The information provided here is timely and biased.
Never treat one internet news page as whole; take from the original, and multiple, sources.

If you’re in bed, get out—it’s never too late.

Burn to disc, preserve and conserve.  Keep hard copies of evidence, footage—DO NOT rely on the internet.  Web hosted-video, even pages are being scrubbed at a breathtaking pace.  The unreal accounts tracked by universities as fact proves that they cannot be relied on—history is written without vital information.  The billions are there to buy much of the net, not just hack it.

Remember the words of a major broadcaster?...“We have a responsibility to not tell the [American] people the truth, because there would be riots in the streets.”


Major buy-off trend before eventual fall: over 480 pts. on DJIA over intl. bank bail-out thing.

Atheist Rhode Island: reactions to changing ‘Holiday tree’ back to ‘Christmas tree.’

Parent Resource Center sponsors Toys for Tots.

Acton/Shapleigh Historical Society issued appeal, seeking records, items.

Sanford public hearings set for 12.06 and 12.20, seeks to fill board seats.

Early reviews good for Principal-free Reich Elementary School.

Annual tree lighting and parade on 12.02 will have horse-driven rides for 2 weekends this time.

Sean Murphy (Observer): Aging Sanford High School on notice over “inadequate facilities”: New England Assn. of Schools and Colleges warns of pulling accreditation, but assn. director Janet Allison says they’re not on probation.

Portland, Maine

Forecaster: Victorian Nutcracker better than ever, says Scott Andrews.

Portland school budget could grow $16M in 4 yrs., $6M needed for ‘dilapidated’ buildings.

15-member panel plans long-term effort to address homelessness in the city.

City may ‘fine tune’ Bay-Side development deal; 3.25 acres, sold somewhat short.

DoE rules threaten plan for charter school.

What’s unsaid about OccupyMaine, welfare fraud; full city council to take up issue on 12.07.

$66K salary: Mayor-elect Michael Brennan to break w/ tradition by hosting inaugural reception at Ocean Gateway.

$54K in damages, family and friends on board.
Firefighters’ union of 200 appeal punishment of two firefighters for the city fire boat crash on 10.15 during a 6 p.m. training exercise in Casco Bay, colliding with an underwater object.

“Occupy the Republican Party”

Fmr. secy. of state to ME Rodney Quinn uses Lucius Flatley’s word of ‘inchoate’ to describe Occupy.  While “The Tea people have clear goals and a strategy,” it “has been successful.”  And like Edgar Allen Beem, who says the GOP have been excoriating the extremists who have taken over their party, Quinn’s Thought of the week: In themselves, the rich and the privileged, the haters, and the single-issue zealots are not enough to elect a president.  It requires large numbers of easily misled people.  How else to explain the election of George Bush — not once, but twice?


“Sling”: left/atheist crow bring 97% to 47% on Carr poll.

NYT: Fedl. cuts give Mainers a chill as winter approaches.

Long lines reported at Egypt’s polling places.

Police officer convicted of molesting multiple girls, one aged 12, must register as sex offender.

Judge blocks Citigroup settlement with U.S.

Falmouth Flyer bus gets another year; train whistle quiet zones move forward.

Ann Coulter calls McCain a ‘douchebag’/‘dickweed,’ gets repeatedly bleeped by MS-NBC.

Real-life McDonald’s Hamburglar surrenders, confesses; college student caught on security cam.

Richard Lewis, on Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann (not even able to watch it, let alone wouldn’t anyway), makes the lamest performance in the latest accusation of harassment against Herman Cain.  He first calls himself a comedian (or one of them does) and a patriot,   Maybe he could be a door-man to the White House, bada-bing.  And he’s disgusted.

Sobbing anarchist, with black flag in the background: we had a place to come together (the library), and now they’re shutting it down.  “We weren’t hurting anybody.”  Do you know what ‘anarchism’ means?


The meaning of life: subjective; the purpose, goal: coordination, spiritual fitness.  And...67% of those who took the Carr poll say Cain should withdraw.

Boycott Israel backfires in Montreal: sales for a shoe company go up.

Islam most prevalent religion in Germany: a mother names her child “Jihad.”  Not Jose or John, but Jihad.

Flash now ~$1/GB, HDD now 7¢/GB.

Scores of fake retail websites taken down by the government.
(Beware of unofficial retail websites—a lot of scams out there.)

The fed guarantees $7 tn. for Eurozone.  How does that work?  Our govt. does have that much money, several times over...oh, right, they rely on the fed.  “The Eurozone has ten days at best,” says one publication.

Black Friday massacre: violence in AZ.  Some parents are even using their own children to shoplift.  And Occupiers buy perishable goods (food), leave them outside in the carts, just to make it look like Wal-Mart is throwing away food (they can’t restock expired goods).

This work should never had been done, says scientist

“I don’t think Anthrax” is as dangerous, says a scientist on a new genetically engineered germ, sort of a more virulent form of Bird Flu.  “This is probably the most dangerous.”  one of the people on the project, storing the “new Black Plague” in the Netherlands...one of them is from Wisconsin.  Who would of guessed— the origin of American progressivism.

‘Gerrymandering’ came from MA.  Gerry Studds

Barney Frank will not seek another term.  Bad news: Maxine Waters will be replacing him on the not-helpful fin. committee.  Only 16 terms (32 years) in Congress.  That’s all.  And the 16th Democrat to call it quits this year.  If fixing parking tickets for members of a prostitution ring wasn’t embarrassing enough— it was the gerrymandering getting out of control.  Out of Barney Frank’s control.

The Senate’s now ‘debating’ under closed doors legislation that would give DoJ the power to pick up who the govt. deems ¬terrorist’—or with ‘terrorist ties, sympathies,’ like Ron Paul Supporters or Tea partiers, as the state of Missouri would like.  Carl Levin and John McCain want it to be the military that does this, in all unconstitutionality in America today.  God help us.

Revolutionaries in suits

UC Davis students wanted confrontation, were okay with being pepper-sprayed; one told police they’d block access.  No crying until the cameras were turned on.  And it didn’t even work.  Al Sharpton points fingers at police brutality...as he did in the past over a rape that never occurred.  NBC standards— people being raped in Tahrir Square, and in Oakland.  And Van Jones has “spontaneously” come up with the ‘middle of the road’ solution I mentioned before—“like the Tea party,^but part of the same radical left.  A legal matter.  Help the police; don’t engage it yourself.


Obama reduces the blessed United States to merely ‘lucky’ in spanksgiving speech.  And Washington gave an appreciative, detailed speech, in the founding of the country.  Can’t tell the difference between these two men, can we?  Nonsensical, yet plagiarizing of words— the revisionist history starting up again, trying to distort what Washington did, the ideals, so the progressives (Scarborough country at best) can ‘lead.’  Don’t fall in any traps; be good.

New ‘Brilliant’ strategy for the Dems., expressed in the NYT: forget about whites who work for a living— they’re pretty much the enemy.  Stick to the egg-heads and welfare-dependents.  Public admission.  Working Families is a title coined by...who knows; it’s used by Joel Rogers, maybe dumped by now for the sake of laundering.


Editing in the dark (LCD monitor w/o back-lighting)...it’s gotten worse.
Control, arrows left, down and right, keypad keys 1, 2, 3, 0, enter and period are bringing up the “Are you sure you want to shut down your computer?” alert dialog.  I debugged it.  The only way it could be ADB (keyboard) is if a key and a power signal are sent together.  In other words, it looks like a software glitch.  However, the right control does this, but the left does not.  They aren’t giving a power button key code (0x7F), but are posting a power key event.  The correct key code is posted afterward, and Open/Save dialogs belay the Shut Down dialog.

2008.04.14, TNY, The Petition by Jane Kramer tells a story about Nadia Abu El-Haj’s academic rise with ‘guilt-by-association’ controversy...ignored her tenure campaign, attacks on websites—all over her being technically Palestinian, but American first.  She decided to become an archaeologist to avoid controversy, but it came anyway.  Facts on the Ground received a lot of scrutiny, but the arguments against it weren’t all fact-based.  She’s as American as a progressive who took Political Science...two red flags.  Make up your own mind about her.

A new venture into insanity after mentally processing and critiquing the entire stack of New Yorkers, I consider the possibility of becoming a writer for the magazine, inarticulate and unexperienced as I am.  Old and tired, yet technically young, I’d simply expect to be tossed to the curb like Brian Griffin after the anus-less members found that I have no college education.  Nah, I’d be tossed because I have no experience whatsoever in anything, —I’d toss myself...I already toss myself out.  A tosser.


Murders, rapes, suicides, and now TB at Occupy.  Diseases.  Woman raped at Occupy Philadelphia in a tent by a protester.  It’s never been about Free Speech; it’s about anarchy.  Fires burning.

Woman dodged tree only to hit utility pole, knocking out power to an entire area.

Westbrook shoplifter Mark Harriman, 51, this time fights store security, reaching the level of robbery.

OccupyMaine to seek permit to remain in Lincoln Park.

Portland Trails board already searching for a new leader as Cumming is leaving; no timeline given.

Curtis Robinson writes about the leaning building on a foundation of Prohibition bottles and garbage, next to Gilbert[’]s Chowder House; the crooked building has its top portion compensating for the lean; liquids poured run quickly down.

Getting to year-end, so I decided to look back on past decade content, The New Yorker.  Oh, what am I kidding— I caught the stack before it collapsed, and now I’m seeing what to get rid of.  A lot of it is valuable, it turns out.  One from 1999, two from 2008, and many in between.

A lot of this is sloppy, as usual, and it only barely passes as “fair use,” Copyright wise.  Too much time taken reading and writing on paper, with weeks of information; not a lot of time to edit properly, still having no working monitor at home—let’s just say I have no real computer now anymore, with all of the other problems arising.  No way to make money so I can get paid to...make money.  F—king Catch-22.

Reading Scanning issues of The New Yorker

In 2002.04.01, Robert A. Caro wrote of Lyndon Johnson’s “generic cruelty” in the “The Compassion of Lyndon Johnson”—“less of racism,” more hitting on personal vulnerabilities when using the N-word or ‘boy.’Robert Parker recalls Johnson getting pissed, yelling at Parker, even ‘gearing him up for Southern treatment’: Close to ear, yells, Let me tell you one thing, n—r.  ...no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name.  So no matter what you are called, n—r, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it.  Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.  The New Yorker writer says L.B.J. “won these victories in part because of empathy”—“a deep sense of identification with the poor.”...

Karl Popper in “The Porcupine” by Adam Gopnik glossed over Soros, making the “pilgrimage to Popper” about whether Ludwig Wittgenstein poked him with a poker in 1946; Wittgenstein’s Poker (pub. Ecco).  Popper pointed out that Marx, in particular, had made clear predictions—and history falsified each one of them, the Marxists pretended that they hadn’t been made in the first place, disguising the fact that Marxism failed by sanctifying its white swans and sending its black swans, so to speak to the Gulag.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: judge/perceive, thinking/feeling, intuition/sensing, intro-/extroverted.
2003.10.06 issue of TNY, Louis Menand’s brilliant and relatable “The End Matter”: The Fifteenth edition of “The Chicago Manual of Style,” at nine hundred and fifty-six pages, shows troubling signs of flexibility.

2005.10.03 issue of TNY has a must-red “High Water” by David Remnick.  Hurricanes Betsy and Katrina, then and now, perceptions and conspiracy among those in horrible conditions.  Smaller federal govt. under L.B.J. meant better evacuation, although Betsy and did less damage.  Political influence was involved, but not prime as it is now.  Local organization vs. corrupt FEMA.  People having no money to go back, and some not willing to bear anything more committing suicide, including two of Eddie Compass’ officers—even the spokesman.  Two Red Cross workers said Katrina was worse than 9/11.  “A whole city ruined,” one said.  Under a hundred deaths were blamed on Betsy, with only a quarter million evacuated.  Over a million were pushed out in 2005.  “Biblical proportions,” one said.  Also in the issue, “May We Tell You Our Specials This Evening?” by Larry Doyle: ...“Before I tell you the entrees, there is one change to the menu: we are out of the pan-fried squirrel brains tonight, as our supplier fell out of a tree this morning.”

Letter from Amsterdam: Final Cut by Ian Baruma (2005.01.03) is closer (closest?) in date to the Nov 2, 2011 murder of Theo van Gogh.  Friend Max Pam “thinks that van Gogh’s attitude was mixed with professional rage; like Mohammed Bouyer (his killer), van Gogh had trouble getting state subsidies, not for community centers but for his films.”  Pim Fortuyn, who van Gogh often expressed admiration for, assassinated by a deranged animal rights activist in 2002, but polled second to William the Silent in a Dutch history poll.  “Mohammed B. just cobbled his religion together in two years,” said Ahmed Larouz, describing van Gogh’s killer as a madman.  Dutch poetry mounted in Theo’s torso via knife, shows someone educated, yet nuts.


Thanksgiving Thursday: Power out for 2 hrs., from ~2:40 p.m.  Uncooked turkey; had Chinese food.

Syria dismisses a deadline by Arab League; sanctions to be raised; Syria alleges a “Western agenda.”

The New Yorker, 2005.01.17 issue had a cartoon illustrating “The Great Las Vegas Coke Dunes,” in the middle of the piece on anime master Mayao Miyazaki.

2006.04.03 issue of TNY did the life of Sean Penn, where he’s for freedom but against ‘reporters reporting inaccuracies.’... no mention of support for Chàvez.  Too early?  He’s one of those people who think people like Anne Coulter (mentioned) “secretly agree,” and therefore are lying when they say otherwise...

Another cartoon depicts an accountant at his computer, left hand on mouse, right on keyboard, man standing to his right.  The caption: he says, Oh, what the hell.  I’ll just add another zero.

Also, fanatic Islam in Netherlands and the different kinds of bigotry that follow extremist murders (if you defame the religion).  Theo van-Gogh is Vincent van-Gogh’s great, great grandnephew.  Holland considers him their Lenny Bruce.  Lief, leuk, laf (sweet, nice, cowardly), the Dutch admit to talking hindsight, not doing anything in the present.

“The collegiality” had disappeared in arguments concerning Islam (dealing with immigration), said Mohammed Rabbae, who became the first Moroccan elected in Dutch parliament.  He thought that in the past few years people had lost the will “to communicate with each other,” and had even forgotten that in civilized societies “there is always a frame in which you criticize.”  But even he is “less libertarian when it comes to prejudice.”  I have to defend Islam.  Oh, and the hateful rhetoric on Moroccan websites during the gay pride parade...


6-10 inches snow, parking bans.

Yemen authoritarian pres. Ali Abdullah Saleh of 33 yrs. quits amid uprising.

Medvedev: Russia may target US missile shield.

Hackers break into water system network.

Medicare chief steps aside in pol. impasse.

Another suicide in biz world.

Christmas billboard torn down after Anti-Defamation League outcry.

25 worst passwords: "password" is #1.

One of the “Big Bird” players of Sesame Street caught w/ child porn.

Secret Service visits man with joke claim that he won’t hire until Obama’s out of office.

Paul Volcker, proprietary trading, 198 pages no one understands.

James Murdoch steps down for two companies.  News Corp. down 2.5%.

AG(?) wants hidden baggage fees on airline tickets disclosed.

U.S. Airways passenger forced to stand for 7 hrs. because of 400-lb. man next to him.

JFK assassination “Umbrella Man” mystery explained.

Researchers (still) developing a “wearable computer” for the eyes.

Romney defends ad’s use of Obama 2008 line.  It’s the economy, stupid.

Octopus seen walking on land.

Occupy: protesters block recruiting stations.  Taxpayer money spent, most on police overtime: $13 mn.  UNY raises tuition for police attacks?

The Apocalypse Package is now available, just in time for the holidays.
So much audio, a lot of it less than a week old, of communist revolutionaries, anarchists and anti-Semites making up the most outspoken of the Occupy movement.  Voices calling for violence— if your neighbors won’t get it now, they never will.

Politico garbage: We may have to kill Romney, says a Dem. strategist.  Is that a threat?  No...no credibility.


Liars eventually get pushed out: Joy Behar doesn’t give a f___ about Glenn Beck...yet she talked about him over 61 times in 2010, even multiple times per episode.  He’s brought her up specifically on the FNC TV show zero times.  Who’s obsessed— yes you are, yes you are.

Sam Powers, in Soros ranks, forwards (endorses?) a book that says Nationalism wasn’t the problem in Germany— international socialism was.  And, of course, I made the mistake of calling communism intl. socialism.  It’s not.  It’s Republican Socialism...

Another historian gets it wrong: a professor is oblivious to how progressive the Hoover admin. was.  He started the big spending, FEMA power.


Being George Washington: The Indispensable Man, as You've Never Seen Him.  Real courage, while I’m boned.  There’s also The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson by David Barton (pub. Thomas Nelson).


For the first time, we’re raising a generation…more illiterate than their parents.

Mass rallies in Egypt continue.

Hong Kong hotel Peninsula bans shark fin in food.

Meningitis suspected cause of death of 12-yr.-old girl in MA.

Shares for Thomas Cook plunge during lending talks.

AT&T bid to buy T-Mobile hits new roadblock.

Super Committee calls it quits.

80% of HS students have exaggerated sense of self-importance, narcissistic views.

81.7% turned out to vote for conservative Populist party in Spain, removing the Socialist party that’s been in place since 2004.  The conservative party is head by young man of the fmr. govt., calling for austerity measures.

While the Students for communist/Democratic Society (they seldom tell who’s controlling them), DHS is protecting people from accidentally starting fires w/ turkey fryers.

Charismatic-but-empty Obama had to be taught how to fist bump.
His support crowd, that shouted out Occupy protests (boos, more shouting) chanted Obama, cheering him on, even when he speaks about circumventing Congress.  Oh, the danger we’re all in, especially him (you don’t play games with the violent left).


2 p.m.: cable svc has been disconnected.


Euro, 1.3487 (19:27E).

MF Global suspected of mixing customer money with assets.

Corp. sports: fantasy exec. league...Kenneth Chenault.

UC Davis chancellor apologizes to students.

Natl. Park svc still slamming Killing Lincoln after all (4) minor mistakes were corrected.

“I’m not going to comment on it”—State Dept. rep. on a major CIA failure, where secret locations were exposed, sources and fronts show on Iranian state TV.


Building in relatively quiet Damascus neighborhood attacked; grenade blasts bring violence to Syrian capital.  Authorities burn tents; 4+ dead.

Cairo: tear gas and rubber bullets fired on protesters calling for civilian govt. power shift.

Rebel grp. that captured Qaddafi son says they’ll hold him till Libyan court sys. is created.

Exit poll: Spanish conservatives win election.

Chevron takes blame for ongoing Brazil spill.

FL woman missing after being on People’s Court.

3 missing Boy Scouts found in NC mountains.

NJ parents named newborn Adolf Hitler, lose custody.

Dried TX lakes (after yearlong drought) reveal “ghost town” settlements, graves.

32 homes destroyed in Reno fire(s).

More police departments look to tune public out of messages.

2 cops in UC Davis spraying footage on administrative leave.

Rhodes: 32 students receive 2-3 yrs. study scholarships.

Microsoft patents idea for monitoring employee work habits.

Mila Kunis attends Marine Corps ball after all.

27-yr.-old NY college student, Jose Pimentel, arrested on terrorism charges: naturalized citizen, Muslim convert from Dominican Republic.  Unemployed— used “Make-a-bomb” terrorist website to make a bomb his mother’s couch?

Super Committee, by law (corrupt; down to this fringe grp.), has till Wed. to come save $1.2 tn.
A natl. credit downgrade may happen regardless of a debt deal.  “Cuts to national security may not be reduced,” said Panetta.

‘Turn the other cheek’ in Africa: Pope Benedict hands over some power for 87-pg. “Papal road map.”  Support for the Roman Catholic church in Europe is in the decline.

More Occupy arrests (especially trespassers), more tents taken down (including Bangor); some focus shifts to the top 0.1%.  One protest sign reads, NATIONALIZE THE FED!!


Scientists: neutrinos still show to be slightly faster than light.

Every 200 days, Saturn has a major storm—this monster spans 9,000 miles—the largest in 20 years, and it started 2010.12.05.


NBC to revamp The Munsters, with all characters.

Shasta, shame on you!  Wash that mouth out!  Chris Fowler reacting to...
ESPN, Lee Corso: [over SMU megaphone] U-S-A! … Ah, f__k it! [Tosses megaphone to don Shasta head]
Fear of words— could we just get rid of that part of the FCC, already?  They have no right to fine for indecency.  The First Amendment guarantees all honest expression, short of death/injury threats.


AR’s tight end (football) Garrett Uekman, 19, found dead.


Qaddafi son captured.

U.S. planning new sanctions against Iran’s oil industry; new Iran special on FNC, Sun.

Syria: protests, sirens and firing.

CIA drone kills one of Britain’s most wanted terrorists: Ibrahim Adam, 24.

Turkey word bans: some lifted, ‘idiot’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ remain.

Yale tail-gate tragedy in MA: women struck as well as other vehicles, driving beer kegs.

Police pepper spray defiant UC Davis Occupiers.

NCAA probing Penn. State; Second Mile charity may close.

Mother confessed to killing 13-mo.-old Tyler.

More goods for sex in animal kingdom: spiders may trade ant husks, flower fragments...

Rahm Emanuel at Democratic thing, BarackObama.com one of the websites.

AK has to deal with record cold temps., power subsequent outages; -40°, while the TX/CA area deals with wildfires.  Snowfall fixes a fire problem...

TV, Movies

Jason Jordan Segel performed w/ Muppets on SNL.

The Green Slime (1965), and An FBI Story (1959, James Stuart) on TCM.


Syria okays Arab League observers, as violence rises again; Clinton wants different means of throwing out Bashar al-Assad than the “dead or alive” approach with Muammar al-Qaddafi.

Nuts: W.H. shooter said he’s the Jesus people were looking for, and Obama is “the devil.”

Ca. to collapse next yr., cannot cover $13 bn. in expenses.

Guru James Arthur Ray gets 2 yrs. for sweat lodge deaths.

Occupy London camps outside St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Two men attack Occupy camp in Lincoln (local); camp eventually shut.

FDA reverses approval of Avastin, “risks outweigh benefits.”

EU nature so repugnant that some’d rather argue over whether water cures dehydration.

By 23 votes, House rejects “balanced budget” amendment.

After SPAM, Bacon: solicited junk mail where you may have to manually unsubscribe.

Regis Philbin, 80, is now retired from his morning show.

Newt said to refer to a think tank on something; think tank refused to answer.

The blanket inducted into Natl. Toy Hall of Fame.

Joe Paterno, 85 next mo., has lung cancer, says son Scott.
Sandusky may’ve used internet (chat rooms) to lure victims, across state lines.  Step bros.: The other school w/ allegations of sex abuse is Syracuse.

L.A. police revisit Natalie Wood’s death—Rob Wagner and Chris (Walken) on yacht.
COD still ruled ‘accidental drowning,’ but additional information forced the case to be reopened in determining exactly what happened on 1981.11.29, the day Wood died off Santa Catalina, having a blood alcohol level of 0.14%.  Having a deep fear of dark water, Natalie had only boating experience; sister Iana says Natalie couldn’t swim.


National Unfriend Day”— only a year old, via Jimmy Kimmel Live.

SEIU Intl. Pres. Mary Kay Henry arrested.

Newt was paid $1M+ by Freddie Mac as “consultant.”  Franklin Raines in the news again.

What we learn by Chu of Solyndra: $535 bn. rushed loan, over $70 bn. for other things.

Congress declared pizza a vegetable so students can eat it with all the junk food bans.

49-yr-old Demi Moore, with great sadness is ending her 6-yr. marriage to Ashton Kutcher.

PA Gov. gave $3M grant to Sandusky “Second Mile” charity, judge involved; Jerry’s facing 40 counts, out on bail.

Govt. ruled “people didn’t need to know that they’re eating” GMO potatoes

From The Botany of Desire ©2009.
The NewLeaf™ potato, by Monsanto, based on the single potato variety that McDonald’s uses, automatically generated a protein poisonous to the potato beetle’s digestive system.  And, of course, if it becomes unconditional, unlike the spray-pesticide method, the bugs would have to adapt to survive.  And so they became resistant to the Bt protein altogether, hurting other crops as well.

Corn, and other GMOs by Monsanto are still on the market, while NewLeaf was taken off after exposure, only 5% of the potato whole.

Hundreds in L.A., thousands in Manhattan

Numerous rapes, murder in Oakland, 3 drug dealers arrested in Boston, man who made threats arrested.
Police kept Occupiers from storming stock exchange; got urine, feces, cigarette butts, glass (20 stitches for one officer’s hand).

271-300+ — over 10%, leading to arrests, and now mayors are getting together to stop Occupy “because it hurts Obama.”  Alec Baldwin, Mark Ruffalo still support this thing despite criminal sanitary issues (things not protected by the First Amendment!).


Sarah Jane Vowell brought up the actual history of Evacuation Day on The Daily Show— soldiers choosing death over the slavery of allegiance to England, with graves so shallow, body parts washed up for 20 years.  She loves Pres. Lincoln, but who’s to blame the remembrance for Thanksgiving?  Abraham-f**king-Lincoln(!).

More lawlessness dismissed on Politics Nation: “they had rights, now all of the sudden, we don’t?”  You can’t have it both ways—Al Sharpton.
Super-awful-Committee, Van Jones calls the six in Congress, as well as Alan Grayson to make “liars and hypocrites” clear...of what talking heads on TV are.  After the Tea party, “we have something real,” we hate the economic cheaters.  Three-fer: Bill Press...  Cheaters et al.


From a promise to a threat: Molotov cocktails, vandalizing Macy’s, shutting down stock exg., block bridge Thursday.

U.S. Natl. debt passes $15 tn. mark.

Suspect that fired shots fm. vehicle at W.H., Oscar Ortega-Hernandez caught.

Images of hypodermic needles taken out of Occupier “territory” when evicted.

SOPA (anti-piracy bill) gives broader power to content providers... another big brother bill.

Hillary Clinton motorcade ‘attacked’ w/ paint balloons overseas, was “never in danger.”

S.B. 5 defeated, VP Biden to unions, “promoting middle-class families”: you fired the first shot.

After Bieber agreed to take DNA test, accuser’s attorney drops her as a client.

Rebecca Black goes fm. intentionally annoying to professional singer/songwriter w/ new release(s).

Obama considers Hawaii the “capital of Asia,” adopts terms fm. Australia.

“Transgendereds” now a protected class in MA, bathroom provision, check removed.
Dumb special “rights”: does not include post-op transsexuals, only people who change appearance, to sue employer.


Father in New Zealand under pressure for exposing Marxism in new book; how deep the connections go for the San Francisco/Chicago “Marxist mafia,” from Van Jones to Leon Panetta, the Soviet/Cuban connections.  A lot of footnotes in this one.


Eviction notices by Bloomberg via NY police for Occupiers.

AP: Secret Service confirms bullet hit White House.

Occupiers quickly return to NYC despite eviction.

Euro-zone growth now only 0.2% (not a recession, but good either).

Conrad Murray wants to commit suicide— he says he never thought he’d be convicted.

R.E.M.’s final album released today.

From co-chair to full-time: Genetech’s Art Levinson named new chair of Apple; Bob Iger, of Disney, now on board of directors.

Some 200 protesters that refused to leave were arrested, as Occupiers were evicted from NYC today.  What was left behind was a sanitary bomb, described as the stench of rotting food and raw sewage.  After a judge ruled the protesters could return, but can’t camp indefinitely, one was particularly happy: Cut and dry, it’s a victory. … [T]his is our territory.

The behavior of perverted Catholic priests: minimized role

It took five years for even a salary disclosure (courts)—Penn. State covered up everything.
Sandusky chose to talk over the phone to Rock Center last night, and ended up bragging while minimizing his role, claiming innocence on charges against him.  He brought up details, admitted to being attracted to young children, but “not sexually.”  I enjoy young people, reducing rape to horseplay in the showers, only the showers in getting caught, in his mind.  His attorney is comfortable with having his children around Jerry...and the attorney has a past of his own, allegedly impregnating a teen?

Movie, TV

Jeff Goldblum on The League this Thu.  He ‘reportedly’ died in 2009, according to New Zealand media (they fell for a hoax).

Scott Cameron Pelley visits the summit of the volcano that kept 10 mn. flights grounded last year.  The ash cloud today is much smaller, the opening only the size of a car.  Last millennium, Indonesia ash clouds removed a whole summer in North America.


Blast in China, thought to be a natural gas explosion, kills 4, injures 19, breaks windows in blast radius.

Bob Carlson, advocate for affordable HC, found dead in ME river.

Another college is admitting to abuse.

Copper, 3.480, unchanged.

10 days left to agree on debt deal.

60 Minutes investigates allegations of insider trading at Capitol Hill: Pelosi, Boehner & friends have sold info.

Some protesters use defecation as a means of protest

Occupiers plan to “shut down” Wall Street (again) on Thursday.
Police put up eviction notices and fences in Portland/NYC; nearly 3,000, a dozen arrests.  Drugs, rape, death.  “This thing is far from over.”  Yammering for more makeshift barriers out of furniture to block traffic.  Police: “It has lost control.”  Cops injured, yet protesters say they’re not going anywhere.  Still plenty of support, w/ free health care(!).

Occupiers continue to scare away business, customers, intentional or not, as customers consider them violent.  Employees have to stay later, and cops have to deal with illegal trespassing, only to have bottles and obscenities thrown at them.  More, Shame, Shame! as a no. are driven away via paddy wagon.

Newt Gingrich said his theme song is Dancing Queen by Abba, reminiscing a time where he wore more flamboyant ’70s attire than many, or “Congressional standards.”


Protesters react to Arab League decision to suspend Syria.

Chuck Schumer threatens retailers w/ FTC action over possible $5 fee.

Supreme Court battle on HC individual mandate to come to a decision a few mos. before 2012 election day.

Movie, TV

Next Robert Downey, Jr. Sherlock Holmes, 12.16.

Aretha Franklin does Fashion On Ice, sponsored by Pandora jewelry.

Abbreviated Simpsons opening had only parting clouds; the Three Mouthketeers—foodies.

Family Guy: chaotic time travel to 1999.01.31 to poke fun at cruder animation of 1st season.

While Pan Am was broken up, Obama made a presser during APEC summit in HI.  Occupiers and followed him there, CNN embarrassed him w/ a blatantly anti-Republican question.  Or was it NBC... or does it matter, similar in ‘balanced’ bias.


Accidental explosion at Iranian arms depot kills 17.

Turkish forces kill ferry hijacker after posing as hostages.

Arab League votes to suspend Syria over [suburban area] killings, warns of sanctions.

Iraq hopes to sign deal for F-16s on road to new air force.

Italian crowd cheers as PM resigns.

Fukushima: journalists allowed in for the first time see how bad it is.

5 men arrested in kidnapping of 24-yr.-old Wilson Ramos—rescued some miles fm. ’napping site.

U.K. police use free beer tactic to arrest 19 suspects.

Cleveland dad charged after son chokes on baby wipe.

Newborn on Nigerian govt. payroll earning $150/mo.

Dorm issues “force” MD college students onto cruise ship.

Obama in HI for diplomacy.

NE and PA state: a moment of quiet, but virtually no game delay after death threats to asst. coach.
The trail goes on: Sandusky had access to vulnerable kids via charity.  460 years in jail.

European Space Agency/DLR/FU Berlin: images of expansive crater located in center of volcano (Tharsis Tholus) released; volcano’s roof caved in, making the hole we see today.


Huckabee’s Salute to the Troops includes Montel Williams (served in a couple of military branches, up to cryptologist position).


At what point do we start impeaching those who violated their oath?
We have people in this country who are actually saying they are against the Constitution!

Mex. interior secretary killed in helicopter crash.

News Corp. src: Obama admin. may be selling offensive missiles to UAE.

U.S. police have their backs up against a wall, forced to use Mace.  More violent confrontations in CA.

6+ major retail chains trying “black Friday” on Thanksgiving Thursday.

Judge sustains flag shirt ban, says it’s “offensive to those celebrating Mexican holiday(s).”

W.H. does another Fri. document dump: Solyndra.

Fort Hood victim families seek $750 mn. from fedl. govt.

Egypt closes pyramids ahead of 11-11-11 due to spiritual/religious groups blowing up numerology of the date, even though it’s actually 2011.11.11.

Despite threats made against a Penn. state whistleblower, a candle light vigil was held.  Potential downside: Molestation Statute of limitations is 2 yrs.

Writer, comedic actor Brian Sack does B.S. of A on GBtv: Occupy Muppets.  Today...after a holocaust special.  After interning (no wage) for Jay Leno, Conan and SNL, the contributor to the NYT bestseller Arguing with Idiots is now paid, hand up puppet a—.

Social activist, who sits on a social couch, who gets social money, snubs vets on Veterans’ day (today): Ca. mayor goes to an Occupy rally instead.

Bill Press further ruins himself: I wonder what Herman Cain’s supporters say about what happens in Penn State, Press said today, that Republicans are defending him because he happens to be a conservative politician Republican running for president. You can’t touch him, but the media can go after Sandusky… what’s the difference?  There’s no difference, really.

Smear campaign against Cain will never end—no big special interest group for black conservatives

CNN practically became Cain network for this reason.  Even jokes must not be tolerated in the set-up, and it’s deliberately exhausting.

Axelrod promotion of Obama was all about the other candidates, what they could of couldn’t say, like now, painting the opposition as racist or insensitive at every turn; in the senate race, one opponent quit when allegations against him were proven false.  Explicitly stating how serious sexual harassment charges are isn’t enough when all powers are colluded against you.

CNN is officially dead as a viable network, just as an MS-NBC guest ‘nailing’ the Republican Party on ‘supporting a black man to show they’re not racist’ is small fry compared to the horrible comments made on the web or radio, where only fringes listen.  It’s not offensive, it’s reality.


Billy Crystal is back for the Oscars®.

TCM will be running Saving Private Ryan on Tue. @ 9 p.m.

Carrie Keegan did Keep a Breast Foundation, where a mold of her breasts was made...for charity.

“It took a national effort,” all you anti-govt. Tea partiers, as Rachel Maddow is standing in front of a dam.  It’s the promotional dishonest ad—the environmental left, as they stonewall every plant production with any environmental problem, imagined or real...as in, any production.  No matter what, it’s the fault of ‘the corporation.’  Well, G.E., yes.


ID thieves are shrewd; stealing from checking/banking accounts, all of it.

Eastern European criminals hack into 4 mn. computers, stealing millions of dollars off innocent users.

Fmr. Israeli president to serve 7 yrs. in prison for rape.

Totalitarian Venezuela: Nationals’ Ramos captured via van.

“Storm of epic proportions” hits AK coast.

Toyota recalls 420K cars in U.S.

Microsoft, Yahoo & AOL reach partnership—an ad alliance.

Green Bay Packers’ stock sale may begin as early as next week.

Eddie Murphy drops out of Oscars after Ratner’s “rehearsal is for fags” comment.

Source says personal assistant to Obama is quitting.

Dems offer $2 tn. ‘deficit cut’... w/ tax increases.

Rpt.: Grand Canyon lifts bottle ban after Coca-Cola objects.

Baby mammoth innards revealed in X-Ray images.

Christian bikers allowed through every gate in support of Jews.  Somehow, everything remained open.

Woman (Lydia Tillman) survives attack and sexl. assault by killer (Travis Forbes) who stored body (Kenia Monge) in freezer.

Evil doesn’t create, it perverts, destroys.
The literal worshiping of evil: ritual leaves man with 300 lacerations in WI.  The climate in NY, WI, DC and Oakland.  Hitler used rituals, Christianity, replaced all symbols w/ self after becoming chancellor.

Peacefully dissent, clean closet.  Have no legal improprieties.
Penn. State students topple news van, pelt rocks at reporter, media excuse Occupy mentality as “love for Paterno.”  No crimes committed by Tea partiers, but “dragged through the streets.”

Gingrich pokes at Perry’s gaffe (failing to recall govt. departments), and Cain loses an endorsement...American Mustache Institute— Cain has a “theatre quality” mustache, they say (appears full only).


Globality”: Pres. to make Central Park available to the world...more public than public?  Two governments collapse this week, a European bank fails...tax Christianity, religion to promote it?

Vatican approves adult stem cell research.

Secret Service officer’s gun discharges near Russian consulate.

Joe Paterno to resign at season end after calls for ouster.

Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff speaks out on the Capitol corruption in new book.

EAS test wasn’t very successful: nothing on some channels, some had garbage audio.

Green Mountain (GMCR) falls 33.4%.

Madoff investors sue JPMorgan for $19 bn.

Are you ready for (some) Award Show!: Hank Williams Jr. at CMA, doesn’t care anymore.  He smashed all 11 of his guitars made for Monday Night Football; only 12 made, one given away.  One eye crooked, can’t grow hair on parts of his head due to the accident while rock climbing years ago.

Rick Perry wishes he had boots on, ’cause he really “stepped in it” (his words) on the CNBC debate.


Nick Swardson’s Pretend Time: Creepy Os scalps a pilgrim, resends the “Land of the Lakes” butter Native American’s arrow to the head.


Darkness in NY: fingers pointed at the Jews, more Nazi swastikas.

Jon Corzine overleveraged/bet on European debt after Lehman Bros. was a cautionary tale.

OH voters reject both HC mandate and bargaining privileges for unions.

MS voters say ‘no’ to blastula personhood (Prop. 26).

Duggars announce baby no. 20.

Lindsay Lohan spends only 5 hrs. in jail due to overcrowding.

New low: protesters throw urine, blood, one deliberately got in front of a car.

Religious “leader” on Joy Behar Show says the Bible is more socialist than capitalist.

Bill Clinton responds “Yes, I think that should be the rule,” to Scarborough asking “Serve two terms, take time off, serve again.”

PM Berlusconi to resign after fin. crisis (not just Greece debt in EU)—not over corruption.
Italy’s debt is 2x the Europe support fund.

Eric Holder dances on “what he knew”

I have ultimate responsibility for that which happens within the department, but I cannot be expected to know the details of every operation that is ongoing within the Justice Department on a day-to-day basis.  It wasn’t good, and shouldn’t happen again.  More calls for his resignation: If heads don’t roll, nothing’ll change, said Chuck Grassley.

No apologies, family of dead agent still stonewalled, coverups to last, media only care for final solutions.

She sued a media exec., and “lives off the system,” has a 13-yr.-old kid

Veteran anchor Bill Kurtis says Bialek was a fmr. CBS employee w/ a ‘track record’ (always the employer’s fault).

Cain family stalked by press, as Hill stalked Thomas no matter where he went: how “race matters,” blonde women and a black man—progressive talk.  A NYT writer’s deep contempt for anything ‘R,’ and how many progressives hate black conservatives. Race is supposed to be irrelevant.


27 knockouts: Joe Frazier dies at 67.  Muhammad Ali outlives him to say, The world has lost a great champion.

Rapper Dwight Arrington “Heavy D” Meyers dies at 44 after having pneumonia, collapsing outside his Beverly Hills home.

‘Mayor of Kaler Road’ Anthony N. Bennett, 84.  Dedicated and loyal, the Maine State Champion Bowler also was also great at softball in his early years.


A coalition: dedicate yourself to local community solutions, as many have.

Judge delays mandate for graphic images on cigarette packs.

Graham “Cracker” running for office, forced to cover nickname, deemed offensive...offered tape.

Executive action, “can’t wait for Congress,” bailing out Fannie & Freddie w/ $6 bn., the major players in the cause of the housing crisis.

Conrad Murray trial verdict reached; found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and remanded w/o bail immediately due to overcrowding (early for more jail time); sentencing on 11.29.

EBS is local, this is national: changed from 3:30 to :30 (audio interruption), 60 seconds max.  And it’s by...FEMA, why Katrina was so bad.  And you lose your license if don’t do the test.

Woman #4, Sharon Bialek (a la Gloria Allred) comes forward against Herman Cain, with a logistically nonsensical story (fits with her past (some call her a scam artist, even going after her boyfriend with similar conveniences).  Forcing a woman’s head down to your crotch requires defiance or acceptance.


Obama & Sarkozy (slam Netanyahu off camera), Cain & Gingrich.

William Colton Millay, based in AK, arrested on espionage charges.

Roadside bombing; blasts, gun battles in drug raids—too many to track in 24 hrs.

Israel deports ‘aid’ ship boarders.

Revered Review: BOE unanimously approves lease agreement with Vernon township (Historical Society).

DreamWorks’ Puss In Boots tops box office.

Asteroid to have closest encounter w/ Earth in 35 yrs. on Tues.; NASA Near Earth Object Program mgr. Don Yeomans said, We’re extremely confident, 100% confident, that this is not a threat.  Lowest distance at 6:28 p.m. (familiar), 202K miles, closer than the roughly 204K miles the moon has.  C-type 2005 YU55 is a quarter-mile (across) spheroid, dark and slowly spinning.


Daylight Savings time to switch off at 2 a.m. Sunday.

Greece, Italy scrambling to overcome debt issues.  (As if they can.)

Israel boards Gaza-bound ‘aid’ ships.

Mex. mayor’s killing sparks fears; gunmen die in shootout.

SD Gov. Bill Janklow says he’s diagnosed w/ brain cancer.

Web poll, 81,900 RSVP followers: “bank Transfer day”— Starbucks is now using the creepy mask image.

Fmr. PA coach, others charged in child sex case.
Jerry Sandusky was arrested and charged with 40 criminal counts involving 8 boys, made $100K bail.  A shock to many, Sandusky, 67, was arraigned after prosecutors uncovered a ‘trail of a predator,’ using his status to assault/molest children from 1994-2009.  Gary Schultz, 62, and Tim Curley, 57, were expected to turn themselves in Monday; the school’s director and an administrator were charged w/ perjury and failing to report what they knew regarding the allegations.  ‘Victim 4’ said Sandusky gave him clothes, shoes, a snowboard, golf clubs, hockey gear, football jerseys.


Willy Wonka actor Leonard Stone, who played Violet’s dad, dies at 87.


Power’s out, restored 11:23 a.m.

U.S. worried about possible preliminary strike by Israel on Iran as more information about nuclear aspirations (making weapons, document details becoming more accurate).

Syrian troops circle mosques to trap protesters; 15 civs. killed.

Oct. natl. unemployment rate: 9%.

14 Mex. troops convicted of homicide.

Jon Corzine, promoted by Obama, resigns, rejecting severance pay.

51-49 (60 needed) for third portion of ‘jobs’ bill.

TSA to conduct cancer study on X-Ray machines after ProPublica report.

New worries docs will get hit with pay cuts in coming weeks; many already paid little.

Woman who says Justin Bieber got her pregnant has some ’splainin’ to do w/ police.

WH press secy. misquotes the Bible.

Tom Ridge endorsed Jon Huntsman.

Oakland mayor under fire over protests.  Leo Gerard USW promoted blocking of bridges, banks.

Wall St. money going to [Willard] Mitt Romney this time.

The Who announce new cancer charity.

Greek PM may resign regardless of confidence vote; he won, 152-148.

Chicago-based Groupon sold 35 mn. shares @$20 ea., sending $700M...

Man who non-violently scared off protesters w/ shotgun still had property damage, now gets hate mail.

GA man is jailed for returning telemarketers’ numerous calls; one says guy gave bomb threat (w/ no evidence).

Militant group (Boko Haram) blamed for Nigerian attack.  3 blasts, including one at theological school; no deaths reported at first.  Update: +67 dead.

TX man says he may join “Anonymous” in fight against cartel...
One “Anonymous” member purportedly released in state of Veracruz.  And then they abandon their move to leak names of supporters after Zetas threaten/promise 10 deaths per name.

Judge who whipped daughter (w/ cerebral palsy?) won’t be charged since video was shot 7 yrs. ago.  TX family judge admits to going over the line after catching her stealing; was 16, now 23, posted hidden camera video online.

A Politico reporter eluded to tactics when asked abt. Cain popularity a week before: “wait till next week.”

Jaime Alverado posed as illegal immigrant fm. Mexico to evade warrant, got caught w/ cocaine possession again.  Many more getting special treatment, even those drinking and driving—plenty of motor vehicle incidents.

Conrad Murray got 4 gallons of Propofol?
Deliberations began at 11:30.  Expected to be quick (<2 work days), as jury has experience as jury, only one charge (involuntary manslaughter).  After break request(s), jurors end their day deliberating.  6 hrs. of full clock coverage on HLN.


South Park depiction of Michael Moore was only slightly exaggerated; real footage had no bull horn, but the triple-chin was there, and he called the reporter a liar.

CongressmanWithGuts.com: Alan Grayson on Thom Hartmann show again, saying we have to stop letting the rich get richer.  With a liar like Grayson, you know it has to be bad.

Also, good ol’ Charlie Rangel.


Andrew Aitken Rooney (a.k.a. Andy Rooney), 92, dies after complications of postoperative surgery.  His commentary at the end of 60 Minutes ran 1978-2011.


Thai death toll hits 437; production line(s) stall.

Occupy Oakland protesters shut down port.  Vandalism of Whole Foods and Bank of America.

FCC fined CBS $550K for Janet Jackson nipple exposure (Super Bowl).

Fedl. judge strikes down part of AL immigration law that does education citizen status check.

Natl. Restaurant Assn. links Chicago and Rahm Emanuel to Cain leak.

Haqqani top threat to U.S. in Afghanistan— told you a year ago.

Finally, one sexl. assault arrest in Occupy.

Snowe ahead of challengers.

Perry denies drug/alcohol influence in speech.

Fannie & Freddie execs. get bonus pay of over $12M.

Cain camp sits down with Ginni Thomas, Clarence’s wife.  Reports of lavish spending, more accusers.

Greek PM scraps referendum on debt plan, for vote.
Euro zone skeptics want Greece out, old currency may be reintroduced w/ 50-120% inflation, and Obama arrives at G-20 summit.


Charlie Rose: Brain Series delves into the less known areas of the brain, including Area 25, where stimulation helped depression symptoms.  Under addiction, the condition in response to dopamine is replaced with the response to the substance (physiological).


“Death to Capitalism” in Oakland, as protesters try to block banks.

Greece is the word: world leaders meet in France; no confidence vote on Fri., midnight (local).

New push to tax stock trades on Wall Street.

BofA drops move to charge $5/mo. on debit cards.

Theocracy Iran bans two soccer (football) players for ‘amoral’ celebration—pats on butts.

Potential meltdown during Aug. quake: a diesel generator used for cooling failed to kick in for a nuclear plant.

Curt Anderson (Cain senate race), now running the Perry camp, accused of leaking allegations; Cain says he told of allegations to Curt.

A mild EM storm occurred today, but not as strong as that in Oct., where some in TX were in the dark, communities getting together—one wood stove for heat.


Redeye gets higher ratings than CNN prime time.

MythBusters bed liner is a cheaper alternative to dog-proof suit; fewer dents and cuts, but not car crash-proof.  Oldest sewer in 8th-century B.C.: natural gases in sewer can flash out/blow out man-hole covers 150 feet up.


Internalization is to independence, as externalization is to dependence.

Pensions holding gold as the go-to value, and China tries to inflate copper by buying loads of it...so they don’t crater.  Price of peanut butter will be going up by 40%.

Corzine and ex-GS the boss of Co. missing $700M.  Customer money gone, fmr. Gov. of NJ.

Komisarjevsky is up, sister appeals that he isn’t a killer...only a molester, invader?

Murray trial: closing args. soon.

Accuser wants to come fwd. despite non-disclosure agreement.

Iconic baseball field used in Field of Dreams sold.

Kim Kardashian made $18M off wedding.

[NFL, or take your pick...] Adelman actually groped women; woman thrown out first.

Romney & Cain to skip “jobs forum,” hosted by IA Gov.

More than 2 drinks a day resulted in higher chance of breast cancer.

Mahmoud Abbas sides w/ Hamas by saying the Jewish state will never be recognized, or the Jewishness.

“Palestine” to join many other U.N. groups.
The U.S. isn’t a “Christian nation,” but the Israeli system has to be Jewish, not that the people have to be.

It’s not good for the collective to report it

Another rape, in Toronto.  Lawlessness...they don’t care enough.  And yet another rape, at another location— you don’t deal with this internally!  You need to put the predators away!

Editor of (world) socialist website says violence is inevitable because the ‘one percenters’ won’t give in to the demands of the Occupy ‘99ers’ (not because violence is wrong).

U.S. “Border Guard” (white supremacists), PSL (Party of Socialist Liberation), Hezbollah, and other violent orgs. support Occupy.

$12.4 bn. net worth total for House & Senate, and the dangerous, unchallenged arrogance

Permanent bureaucracy, regulators—Congress is supposed to be the way out!  Obliteration of property rights a major part, along with World Wildlife Federation—environmental movements.

The admin. bundled money from lobbyists on day one: David Axelrod lies to Candy Crowley at CNN.  The only truth: “this Pres. has gone farther than any other...”  A billion dollars to create an image, and then say, it’s not perfect, trying to sell the camp as an underdog?  How can you explain yourself in fighting for the wrong side?  Oh, degenerate liars who first deny the existence of the problem, and then say it doesn’t matter after it’s proven.

Dick Wolf wanted L&O to surpass Gunsmoke in ‘longest running series,’ and would resurrect it immediately if he could.  NBC canceled it for their own reasons.


Dorothy Rodham, 92, mother of Hillary Clinton, dies; seen in a 2008 campaign ad for the daughter.

The truth is all-important.