish Coalition takes aim at Hagel, Sestak.
After six terms as mayor of Chicago, Richard Daley won’t seek another.
Washington Post: Al Sharpton’s N.A.N. caught not paying thousands in taxes.

Two women had acid splashed in the face in AZ; one of them is 28 years old; the other, Velarda, knows what the suspect looks like; the female suspect waited for Velarda’s home return.

Commodities (18:51 EDT): AU$, 0.9108; JPY, 83.73.
European debt crisis sends U.S. and Canadian stocks down.
Raw sugar climbs in price; Ukraine plans to simplify raw sugar imports to avoid shortages; coffee hits a 13-yr. high.
More time bought in WaMu bankruptcy amid probe/investigation.
GM’s OnStar to offer free services, targeting Ford.

A new Administration stimulus is being sold as/into a tax cut.  The “Left” aren’t hammering him on it will add to the deficit, as they did w/ Republicans.

Political Derangement, Confusion on Confusion

Remember Rachel Brown, the Lyndon LaRouche fan that asked Barney Frank about “Nazi policies of this Admin,” and he responded, sometimes I wonder what planet these people are from?  She’s now electorally running against him.

Fake petition drive for Tea Party fails in MI because the name didn’t begin w/ the...and people behind it have not turned 21 yet.

Poll denial, after relying on them: the Pres.’s nos. are too low—people taking them must be liars.  Lying about their support for Obama?

They talk about me like a dog— that’s not in my prepared remarks.
At least one dumb editorial goes into the dog/mongrel stuff over the President’s dog remarks.

I’ve spent my entire adult LIFE working with SEIU!
Paul Krugman admits to not really knowing who Obama is.
Heh—a Daily Beast writer says the president is losing his sex appeal.

Can’t hide from the mindlessness now

Daily Show and Colbert Report play the Illegitimacy Card: a show of ignorance by buying into the 87K in Restoring Honor attendance because the word ‘scientific’ was used in a newspaper.
Counting 200K on each side of the reflecting pool (400K), plus 100K in front and back, the aerial photos don’t lie, but the writers continue to.  (And some are under, obstructed fm. view by the trees.)

2+2=4 on YouTube has no context.  (Glenn is) smarter than I give him credit for, says Attack of the Show’s Kevin P. after the clip went viral.
For context, read Animal Farm; character Winston was brainwashed into believing 2+2=5It’s redundant to say, goddamn the ignorant; they perish automatically.

The comment post quality of MS-NBC

The Ed Show leads w/ explicitly citing “plans of extremism” by “leaders of the GOP” Rush, Beck and Palin.  Polarized poll: 94% agree.  Liar— I mean legislator Tony Weiner helps in trying to keep people in a box by calling elections a binary choice.  Laughably absurd, yet still destructive.  Let’s turn to David Axelrod for his comments.

The new propaga—I mean, prostit—...whatever at CNN

CNN.com promo: Eliot Spitzer (resigned over being exposed for his “casual time” w/ hookers), plus Kathleen Parker... we could... what should we name it?... Parker/Spitzer.  More WTF than laughter in reaction.


Robert E. Wright, author of Fubarnomics: Soc. Security, Health Care, Money Markets are fubarStock brokers used to control corps. up to the late 1800s and early 1900s...now we have coverage denial (with health care).


Labor Union Day—workers.

Unknown no. of dead in boats capsizes in Congo.
38 confirmed dead in Guatemalan mudslides, 50 believed missing; bad weather ahead.
9 police, 8 civilians killed, 40 injured in Pakistan blast(s).
1 dead, 4 injured in New Orleans shooting.
Boulder, CO: wildfire destroys some structures, a fire vehicle(?); 1K evacuated; no injures reported.
Trapped 2,300 ft dn., on to plan C for Chilean miners: use an oil drill.
AP-obtained NATO docs: to 2015, est. $6B for U.S. training Afghan troops, police.
Freed Japanese journalist says Taliban didn’t kidnap him.
Japanese sentence activists for activity regarding whale meat.
L.A. school named after Al Gore built on toxic site (“contaminated soil”).
Panicking: Pelosi tells Cong. Dems. to call within 72 hrs, or get nothing.
Mayoral $90K pay cut in Biloxi, to below $30K.
Lawyer to Steven Slater says Slater resigned last week, was not fired.
Guinness World Record for shortest: ~27 in. tall at 22 lb, age 24.


17 dead from rain-generated mudslides in Guatemala.
Over a dozen killed in brazen Iraq base blast(s).
Pakistan: 4 dead in suspected U.S. drone strike.
Politicians killed in Mexican plane crash.
Suicide bomber targets Russian military unit.
Deadly stabbing of a pizza delivery man.
S. Korean foreign minister offers to resign.
Basque seperatist group considers ceasefire.
TN mosque fire ruled arson.
OR man arrested after in-flight incident.
New polling: no more than 2/5 approves of Obama’s handling of the economy.
NSBA endorses new jobs bill.  Small Business only in name.
300-ton blowout preventer placed on Gulf well; old preventer given to the feds.
Pope Benedict XVI to visit abuse victims.
Sewer system still out of order in Christchurch, N.Z., since 7.1-mag. quake.

Hamid Karzai to establish Afghan peace council for reconciliation with the Taliban.
Top Generals are pissed.

Sunday Housecall: Meridia may increase risk of heart attack/stroke, symptoms may be reduced.  2 drinks of water before each meal lowers the appetite of the older stomach; the younger absorb water quickly.  Doing stimulating things like crossword puzzles only delay Alzheimer’s; they also accelerate the process once the person has it.  Women who never breast feed could develop diabetes; however, moderate drinking can lower the risk of diabetes.
For garlic lovers, try full-fat milk—it reduces the effect of “garlic breath.”  You get a different kind of breath...

Mike Wise treated his Washington Post-identified like a radio show stint, tweeting false info, the press gobble it up, and by the time he went to correct the record, the site was overloaded.  Now he’s on Reliable Sources apologizing several times.

Beau Friedlander “apologizes” for getting caug— I mean, extorti— I mean seeming to allegedly pay for dirt on Glenn Beck.
Howard Kurtz says, but stoop to the level of Andrew Breitbart?  Not the same thing, Kurtz; one deals in insider censorship, the other about directly getting someone fired.

Candy Crowley will get answers from... Richard Trumpka?!  “Leader” of AFL-CIO.
A nation held hostage.


Marco Rubio’s father, Marco Rubio Sr., a Cuban exile, dies at 83.  Debates have been postponed.


2 pilots killed in UPS cargo plane crash near/over Dubai during takeoff.
Fears grow over shrinking world food supply.
Breakthrough: an under-tested stress marker most prevalent in heart attacks/strokes.
States file leg. brief in support of AZ immigration law; AZ suit: tens of thousands spent.
Craigslist censors adult section, linked to child trafficking, prostitution.
Meaningless in itself: highest GOP mid-term lead in Gallop polling history.
Oct: Matt Damon narrates Inside Job, a doc that details 2008 fin. meltdown.

Steven Ratner, in Overhaul: F— the UAW.  Ratner pulls no punches, and the WH fights back.

40 years of Geraldo Rivera

From hits (war coverage, exposés, such as going undercover as a drug lord), to misses (Al Capone’s vault, getting his nose broken w/ a chair after encouraging a racial fight), to entertainment stints on several shows, the mustachioed TV talker has been on for four decades, and a tribute is running on FOX News...  What a weird morphing sequence.

Since 1945, gold 1/6 what was stored; dollar 62x in print

Possible audit of Fort Knox (public)...  CoastToCoast AM guest Andy Gaus(?) talks of probable external confiscation of gold (most gold investors never touch any physical gold; it would hit the holders).  Adding it all up for everything debt, gold would be over $100K an ounce!  We have a good supply—up to 14 years; silver is more rare, yet less expensive.  90% silver coins in dime-size deters counterfeiters (too small/expensive to inject lead in tiny coins).

World Currency—since 1945, as well!

About 80% of the world is pegged to the dollar, and those that’ve unpegged have experienced the demise of their own union currencies.  The biblical world currency is the U.S. dollar, and its path was written ever since oil was pegged to it after WWII.  Fiat currencies... the Euro may fail and the “Amero” shan’t really exist.  There are no physically-backed banks anymore; you have Federal Reserve-style banks in other countries, encouraged ever since... 1945 has the mark of the beast, doesn’t it?

Everything revolves around the dollar and the Fed of NY

Presumably having the most holding of gold, the Federal Reserve of New York is all over the new financial reform law—the U.S. Pres. appoints the head of it!  You don’t want to pass these bills because you don’t know what’s in them.


Unemployment: 9.6%.

Earl is cat. 1, ~500mi. SSE of Nantucket; MD Beach patrol restricts swimming, surfing O.K.
27(?) members of drug cartels killed in Mex./border violence.
4 were arrested at 9PM over attempted bombing.
Public Nuisance law?: AL homes torn dn. because they are “deemed unfit.”
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) apologizes for giving scholarships to friends/rels.
Obama Admin. puts Pakistani Taliban on terror blacklist.
Tim Pawlenty forbids MN get federal grants over HC law mandate.
Prescribed to death: Top 5 drugs are meaning drugs, such as anti-depressants.
Monopoly: Out of only 3 rental car Cos., Hertz and Avis are in bidding war for the third.
SCRAM(?) T-1 to drill wider hole for trapped Chilean miners; they might squeeze through.
Dirs. for Machete say Lindsay Lohan’s perf. was excellent.
PAX Pres.: Duke Nukem Forever sched. for 2011; PS3, X-Box 360, one other.
Disney/ABC/ESPN may stay on Time Warner Cable after deal/settlement.
The farewell season of Oprah starts in 10 days.
Major Garrett’s last report (Special Report).
Gone With The Wind child actor dies at 76.

7.1-magnitude quake hits Christchurch, New Zealand, tearing a 11-ft. fault line, collapsing 500 buildings, also injuring two dozen.  No deaths have been reported, and no tsunami warning has been issued.

Miami airport security scare: suspicious items found.  A scientist that was scheduled for CoastToCoastAM was arrested for what looked like a pipe bomb in his luggage (but isn’t).

Regulatory Nightmare: lawmakers are only now looking into how financial reform bunk fm. the recent law will mean trouble.  It’s not great, but it’s good, says MA Sen. Scott Brown.  What, are we going to do nothing?  Oh, the imperfect “excuse.”  Well, excuse me, but laws are supposed to be nearly perfect, progressive Scott Brown.  Law enforcement is to act quickly.
You were warned.  Throw the bums out, and vote for candidates that are the least progressive.  Look at records, not ads—’you want more damage?

Gulf rig fire yesterday was not due to an explosion; 13 men, only 12 have life preservers, so the 12 linked together in a buoyancy chain to hold the other up.

Lefty sites and NAACP team together to form TeaPartyTracker, a site dedicated to show racism in the singular Tea Party.  (The real thing isn’t one, singular group.)  I loooove it!  Now we can see white people w/ flabby arms doing at best boring things—and it doesn’t waste anyone’s time either!  Oh, and for hours a day?  Exploitation of the lame extreme—Yaayy!

Headless bodies in drug wars, yes; in Arizona desert, no: Jan Brewer “had a meltdown,” pausing 15 secs after the question in the governorship debate and brief response, resuming with doing all we can for the state, and will continue doing everything we can for the state.  The clip has been overplayed.

On TV, Radio

For the last 12 years, Rabbi Daniel Rapin believes that this is the third awakening.  The first was with the faith revolution in the Eighteenth-century, then the abolishing of slavery in the Nineteenth.

Stan Lee’s Superhumans: Patrick M., The Ultimate Diver—fills his lungs w/ oxygen, can submerge at 650ft down (would squeeze lungs to the size of oranges), his body at one point stops using O2 at 80% for abt. 90 secs (avg. threshold is 96%); guy who can focus on changing skin characteristics to stick solid objects (up to ~4lb); a real-life wolfman that can howl indistinguishably fm. a real wolf, call, snarl and make faces that wolves understand; guy who is able to balance himself upsidedown w/o fear over great, great heights (ability to disable fight-or-flight mechanism).

Charlie Rose: Brain series will start up again this month.  The ep. for today (fm. 7.22) deals w/ the disordered brain; neurological damage, paralysis—using healing/plasticity advantage or reading neurons w/ pin arrays; stimulation for things like Tourette’s, gene-nodes and gene networking to better identify, testing animals by introducing agents to produce particular diseases/disorders.

CoastToCoast AM: remote viewing, out-of-body, near-death—they’re all about non-local perception; life is local perception.  The guest says more than half of physicians believe that there is more to life than what meets the eyes...  The paradigm shift: only deaths/retirements of closeminded people holding things back will move things forward.  Big money, disbelief before their actual job(s) of looking...

Howie Carr show: a package addressed to the building, but obviously not to them—well, possession is 9/10 of the law—anyone want season four of Brothers & Sisters?


9 (not to be confused with the musical Nine): set in a post-apocalyptic world, rag dolls contain soul fragments, and sentient #9 (Elijah Wood) awakens, eventually enlightening the others.  Monster robots extinguished human life, but not within the dolls.  Comrades! uttered loudly over a crowd in the b&w film... Tim Burton produced.

The comment post quality of MS-NBC

Ed Schultz takes on Moses’ stick: I don’t think a stick is gonna put food on the table!  Infotainment for those who lack all cultural understanding.


Finally, I am able to upload.

Sunni/Shi‘ite clash bombings in Lahore kill 35, injure 250; Taliban claim them.
Worst flooding in decades; 4 dead, 44 missing in China mudslides.
Afghanistan’s most violent despite troops foiling some attacks.
Earl, heading 18MPH NNE along E. coast (uncommon); cat. 2 (≥105MPH); heavy rain.
AP: No sign of oil spill after platform fire off the Louisiana coast.
AP: Israel, Palestinians agree to a second round of talks.
AP: Discounts spur surprising Aug. retail sales gains.
More Dems reluctant to let taxes increase for the rich.
AP: Google, Skype targeted in India security crackdown.
First Army clergyman killed in action since 1970—a Chaplain.
Court won’t order CA officials to appeal same-sex ruling.
Current, ex-gang members criticize Chicago’s “gang summit.”
Study: 1 in 7 home kitchens would flunk health inspection.
Portland Press Herald: Route 219 wins Worst Road in Maine.
Fourth man charged in cemetery vandalism.
ICE avoids prosecuting Cos. for illegal immigrants?
African Union rejects game-changing offer.
Cash-strapped schools look to volunteers.
Discovery HQ given all-clear.

Obama Admin. issues another suit against AZ, this time directed at Sheriff Joe Arpaio for not turning over docs. that would incriminate him on discrimination...federal laws prohibit such docs. on illegal immigrants from being carried over.  (Can you say, setup?)

AP: Stephen Hawking has changed his views on religion and science; he was an agnostic (beliefs uncertain in how God works) he now appears to be an atheist.
Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.  Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist, Hawking writes in The Grand Design, co-authored with U.S. physicist Leonard Mlodinow.  It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.
The Grand Design is due to go on sale next week.

Chatter wars: battle of the talking heads—L.A. Times
Mark R. posted a comment that shows a glimpse of spectrum denial: the left doesn’t hate; only the right hates.

More about James Jay Lee: Influenced by Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Lee tried pitching ideas, tried to pay people cash for brain-storming in his efforts.  But after some events made it clear that Discovery was more annoyed than swayed, he started tossing the cash randomly into the air—Lee was subsequently arrested in Feb. of 2008 for littering and disorderly conduct.  He intentionally died via suicide-by-cop.


Persistent images of fire or the sun.

Turkish ship sinks off Romania; crew saved.
Israeli-Palestinian conflict becomes top issue in D.C.
Removal of temporary oil cap set for Thu.
Apple, Inc. unveils iTunes TV, new, smaller iPod.

Hurricane Earl flattens roofs of small islands in the Atlantic; currently cat. 4, w/ sustained winds of 135 MPH; heading for North Carolina, expected to hit land by early Friday, and sweep across the N.E.; evacuations called.  Thousands still w/o power in Puerto Rico.
Danielle has veered off to the East.

Nutcase Central—sorry, alleged Nut case Central.
A man that used to hold a sign that reads, SAVE THE PLANET, DISCOVERY CHANNEL, environmental activist James Jay Lee holds up Discovery Networks, appearing to be strapped w/ explosives.  This guy has a past w/ Discovery, but they did nothing about it.  Beyond beliefs of global warming that stretch to the point of stop encouraging births of (more) parasitic babies (Discovery channels, esp. Health carry birthing series), and stop evil U.S. capitalism, he has written a 1,100-pg. manifesto and committed crimes.
Holding 3 hostages, the police have killed him.

More say Bush did better w/ Katrina than Obama did w/ BP oil spill

Reaction to Obama’s turn the page speech yesterday, where he said, Operation Iraqi Freedom is over.  It lasted ~23 mins.
Chris Matthews: he obeyed the law (didn’t pay parking tickets until 2008, cocaine, to say the least), studied hard (he refuses to release his grades—who does that?), he’s done everything—is almost pluperfect, and they don’t like him.  And then, there’s the side of Matthews that is sick of the TelePrompter: You go to a meeting with him I’m told, businessmen are invited to meet him at the White House, he hauls out the damn teleprompter, and he reads it to them.

Early on, Barack Obama wanted a part-time instructor job at his university, but he had no credentials...the “powers that be” promoted him, took care of him—Barry’s been pampered all his life.  He couldn’t even write his book until he moved to Chicago.  Beyond his acting chops, the press are completely impervious to the facts that show how much of a “failure” he is.

Beyond Gold: Insanity

Remember TIPS?  Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities—to keep you out of your own financial control.  TIPS is why gold isn’t worth 2,270 compared to 1980; it’s just over 1,200.
Money isn’t moving, hundreds of banks are still at risk of failure, and now bonds, the last resort before gold, are no longer reliable?  George Soros has his gold, bonds, but I would imagine that he is selling off his bonds, given the fed is monetizing the debt.

Triggering a financial earthquake

For the first time...if the unions (in certain areas) are lucky, they get 5¢ on the dollar.  Some contracts are being broken under this administration.
Ever since gaining power, leftist organizations and labor unions are pushing the country off a cliff.  Dept. of Labor: workers, legal or not, are not being paid enough.  More loons... why can’t we be as good as Cuba or Venezuela?  And a Representative, no less—Raul Grijalva (D-AZ).  (Literally no less—he’s pro-Chāvez.)

The Tool

Beyond the taxpayer-funded demonization of political parties, birthday bashes that feature well-groomed radicals— less than $10K was paid for a phone device w/ GPS...to help illegal immigrants.  Tucson?  What Tucson?  Either we could give our land back to the indigenous...or wait for the collapse and do it ourselves.  And Ricardo Dominguez is insane as well.  The resulting package intended to help illegal immigrants, and still taxpayer-funded: You Have Rights, They Can Help.

Look at the sky through a thermal camera and tell me we’re alone

The Hutchison effect on CoastToCoast AM.  Guest John K. Hutchison has confirmed levitation, virtually free energy w/ water, theorized translation and propulsion, made crystal cell batteries, has seen N. Tesla’s name on most of the documents where he works... the death ray was perfected to a degree, among other things.
One of the videos appear to look like there’s a string attached, but something that would move in that case doesn’t.
Bob slammed string theory!  I’ve always considered it bull...
We know that weather control’s been perfected—for a number of paid events, jets can be heard flying overhead, and it would be a clear, sunny day.
It needs to be noted that, like equipment of ancient Egypt, a number of Tesla’s papers went missing.

New site: TheBlaze.com; launched by (guess)... he hired some journalists.

2010/08   2010/10