Lead.  Do your homework and lead.

It only looks harder than it is.

Moody’s downgraded the rating for health care companies.  With no actual improvement in sight, and a government bent on abusing power, it can only get worse.

Censorship on the march.
Timing and turnover, the Obama admin. seeks control of the internet— the ‘kill switch’ that was warned about.  Bill Clinton is certainly against this; ‘control just because of inconvenience.’

Besides the U.S., it’s not just Russia killing media; Turkey shut down twitter access in the middle of March.


Just letting ’em go: of course the admin. lied when it said it’s enforcing immigration laws!

Spoiler (if you still have it DVR’d and still haven’t watched): the mother did die.
How I Met Your Mother ends with such a slap to the face— literally; Barney gets his last slap out of five, from Marshal— but more importantly, to emphasize that the show really isn’t about the mother (Tracy McConnell, played by Cristin Miloti).  She was killed off pretty quickly in the show.  You saw her last season, and now… Ted goes back to gettin’ Robin after the marriage bet. Robin and Barney inevitably crumbled.  Marshal also became judge, to be on his way for ‘fudge supreme,’ as a Supreme Court justice.


Mag-5.1 quake hits La Habra, Ca.

Amnesty to criminals.
The admin. pushed the Dream Act; that didn’t work, so then it turned into ‘a second chance’ w. lax law enforcement, and now petty crimes (which include assault & battery) are included.

Govt. knows best: malice in Mass.
Condition of Justina Peletier unknown, judge stripped custody ‘permanently,’ to a hospital with a bad record; in worse condition, she could be dead for all anyone knows.  The state insulates itself from general parental outcry of the deterioration of children at the Boston hospital.

No one visited the Peletier home; there is no reason for any of this, no child services conflict warranted.  How worse things have gotten with the family, with Justina, isolated in the hospital; the latest injustice in the case serves as some sort of punishment over media exposure and the fact that the family has some religious conviction, regardless of any medical facts.

The gag order is unconstitutional, the state has no right, no justification.  Worse, it’s mutual corruption, as the local media basically try to ignore the case, ignore the human rights aspect, as if Christianity amounts to human condemnation.  Denying the child her life, this is downright evil; the people must unconditionally stand against this.

Used by Henry Waxman, others… bad info.
Last week, Washington Post admitted to ‘inflaming debate’ by writing article with false information about the Koch Brothers having business with the Key Stone pipeline; they actually lose millions of dollars with the pipeline.  It didn’t matter that, after a journalist looked into the relations, disclosing in Oct. that the Kochs had none, and the paper agreed.  WAPO defended the coverage, politicians used the political lies in the article to further the ‘debate,’ stopping… what, energy independence?


U.S. officials: Putin could invade Ukraine ‘at a moment’s notice.’
The Daily Beast (Josh Rogin): an admin. official warned today the Russian army is prepared to invade eastern Ukraine if Putin decides to take further military action.  According to top Ukrainian security officials, Russia now has 100,000 troops on that side of the border; other estimates put that at 1/3 the number, but still enough to overpower the undermanned/undersupplied armed forces of Ukraine.

Chinese scientists urged to develop new thorium nuclear reactors by 2024.

Wa. mudslide death toll hits 17; floods make and made any rescue attempts difficult.

U.S. admin.: 6 mn. enrolled in ACA, days bef. the 31st deadline; this claim vs. the 6.2 mn. no. for those who lost insurance in the process.

Murder of Johnny Cash’s great niece: suspect pleads not guilty.

Report: Harry Reid used $31K in campaign money to pay for granddaughter’s family jewelry biz.

Some 200 angry relatives questioned Kuala Lumpur’s conclusion at meeting.
Relatives demand Malaysia retract the conclusion that MH370 ‘ended in the Indian Ocean.’  One female family member told the Malaysian representatives that the plane’s path depicted on British investigators’ charts appeared not to match Malaysian military radarSCMP.

Christie ‘cleared’ in bridge scandal.
But will MSNBC hear it?  Other than the MH370 “coverage” all around, no!  An attorney by a lawfirm that the NJ gov. paid into made the… ‘clearing.’  Two degrees from Kevin Bacon, ‘that’s a scandal in itself.’

There’s also this: We’re living in very, very strange and disconcerting times, socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said on PoliticsNationWe have more people living in poverty today than in any time in the history of the United States of America, … and basically Republicans want to starve children with cutbacks.  It’s an old narrative.  But back to that new narrative that suggests Bridge-gate matters.  ‘Obsess-a-thon, action — Go!

More people translating letters from the Titanic— from French.
Loosely related, from Jan.: a Sichuan-based energy company announced a 1 bn. yan project to build a life-size replica of the Titanic for inland theme park.  Posing with Shaojun and the others, Bernard Hill, the actor who played the captain in the 1997 movie Titanic.


Latest delay (but don’t you dare call it that): the ‘honor’ system, a check box on the web site, a phone call could be made— you can come up with an excuse (or lie) on how you’re unable to pay for the ACA individual mandate.

Issa threatens contempt.
And so, the IRS stalls, and stalls for months so when the time comes, they can say, “it’s old news, why are you still wanting answers in this.”  It’s not a scandal, we’re not corrupt…

The Conventional Wisdom Is Wrong.
Atantic Wire (Philip Bump … and, what’s with the name, Bump?— er, …): Ds are not doomed in Nov.; the congressional ballot data was artificially inflated by the train wreck of the govt. shutdown, which completely tanked R poll numbers.  Yeah, that’s it.  The lower chances of being elected has nothing to do with interests in the media, such as hundreds of tenticles from organizations funded by George Soros— I mean, the Koch Brothers.  Damn, the truth slipped out, again!


Professor Obama says legal arguments from the intl. community can be used to pressure Russia.

Death toll rises to about two dozen; not everything’s confirmed due to the ‘missing’ count.

Defendends said they were just pawns; jury disagreed.
USA Today: five people who worked in Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme were convicted Monday after 18 hrs. of deliberations.  59 times, the jury foreman said “guilty,” as the court clerk read the thirty-one-count indictment, and asked for the panel’s findings, going over each defendant.


G8 now G7, as Putin’s Russia acts like a dictatorship.
Russia seizes the last control base of Crimea.  Many Ukrainian service members have gone missing; members in general are told to get out of dodge.

Ebola outbreak kills 59 in Guinea, may have spread to Liberia.

Malaysian PM: MH370 “ended” in southern part of Indian Ocean.  Drones helped discover…debris?

Judge Joe Brown released after being jailed in contempt for an outburst.

Washington mudslide claims 8+; over 100 still missing.
15 feet in depth, like quicksand people were trapped.  Geologists warn that more slides could on the way.  Investigators call it a “square mile of devastation.”

U.K. abortion controversy.
But not a scandal, as it would be here.  Less individual choice “for the greater good,” abortion clinics ended up disposing aborted fetuses by burning them; not only that, but using them as a fuel source.  And you don’t have a choice on this.  Blatant disregard for human life, burning flesh.

It’s a little like Mayan sacrifices the way corrupted societies under corrupted governments end up killing people, claiming it for the ‘greater good’… and to make it a matter of humanity— ‘humanity did this.’  No, corruption and the excuses made for convenience did this.  And dare I say, socialism did this.

Convenience over health: the reason why I couldn’t see a doctor today.

Insanity that excuses itself, saying it has a sense of humor.
A group spoofs the Gadsden flag, with “DONT’T TREAD ON MY OBAMACARE.”  Don’t take away my entitlement, really— a symbol of slavery.

Joe Biden also joked that Barack ought to be nominated for sainthood for his patience, in dealing with… stories of ACA victims, how the admin. has ruined the healthcare system.  Yeah, bullies that are so irresponsible that they don’t have a clue what they’re doing— those are the real saints.


They ‘pinky swear’ the relations between Russia and the U.S. won’t become a nuclear issue… yeah, pathetic.  It’s more certain that nukes will come into play; there’s no control, but dictators taking over, all over again.


Angela Merkel: there is no G8.  She speaks of damage if Russia continues to restore its ‘loss of dominion,’ yet Germany has the most to lose.  Russia storms in…

Michelle Obama scheduled to meet with China’s Peng Liyuan tomorrow.  Meanwhile, the WH pastry chef decides to leave on behalf of Michelle’s ‘healthy food alternatives.’

Breaking News: flight 370 is still missing.  The MH370 media obsession, ratings game continues… searchers may have found metal objects that might be related to the jetliner.  Out of the surreal coverage, cable news is just unwatchable.


Putin: Crimea is ‘part of Russia.’  Ukraine has claimed it for sixty years, but Russia, under Vladimir Putin has more firepower…  Forcing hands, and committing murder in the process, Russian troops drilled on the border of eastern Ukraine, as soldiers broke into a Ukrainian military base, killed a Ukrainian servicemember, and captured others.

U.S. force, ‘unserious on so many levels,’ Obama speaks of a coalition gathering resources… to send a message.  Yeah, stop or I’ll reduce my military further; that’s the only effective message this president has sent.

Two killed in Tues. Seatle news helicopter crash.
Taking off from the KOMO-TV roof, near the Space Needle, it failed, crashed, killing all two on board, also badly injuring a man in a vehicle, out of three vehicles that caught fire.

Prison Nation, Planet.

The arrogance continues.
A privacy-breaching program called MYSTIC: the National Security Agency faces new scrutiny after a published report that it has the capability of recording and retrieving 100% of phone calls in foreign countries —USA TODAY.

Launched in 2009, the program “reached full capacity against the first target nation in 2011,” reported the Washington Post.  “Planning documents two years later anticipated similar operations elsewhere.”  The Post learned of the program via documents obtained by Edward Snowden.  NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines neither confirmed nor denied the existence of the MYSTIC program.  Of course…

U.S. District Judge Ronald Guzman: he’s “deceitful to the core.”
Kevin Trudeau, an author of many books, including memory enhancement and unconventional health, plus infomercial host, defied a 2004 court order barring him from running false ads.  He aired some infomercials 32,000 times anyway.  Now, he got a ten-year prison sentence.

Because of a judge, a child sex offender was let loose, surprisingly wins the lotto, uses money to attract more young boys.  Lawmakers see what they can do about it… that is, what they can do in imposing a law on the lottery, not looking into bad judges, such as this one.  And the one siding against Justine Pelletier’s parents.  And many others in this increasingly corrupt govt.

Über-delusional, network; Über-delusional CEO.
Comcast CEO Brian Roberts: “We’re beginning to make our service look like Uber.”


U.S. “pranksters”: Russian stocks went up amid new sanctions; no one believes the U.S. has any willful power over Russia.

Non-believer: as if all the sudden, ‘the Harvey Milk of his coast,’ Obama congratulates primarily ‘Hispanics,’ but has a hard time staying awake.

Rolling Stones cancels Aus. concert over L’Wren Scott’s death; Scott was $6 mn. in debt.


Saint Patrick’s Day.
With less beer: Heineken also pulled out of the parade in protest.

BusinessWeek: in Kiev (Kyiv), armed and masked men protect parliament this morning as residents react with a mix of resolve and unease after Crimea’s inevitable vote to join Russia.  Veterans of the war in Afghanistan, they played an important role in the fortifications that protected the protesters in Kiev’s central square who ousted President Viktor Yanukovych last month.

Vladimir Byksha, 25, who works at a coffee cart outside the parliament, calls joining the Ukrainian army a “waste of time,” going as far as to reject military mandatory service, as he has before.  Why join an army of 50,000 troops when Russia has 220,000 along our borders? he asked.  There would be no point; after one day of fighting, half of us would be dead and the other half would be taken as prisoners.

While most Crimeans welcome Russia, some know just how bad things are— what’s really happening.  If Mr. Putin would decide to go further, it would be a different world around us, there would be no international legal base anymore, said ex-diplomat Bohdan Yaremenko, who resigned after a career in the foreign service last week.  Yaremenko also sees the U.S. as an important figure in all of this.  If they are not able to defend Ukraine, how would they convince Iran not to go for the nuclear weapons?  If it is the only means, and Putin would prove it, the only means to protect [one’s country] and not be destroyed is to have nuclear weapons, same as North Korea and same as the rest of the world?  We would start the next tour of global armament.

Prophetic, is it not?

ABC News: President Obama expands sanctions against Russia.

MH370 ‘Big Turn’ was pre-programmed into the computer.  And then someone at Boeing said the 777’s in Pakistan… or at the border…

AP: Star Trek actor Chris Pine pleads guilty to DUI.

Savannah Guthrie’s Today show news: I’m married, I’m pregnant.

Since Jay Leno’s departure from NBC, the ‘man on the street’ is now entirely left to lesser known outlets.  One of them asked low-information voters, and boy did the people responding reflect the fact that the press are far, far more entertainers than truth tellers.  (One recent example: Don Lemon basically said God took Malaysian flight 370.  CNN: the place for boring one-way politics & cat videos.)

So what do low information voters know?  That “Sarah Palin” said, I can see Russia from my house.  That was actress Tina Fey, as Palin.  In that infamous “interview” by Charlie Gibson, deliberately trying to sabotage his subject, Palin, in the attempt to be more appealing, made a joke, that ‘people up here in Alaska can see Russia.’

So these cowards in the media do what they can to not let voters know things in whole, leaving Daily Show w. Jon Stewart, a show that deliberately and unapologetically distorts everything it touches, to come off stronger (for left-wing comedy).  In fact, some of the low-information voters made Daily Show out to be a news source.

Every single one of these low-information voters knew something that didn’t happen, but they never heard of Barack Obama flubbing on the campaign trail, having ‘57 states to go,’ didn’t know that Joe Biden got in trouble for plagiarism.  Basically, they didn’t know what the media didn’t want them to know.  And, of course, when asked, ‘will you change your vote?’  Absolutely not.

Their sources include: the surface of the The New York Times, National Public Radio, Real Time w. Bill Maher… my, God.  Every single one of them are so horribly biased that they’ve gotten in trouble.  NYT is so weak on editing that they let compulsive liar Jason Blair go on for some time; NPR’s “non-partisan” members are partisan enough that one of them relayed a death wish on air; despite the so-called “War on Women,” Maher called Palin a c--t.  (It’s too easy to see that Real Time is on the far-left of the spectrum.)

By definition, all of these outlets are the actual conservative outlets, holding the country back from any real progress, letting people decide for themselves instead of being selective on coverage, deliberately cutting back on resources.


Laura “L’Wren” Scott, 49, was found dead in her apartment today.
Apparently, the fashion designer, and Mick Jagger’s girlfriend since 2001, hanged herself from a scarf on a doorknob, discovered by her assistant around 10 a.m. in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.  Police sources told the New York Daily News that Scott texted her assistant around 8:30 a.m. asking her to come over.  Last month, Scott canceled her scheduled London Fashion Week show following production delays.  Her last red carpet appearance was at the British Fashion Awards 2013 at London Coliseum, Dec. 2.

Jagger, 70, currently on tour at this time, is “completely shocked and devastated,” according to a spokesperson for him.  Though he hasn’t been photographed together with her since Nov., they were considered a ‘solid couple.’

Born Laura “Luann” Bambrough, she was adopted by Mormon parents, and raised in Roy, Utah, before being discovered at age 18 by fashion photographer Bruce Weber.  She began modeling in Paris for Thierry Mugler and later Chanel.  At 6'4", she was a significant presence in the fashion world, even before heading up in the PR department at Prada.  She moved on to become a personal stylist, but during her career Scott worked with the likes of Liz Taylor and Karl Lagerfeld.


The common trait, how the press, the media are so bad, gaming MH370 instead of… you know, reporting news: disrespect for the truth.  That’s what it takes to be a real journalist; you have to have respect for the truth, foremost.  Speculation is guessing— and so much of the ‘coverage’ isn’t even educated guessing.  All for ratings, the media are for the most part ignoring real problems where mortality is in question, ignoring Russia and Venezuela, to say the least.  Russian native/allied hackers have brought down some of the old Ukraine government websites…

But what happened to the 239 passengers on board?  In my view, they’re probably dead; what about the millions of people in danger for what we do know, in fact?  No, no.  With the death of general journalism years ago, the facts do not matter.  Sensationalism first, playing favorites, making excuses— irresponsibility all around, eventually believing their own B.S. to a degree.  A new old spin and a new low.

22,000 Russian troops on the edge, 6 miles further into Ukraine.
A war with Ukraine, using Crimea, which will go one-way, making itself part of Russia.  Votes are bought off, there’s extortion at play— heh, talk about a Second World version of Washington, DC.

It’s a growing hot war with Russia and its allies.
There’s speculation of a new cold war, in the old crap way of thinking… and there’s that word again, ‘speculation.’  The “international community” will not do anything major, like everything in my being with the world it’s too little too late.  When things get started, it will be fast; there will be warfare, there will be unimaginable fire… it’s bad.

Subway changes the recipe for their bread.
Phasing out the old earlier this year, the submarine sandwich bread containing a toxic chemical banned in several countries, how will the new one fare?

TV… movie

Starting with TCM, Anthony Bourdain, cuisine in movies.
One of the subjects in My Dinner with Andre (1981) still reasonate today: people have been zombies back in the ’80s, too.  As if you have to take everybody to Mt. Everest just to get them to feel.  And how the ‘zombification’ comes to be: All this reporting of crime and chaos (and a list of examples); the exploitation and alteration of what’s important, giving the audience the impetus of control where they have none.  Unable to change anything in this distortion of responsibility, people become passive and impotent.  I know that from experience!

» click here to read more…

Also, Of Science, and Sh-- that Sticks.


PPH: University of Southern Maine faces deep cuts.
Among proposed cuts in the attempt to reduce the $140 mn. budget by 10%: Geosciences (if you’ve ever seen the minerals on display— yeah, that field of science), American and New England Studies, Arts and Humanities major at the Lewiston-Auburn College.

For faculty, 20 to 30 people, which includes eight in the four shuttered programs.  Staff, ten to twenty, in addition to 14 laid off earlier in the year.  The 1-to-15 faculty-to-student ratio may go 1-23, the average at peer institutions.


Russia pushes further, mounting thousands of solidiers for an “intervention” with Ukraine, despite warnings of Europe.

Makers of Samuel Adams beer withdraws sponsorship from St. Patrick’s Day Parade in protest over the parade’s exclusion of gay groups (really a ‘display of homosexuality’ ban).  Update: the mayor also doesn’t like the exclusion.

MH370 probably crashed into the Indian Ocean.
Now a criminal investigation: three communications systems were dropped, minutes apart; the plane altitude rose and fell well out of normal range, and below normal cruising level, 20,000 ft., descending 40,000 before making a U-turn.

Billionaires come out against minimum wage increase.
The socialist “argument,” of course, is to say they’re billionaires; of course they’re going to say that, keep their bottom line, pay less.  Socialists do not see the actual value, the responsibilities, in that there is more than just a money at play; a business is something that takes on a multitude of responsibilties that keep one busy… hence the term bus-i-ness.

Typically, socialists are failures in that they can’t make the same money, with their own denial, jealousy and miseducation.  They can’t come up with anything better on the point, let alone anything better than capitalism.  Instead, generalized but small-minded views, misleaders and pawns.

There is greed, and there is abuse of power.  Socialism, however, denies admitting the fact that neither of those are defined by money; greed and abuse of power exist because of bad reasons, irresponsibility.  And because socialism is in itself is irresponsible, it cannot help.  At all.  Idolotry, sensationalism, propaganda, emotional satisfaction tied with destruction.  And don’t forget deliberate ignorance.


Another executive order, this time for salary workers.

MH370 kept pinging, up to 5 hrs. after it went ‘missing.’
WSJ and other sources: radio communications were turned off, one by one, up to fourteen minutes apart, deliberately.  The transponder (for ID and location) is pretty much a switch (easy).  But in order to turn the maintainence data transmitter (turned off in the middle of 1 a.m. local), you’d have to open a panel, like an engineer, knowing where it is.

Charlie Manson associate paroled on murder charges.


Portland Daily Sun: International Women’s Day, celebrated with… a fashion show.

Almanac: This Day in History.

In 1930, Mohandas Gandhi began his 200-mile march to protest the British salt tax.

In 1912, Julitte Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts.

In 1933, then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the first of his nation-wide “fireside chats” on radio.

In 1938, “Anschius” took place when Hitler incorporated his homeland of Austria into the Third Reich.

In 1947, President Truman established that “Truman Doctrine” to aid in the containment of Communism.

In 1994, the Church of England ordained women priests for the first time in 460 years.

In 2002, the color-coded terror alert system was unveiled by then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge.  (It was later replaced.)

In 2003, the prime minister of the Serbian state (of Serbia and Montenegro) Zoran Djindjic, was assassinated.

Jan Brewer has had it; she will not run again in Arizona.
Liars in the media put her position as, someone central in an immigration and gay rights “debate.”  The political left are not interested in a debate; being bullied by political forces into something is not a debate.

Harlem, NY: two five-story buildings collapse.
A gas explosion that could be felt for a mile killed six people, including three children and injured many more.  Authorities are looking through all the debris.  The gas was heavy and unbarable.

Driver kills two, injures dozen at South-By-Southwest music festival, plowing through crowd.

Food chain Sbarro files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

NYT: U.S. Fedl. prosecutors subpoena Port Authority records tied to chairman, lawyer David Samson, a Christie ally.

Jeopardy! contestant Chu’s run went for 12 rounds before losing; he walks away with over $300K.

The Mass. House passed this, 145-4.
“Professional development”: opinions are to be added to the definition of bullying.  Anything that criticizes gender identity or anything else under the politically correct “argument” will result in punishment.  Under the new “standards,” every school employee must be a record keeper.  No critical questions were asked in the formation of the language, the lack of specifics— how to define the terms, of how the measure will affect free speech rights.  It’s dangerous.

Free speech used to be an absolute; now it’s a subjective. …
It’s all about control, it always is.  … And you will be ‘made to care.’

David Limbaugh (the credible Limbaugh) fills in for Howie Carr.

If you’re new to David, here’s a brief: while the Rs are playing election, the President is playing civilization.  Obama is not only a statist but a social reconstructionist in the new tolerance.  Statism: The state giveth, and the state taketh away; blessed be the state.

The old tolerance had everything to do with respect: you do your thing, I’ll do mine; you exercise your religion, and I’ exercise mine; live and let live, even if it means I won’t get everything I want.

The new tolerance: validation.  It’s special interest group-centric.
We’re going to make you care; otherwise, we are going to get the govt. arm to shut you down.  The left always cry for equality (after bombing ‘the opposition’).  But it’s really about validation— that you have no business asking me for proof; you accept me, even if I hurt the rights of others— don’t even ask the question.

The Ds of the new left care mostly about these ‘validation’ voters, whether they be illegal aliens, gays or some other minority “class” than they do the general public (which includes immigrants gays and other minorities).  It’s tantamount to systemic fraud, at odds with the reality of law and law enforcement.

The Rs of the new left (the establishment Republicans), are consensus counters.  They are more afraid of the left, the media, the very few that actally watch MSNBC.  They don’t listen to conservatives, unless you’re talking “conservatives,” other consensus counters that look at the polls, and act much like “modern” Ds (see below), save the socialist ideology of the left.

But it’s always been a political game since the two major parties kind of merged into one, elevating whatever the politicals can advocate for political points, like Bill Clinton signing the Defense of Marriage act a decade before he was opposed to such a thing, as if he was always against it.  Points.

The old Democrats were split, as the Republicans are today.  The establishment is still at odds with the libertarians.  Pat Godell was the Democratic pollster for Jimmy Carter, but today he’s more compatible with the libertarians in the Republican party, even speaking at CPAC, getting a standing ovation or two.  (Godell can be seen as a regular on the Fox Report Weekend “Political Insiders” half-hour— Sundays on FNC.)

What wins.

The candidate that wins has always been the one with the most moral conviction, left or right.  With the new reconstructionism, the left hold it critical, the existential of defining terms and positions in civilization, the relationship of the government with the people… despite the dictionary and history on what actually works.  The right needs stand for their moral convictions, their principles.  (Cruz was right.)

#1: the candidate must inspire the base.  The R establishment instead apologizes for it!

#2: for Republicans, holding a right-of-center position that shows government always inhibits actual progress, business.  For “modern” Ds… s/he’s the best we got; the new Democrats really are that ignorant, of the altruistic truth, believing what they read instead; but unavoidable propaganda can be effective, no matter how destructively mendacious or logicially absurd the content is.  Go figure.

The offical answer to 2012: Romney lost because he wasn’t solid.  He was a flip-flopper; you either don’t know where he’s coming from, besides being a Mormon, or where he’s going.  The base wasn’t inspired, and he wasn’t consistent, wasn’t showing that unconditional truth that Reagan evoked: “government is the problem.”  (Even then, the left’s “argument”/talking point is that you’re anti-government if you say “government is the problem,” no matter the actual anarchists of the left.

The devil you know vs. the devil you don’t, what I’d stated before shortly after the 2012 election.


NYT: Russian, tightening Crimea hold, seeks to undo Kiev ‘coup.’
Putin’s Russia says it cannot accept what it calls the “fait compli” of the new Western-backed Ukrainian govt.

Senior Malaysia military official: flight MH370 changed course after Kota Bharu and took a lower altitude.  Authorities previously stated that, from Kuala Lumpur, the airline disappeared about an hour after take-off.  According to Berita Harian (Malaysian paper) today, the plane was last detected by military radar at about 9.5 km alt.  The last time the flight was detected close to Pulau Perak, in the Melaka Straits, at 2:40 a.m. (local) by the control tower before the signal was lost, the paper quoted air force chief Daud Rodzali as saying.  1:10 hrs. was the time given by Rodzali, after vanishing point, midway bet. Malaysia and Vietnam.

The report, among many, is being checked.  If the reports are true, it would mean the plane was able to maintain a cruising altitude and flew for about 500 km with its transponder and other tracking systems apparently switched off— Reuters.

CBS News: fired Chris Christie staffer appears in court.
Bridget Kelly arrived in Trenton, N.J. for a court hearing involving her central role in the George Washington Bridge scandal.  “>Time for some traffic problems.  >Got it.”

CBS News’ Atkisson leaves.
One of the few in broadcasting to go into Fast & Furious and other scandals of the Obama administration, was given an earful by the admin., and felt the workplace environment was working against her journalistic integrity.  She wrote the book Stonewalled, soon to be released.

Ex-DC teacher Eric Toth scheduled to be sentenced Tues. in Washington.
Captured in Nicaragua, Toth fled Washington in 2008 after images of child pornography were found on a camera he’d used while a teacher at Beauvoir, a private elem. school.  In 2012, he made FBI’s Most Wanted list after UBL’s death made a vacancy…

Should Bitcoin be regulated as a commodity?  …How is it a commodity?
Mark Cuban is among the big names in trading that aren’t buying into to the electronic ‘currency’ at all.  But this is certainly not the first of negative sentiments since Mt. Gox, one of the biggest bitcoing trading centers in the world, was shut down late last month.  One of many reports said the halt involved 744,000 bitcoins that were… “missing.”

Just as when you give electronic access to something, you give access to hackers, when you make something entirely electronic, you make it entirely vulnerable to hackers.  And so there have been cyberattacks on Mt. Gox; this may be one of the reasons they had to shut down.

From a trading price (not in stocks, but in on-site transactions) of $30, climbing to $1,100 last year… many Bitcoin users will be frustrated in how they’ll be unable to get their funds back.  Lawsuits abound.


The Simpsons pays tribute to Marcia Wallace’s final voice appearance, as Mrs. Krabappel.
The Wrap (video): several lines and one final famous guffaw, a somber Ned Flanders (Harry Shearer) laments, “Sure do miss that laugh,” and said goodbye to his second late wife.

In November, the first tribute I saw was the opening chalkboard gag, with something of You will be missed, Mrs. Krabappel in all-caps.  Later, a holiday opening credits sequence, with Krabappel wearing angel wings in a brief moment.  The actress died of breast cancer in 2013, and had it for 28 years; Wallace as Krabappel, Bart’s teacher on the show, for only 24 years.


National farmers union convention puts the focus on… climate change.  Ah, unions.  …And another all-nighter for Congress with the Climate Action Task Force.

NRA seeks to block gun magazine ban.
California is not far behind New York, as a ban in Sunnydale limits mags to ten bullets.  Approved by 66% of the voters (and guess how many of the active voters aren’t fringe), the new ordinance, which allows gun owners to have police destroy the magazines, sell them out of state or to a licensed dealer… or just move the dreaded boom sticks out of town, went into effect Thu.

And, of course, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco denied the NRA’s request for an emergency order to stop the ban.  The NRA doesn’t actually have jurisdiction on this.

WWII veterans were locked out of their own memorial (but allowed to enter if they tried, as if you want to test the authorities).  Compare that to: illegal aliens married to anyone in the military (not just soldiers) now get benefits.

Beyoncé, among some other women, want to ban the word “bossy,” saying it’s a put-down for women.  Yeah…the moment you start with banning something is the moment you lose your case.

Bill de Blasio’s rating quickly drops to 39%.
Part of it is due to the NYC mayor’s nod to the teachers’ unions, standing against charter schools, comparing them to 1960s segregation, despite how charter schools outperform, help minorities; with the closing of three Bloomberg-approved schools, lawsuits have been filed.  Government deciding where kids should go, which means both segregation and desegregation are problems.

Liam Neeson also has to bone to pick w. de Blasio: banning horse carriages.  The ignorant argument of the mayor (as if there is a discussion) is that it’s not healthy for the horses, which is false; this will sit the horses out; it’s less healthy for horses to remain in stalls.


Daylight savings time on; ST to DT; from 5 to 4 hours behind GMT.  (Set your clocks forward.)

Legionaires’ Disease found in Dartmouth, Mass.  What the police have to deal with…

Radar shows missing Malaysia-to-Beijing flight tried to make a U-turn before vanishing.  Going off the radar Sat. local time, only some possible wreckage was found in the flight path— a possible ‘door.’  There are fewer answers, and more questions.
Something else was brought to attention: tens of thousands of fake passports round the world.  At least two on-board had fake passports.  Questions were raised on just exactly who was on the flight.  Update: 1 of those on the flight was not Malaysian, but Iranian (and not at all terrorism-related here).  Interpol: more than 1 bn. passports were unchecked last year.

Autocratic Occupation.
Part of the coverage, Russia taking over Crimea, masked gunmen attacked journalists, taking equipment, cameras; in one case, down on the ground, gun to the head to send the message that journalists are not welcome.

Japan: thousands rally in protest of nuclear power ahead of the third anniversary of the Fukishima plant meltdown.


Report: EPA to waste $2.2 tr. in taxpayer money on climate change.
The govt. always wastes at least half the money spent on purchases, programs.  Even if the science was there it’s probably over that 95% of selected scientists that had to sue to get their names off the list, over 95% of taxpayer money wasted on things that help nothing but make it look like they know something, are doing something constructive.  The only thing they know is how to manipulate people; they’re control freaks, not fact-checking, no-nonsense scientists.  And this is nonsense.

While Al Gore (in Jan.) spreads his indoctrination, picking out headlines of events that aren’t worse than a hundred years ago (if you saw the old newspapers you’d see it for yourself)… an ideologue getting everything wrong… Warren Buffett looked to the insurance companies.  The insurance industry collect data; they have to know; and so far, everything there is normal, the rates are not increasing.  …This is where the left then dismiss Buffett, saying ‘he’s just a greedy man, profitting off things,’ as if, and as if greed alone discredits.

This is what you would call insanity.  It pretends to be natural, yet it’s all artificial, and always leads to the redistribution of wealth.  The followers are lemmings, and the “leaders” are nothing but destructive ideologues.  And ideologues that like to have it both ways; the misleaders profit off people.  Gore, Sharpton— they don’t even try anymore (Sharpton doesn’t even care to get his English right), but their audience eats the B.S., and attack the people the misleaders point their fingers at.

Many say the Crimea govt., chased out by Russia, was corrupt.

Polio-like illness hitting children hits nearly two dozen.

Family not getting med. coverage suddenly gets coverage… after a lot of media coverage.

Steaks from a Wal-Mart tainted w. LSD; one of those affected: a mother, 9-mos.-pregnant, hospitalized after experiencing hallucinations.

CNNI: Malaysian airline missing for 11 hrs.
CCTV: China deploys two rescue ships to South China Sea, where it supposedly crashed.  MH370, a Boeing 777-200 carrying some 239 passengers (including 3 Americans, TX semiconductor company workers), was cruising at 36-37,000 ft. alt.

Unreliable upside in lawlessness.
German family, homeschooling their children, with religious beliefs that were scheduled for deportation were suddenly allowed in the country— “indefinite deferred status,” by Homeland Security.  Since law isn’t really defining the motions, who in hell is making these decisions??  When men rule, that is a form of dictatorship.  (And don’t give me crap on the definition of the word.)

Yes We Can became No You Can’t. … No, you can’t keep your health care.
CPAC: Sarah Palin made an undeniably entertaining speech, stating the obvious in a bright manner.  Hope and change went from a catchy campaign slogan (to a reality).  She also made a great rhyme, to the tune of Green Eggs and Ham: I do not like this, Uncle Sam; I do not like this health care scam.

Against the “War on Women” narrative, Palin spoke of the strength of conservative women helping other women— the sisterhood, who also aid ‘the littlest women,’ in the womb.  Versus how the left in power are demeaning them, reducing women to body parts, etc.


National Cereal Day.  And national unplug (your electronic devices) day.  National debt: $17.42 tn.

Amid Crimea standoff…
Russia conducts air/long-range defense drills.  The drills, 280 mi. from the Ukrainian border, put 3,500 troops into play, and call for 1,000 units of hardware for a month.

Russia threatens ‘retaliation’ if sanctions are imposed, and… pushes into eastern Ukraine.  Really, what are the ‘intl. community’ gonna do?  Obama/Kerry still believe this all ‘can be solved diplomatically,’ and fail to understand that dictators do not listen.

A military vehicle— a Volga(???) truck crashes through the gate into a Crimean base.
Some 100 troops there, deal with 30-40; no shots fired.  They were able to ‘talk it out.’  Either Russian or sympathizers, as they have no markings.  Plausible denialbility to Putin, though he invaded with unmarked troops.

Earlier, Bashar al-Assad praised Putin, saying he stopped terrorists.  Al-Assad, of course, is a major part of over 100,000 deaths in the Syria civil war, paid off by Putin in millions of dollars worth of weapons.  Basically, Putin, the autocrat, wants to establish himself as a new-era Czar, wanting to come off as strong.

The new fedl. budget book is incredibly thick; the appendix is even thicker!

Rs make 51st attempt to repeal ACA.

CPAC: Rick Perry stumbles on words, gets a lot of red meat cheering and applause.

Deval Pattrick signs into law “up-skirting” ban; jail time, possible fine.

Atheists want “miracle cross” removed from 9/11 museum.  Christians were barred from the 9/11 memorial, why not here?  I mean, support and history.  We don’t want those, right?  Corrupt.

Members of Congress declare “all-night” session to urge action on… climate change.  China’s the biggest polluter, but no— no, talk on China.  It’s all about domestic control of the populace.

Unemployment rate, discounting those no longer looking: 6.7%.  Adding, 12.6%.  I think that’d make this a “recession.”

And then, the inevitable: Darrell Issa called a ‘racist.’  By Jesse Jackson.  He, the Ds have nothing, so… name-call, assult with words.

A truck would not permit you.
It’s proof that the admin. does not care.  They could have fired from a truck.  No.  The CIA, the military know just how difficult mortar targeting is.  Mortar fire is also called “indirect fire” because more often than not you cannot see the target.  And neither did the attackers; they had to perform the math, given distance and a pre-planned position.  And to have such accuracy as to take out four partially hidden targets.

As stated before, the attackers knew the place inside and out, knew where Chris Stevens was, all the way down to the gas canisters in the building.

Majority of people polled either pessimistc or scared about ACA.
“We have to pass the bill so we can know what’s in it, away from the controversy.”— Nancy Pelosi.  And it was, just days after that telling statement in 2010.  All yeas were D.


Today, some sanctions, and…
Crimea holds a ‘public’ vote on making itself part of Russia, though Russia surrounds the country, not giving them much choice.  Such a move is illegal in their constitution, and the intl. community (or at least the U.S.) is calling the move, the vote illegitimate.  At least one protester was dragged away.

The Obama admin. doesn’t get Putin, “living in a parallel universe.”  Putin lies on things, launching propaganda from within Crimea as well (taking their media off the air); that’s what dictators do.  The question shouldn’t be whether he’ll agree or comply with the intl. community, but of how far he’ll go, how stable he is.  Putin denies that he wants or expects Crimea to become a part of Russia… though he’s former-KGB, and called the break-up of the Soviet Union ‘a mistake.’

U.S. Congress passes bill loaning $1 bn. to Ukraine.

Anchor Liz Wahl at Russia-backed TV network, quits live on-air; she is a former intern at Fox News.

S. Africa: hearing witness testimony, Oscar Pistorius breaks down crying in court.

Rpt.: 50K Las Vegas union workers preparing to strike over ACA costs.  Union workers in NV— hear that, Harry Reid?  Don’t tell me the Kochs made that up.

The youngest pot bust on Calfornia school grounds: third grade.

What the ‘paper of record’ has come to: NYT’s Robert Reich easily misquotes Paul Ryan.

Congressional Black Caucus sends a letter: they don’t Issa for cutting Cummings off, don’t like John Boehner.

New poll: 12% approve of Congress; 78% disapprove; 67% say they would vote out all of ’em.

“Up-skirting” ruled ‘legal’ in old Massachusetts law.  Let me get this straight… Peeping tom, bad; camera deliberately pointed up women’s skirts, okay?

Burl poachers threaten majestic redwoods in California.
There are only 5% left in the forest(s), and to see this, the trespassing, cutting and selling of burl for things like drugs.  It’s disturbing.  The trees are cut wide open, left entirely vulnerable, to worms and disease.

The SAT to do away with “mandatory essay.”
The mandatory essay will become optional.  Also, the elimination of obscure words in the vocab section (the more business-oriented words remain).  Many of the changes made were to help lower-income students.

A message to take from CPAC: stand for principle.  The political motions tell you, “Don’t stand against Obamacare, Don’t stand against …”  Basically, don’t do anything.  The R party can’t just be a party of No, it must be creative— Ted Cruz.  You wanna lose elections, stand for nothin’.  If you were to come up with an economic agenda to hammer the younger generation, you couldn’t do better than the Obama economic agenda.

We’re getting into Jimmy Carter territory.— Donald Trump.  (Some others say the admin. is worse.)  CPAC invited Trump, but not John Boehner nor Jeb Bush.  Chris Christe appeared at the mic just bef. noon.

CNN’s coverage?  Yeah…  The Place for Political Exploitation, all I saw was focus on Mitch McConnell handing over a rifle (an NRA-esteemed award).  Talk about conditioning the audience.  Be afraid of guns, even unloaded ones, even cookie guns— no tolerance!  No gun for you!soup gun Nazi.

Running out of things to delay.
Another ACA delay, this time a two-year extension for standard plans, and say no more “changes,” with the number at 31, will be made for 2014 and 2015.  13 Ds pushed for this, including Mary Landrieu, saying she wants the promise of keeping your plan… kept.  This is bound to hurt enrollment, and… they don’t know what they’re doing.

The latest pitch: if you’re against Obamacare, you’re against women— the “War on Women” narrative.  Need I remind you what was reported last month: the law hurts women the most.  Add DNC chairwoman Debbie compares Issa cutting off Cummings to the killing of protesters in Ukraine.  D women… participating in the dumbing down of women.

Playing with people’s lives on behalf of politics— that’s something people shouldn’t tolerate!


There’s gonna be yet another Transformers movie (why!?)…… only Donnie Wahlberg (Boston’s Finest) is said to be in it.


Intel. sources: Putin’s show of force in Crimea was a last-minute decision.

“Canvas” Congress set up in Kiev, at the site of the protests.

Radio Shack to close up to 1,100 stores; locations and stores still being worked out…

Lerner appeared, plead “the Fifth” again.
Chairman Darrell Issa held Lerner in contempt, but also cut off Elijah Cummings.  “I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America! … I represent 700,000 people … [this] is absolutely un-American.”  Issa advised him directly after by that he… could’ve asked a question.  Cummings was continously slandering the committee, said Issa on On the Record.

The Washington arm sought to close the Cincinnati because they were found to be too lenient; when the media looked, the lie of Cincinnati being the big bad apple was spread.  The IRS, in violation of the law, gave the info on Crossroads GPS to the press.


Russian govt., state media: ‘Western influence’ causing chaos, still claiming it’s ‘Russians helping other Russians out,’ and making false claims of people fleeing to Russia for safety— that’s not happening; or downplaying the unmarked soldiers as ‘militias’.  Ukrainians are roughly free, with satellite access, while Russians get only propaganda.  Putin says he has the right to invade, ‘not that I will.’  Former Georgian Pres. Mikheil Saakashvili says Putin is looking for “chaos,” for a hot war.  There’s no fighting so far, but there’s now the fear that a mistake could start a firefight.  Warning shots were fired, but things calmed.

No actual acts of war (sounds oxymoronic — no actual act): Russia tests an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).  This is, however, a pre-planned test, as stated in Jan., and periodic; the last test was in Dec.

Obama admin. offered an “off-ramp” during a call w. Putin… …whatever that’s supposed to mean.  A part of all the not doing anything, Obama will not attend the summit (unless Putin behaves).  The U.S. isolated in the world again, even Germany’s declining.  And what can the E.U. do, given that they’re ahead of us in disarming themselves, allocating more resources into social welfare programs.  And so, Putin can do virtually whatever he wants right now.

Growing momentum on another kill switch.
It may come to the internet; but for now, phones.  The point is to render them valueless to robbers.  What could amount to hacker-deactivation and government abuse, more denial-based legislation is up— as if it’s a good thing to force phone companies to make phones that can be remotely ‘killed.’  Part of the media sensationalism: a woman was killed in a phone robbery.  How disgusting— ‘the law could’ve saved her life.’  No, laws penalize; I’ll say it a million times if I have to.

This ‘kill switch’ might not apply to Apple, as the company’s already put security measures in its products.  Phone theft is the popular form of theft in the U.S.

Seizure: drug cartels mining metal ore.
100,000 tons of iron ore as well as bulldozers and equipment were seized by authorities.  Officials say the Michocoan cartel-based Knights Templar have been mining and extorting ore to countries like China for years.

President Obama unveils a $3.9 trillion budget.
As New Orleans celebrates “Fat Tuesday,” another financial bomb drops— a proposal with higher taxes.  Such debt could mean a quadrupling of interest ratesHey, brainwashed left: with Bush, it was $450 bn., not these huge multi-trillion dollar costs.  Bridges to nowhere?  Hah.  Much of it’s on bribes/appeasement and people who don’t work for a living, while Ds use and abuse the title “working families.”  No, welfare.  All on votes, period.  Not to “keep your doctor, period.”  Corrupting power, period.

Where did you think it was headed?
You won’t have insurance companies to kick around much longer. … Kiss your insurance company goodbye, forever.  That’s what a key architect of ACA is saying.  Single-payer, and the nightmares experienced in other countries that have gone down this road.  It only benefits the very rich.  Support the 99%, and destroy something without having any good idea of how to replace.  The actual 99% suffer under socialism!

Frozen Great Lakes.
95% ice cover could cost a lot of money, some ships may be stuck until the Spring.

But a more bearable Iditarod.
While much of the U.S. is experiencing record-cold temeratures, Alaska is experiencing warmer temps.  Real climate change: it appears the seasons have rotated, which makes for a warmer early Winter and a cooler early Spring.

Johnny Cook sues school.
Fired because of a social media policy, a bus driver’s intent was to help hungry children.  The cafeteria food cost 40¢, a child said, according to Cook.  One warning, and a day later, a superintendent meeting took place, and he was fired.  The school claims the bus driver made false claims on his Facebook page.

…Honor student sues parents.
NJ: putting the burden on her parents to pay for her expenses after not following the rules, practically leaving on her own terms, getting a job, paying for her car…  Abuse of the law in an era of government stripping parental rights.  I guess ‘honors’ means ‘burden’ now— what, paying for Rachel’s college expenses by force??  Oh, yeah, “emotional and mental abuse”— that’s what they all say.  But it’s denial on both sides, including that of the parents on whether she’s ‘emancipated.’  This is civil action where the lawyers are making a ‘fortune’ off both sides, everyone suing everyone else.

We can either use our brains for each other or against each other.  (And indifference is worse— I know that from experience!  I’m hating the ungrateful public already.)

New Jersey Housewives cast members Teresa and Joe Giudice plead guilty to several fraud charges.

Harry Reid walked back what he said… slightly.
Some of the stories are true, but the vast majority aren’t.  Unions gave fifteen times the money in comparison to the Kock brothers.  So, meat to the nuts for campaign money, and media to the brainwashed.


Russian state media: Russia demands surrender of Crimea or face “harsh reaction.”
The Ukrainians admit they don’t have the firepower to fight Russia.  Then, according to Reuters, by nightfall Russia took Crimea, a country the borders Ukraine to the south, surrounded by water.  Russia took over certain telephone services, with truckloads of soldiers at the marine base and ferry terminal.  Crimea is friendly to Russia and more so than Ukraine.

CNN: Vladimir Putin talks with Kazakh, Belarusian leaders.  There’s no threat, no reason for Putin’s Russia to do this other than to gain power.  The propaganda sold to Russian media, which has no free press, is he’s doing it ‘on behalf of the right to live.’

An inept President Obama evokes “principle,” and… puts the responsibility on Republicans.  Institutions that have endorsed Obama see his irresponsibility and fantastic view of the world, of what it should be (versus what it is), where Russia is not deemed a hostile state.  He needs to turn about face.  There are warnings that China will follow suit in taking advantage of the U.S.

A “geopolitical foe,” Mitt Romney called Russia in the 2012 debate; “I’m not going to wear rose-colored glasses.”  John Kerry mocked Romney, as if he’s basing his views on “watching Rocky IV,” as Obama made the same ‘you’re in the past’ implication.  Sarah Palin predicted Russia would take on Ukraine, and was mocked for it, of course.  A popularity contest while the world burns — that’s what you get with the left.  Palin would make a better SoS than Kerry!

The financial impact: oil, currency.
Investors and analysts see the significance of the Russian takeover, and cannot predict it.  Some stocks dip (some intl. by 13%), and the Russian ruble, against dollar, hit an all-time low.  Russian stock(s) lost 10% — the cost of the Olympics — in one day.

More than 100 witnesses set to testify.
Neighbor accounts: one witness in the Oscar Pistorius trial told of “blood-curdling screams.”  But even then, the defense would claim it was Pistorius’ voice…  His wife was not wearing pajamas, as claimed, but street clothes.  Michelle B. heard two distinct voices.

“You cannot be that lonely.”  Pistorius makes a girlfriend out of a paramedic.

Supreme Court turns down German family.
Homeschooling is illegal in Germany, so a family wanting to teach their own children sought asylum in the U.S.  But here, with this admin., at odds with the First Amendment, which protects religious beliefs, the family risked losing custody.  Now, they face deportation.  The corrupt Justice Dept. declined to comment.

Climate Insanity.
Apple blurs political lines; Tim Cook cites ‘climate (change) deniers.’
Protesters try to fight Keystone Pipeline or any other natural gas means of energy independence despite the fact that fuels have to be shipped overseas with the status quo.  You’re fighting for more emissions, stupid.

EPA puts up another regulation.
Before, coal (with insider intent of putting them out of business), now with general sulfur emissions, adding to the price at the pump.

Bill de Blasio: we don’t care if you want these schools.
Despite parents lining up around the block, signing up for charter schools that Bloomberg, the previous mayor, approved… canceled.  Waiting for Superman shows how painful it is.  Just how does denial help anyone, poor or not?

Court victories in Massachusetts.
Judge says Justine Pelletier can go back to Tufts, and lifts the gag order against the parents.  The case goes back to last year, where custody was stripped from the parents of a child with a genetic disorder, diagnosed by Tufts, because the state (one judge) sided with the Children’s hospital that alleged that her condition was mental, and that the parents, taking Justine back to Tufts, were ‘abusing her.’

Wheelchair-bound, Pelletier was an active teen, before being ‘tired all the time,’ then unable to walk, then unable to get an education— actually wanting it.  Her sister said she improved under Tufts’ care, and didn’t understand why the state did what it did.  It seems media coverage helped.

It kicked off Oct. 1.
Mistakes in MD ACA website cost taxpayers $30 mn. to fix.  A growing no. of states are dealing w. glitches for a law pushed by central planning.  And central planning of the worst kind: like Mao’s prisoners, the elderly are given a number for their identity when signing up.

Cover California: pol. groups, schools try to get people to sign up.  …And blame Rs for the inevitable problems that arise.

If Obamacare, a result of centralized govt., wasn’t complicated enough, a list of death codes have been put up to “modernize the system”; these include: suicide by jellyfish and crushed by crocodile.  Talk about keeping the doctor away from the patient for a stupid list.


CNN canceled Piers Morgan Tonight …for Piers Morgan Live at the red carpet.  A bit late for that, but the commercial ran today.


“This is a red alert.”
The new Ukrainian President calls Putin’s actions a “Declaration of War,” as Russia seizes buildings (without a shot), soldiers wearing unmarked uniforms, closes in.  Russian takeover of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula sparks fear of full-scale invasion.  Putin uses permission of parliament (which he has some control of) to enter, and Oleksandr Turchynov is calling for recruits.

88 were killed in Independence Square.

To the U.S., ‘at least he was elected.’
Yanukovych was awful just over a decade ago.  But Putin was also ‘elected,’ wielding his hand.  Nationalists… kind of wanna keep things contained, and are at odds with the international aspect.  And Putin will ignore most of the “stern warnings” coming from the White House.

Only actions will get Putin’s attention, including cutting off the oil money.  If only the U.S. govt. would allow energy independence— to stop buying oil from the likes of Russia (not to mention Mid-East countries that don’t like us).

‘He cost the fedl. govt. millions.’
That’s what U.S. authorities in the fall had said of Lauri Love, 28, a British man accused of hacking U.S. govt. computers networks.  In a new indictment unsealed Thu., Love was charged with hacking into the systems of various agencies, including the U.S. Army, NASA and the EPA.

The Prez calls it ‘gay segregation.’
Jan Brewer may have stopped SB 1062 in AZ, but other states are working on similar measures.

Of all the things that sound like a repeat.
Lois Lerner will reportedly testify on Wed.


The Academy Awards makes history.
The most tweeted photo ever crashed twitter for a moment— a photo taken with Bradley Cooper, and just under 3 mn. tweets.  Host Ellen Degeneres even did a gag where a pizza was delivered by a real delivery man.  But the Memoriam touched with Philip Seymour Hoffman at the end, where Bette Midler sang.  Philomena Lee and Captain Richard Phillips sat amongst the theatre audience.

Gravity won seven Oscars®, including sfx and editing; Frozen won for Best Animated Feature, and Jim Carey “flubbed” the category Animation by “confusing” it with LSD.  Cate Blanchett won for Best Actress; Jared Leto for his role in Dallas Buyer’s Club; and Matt McConaughey thanked God, and ended his acceptance speech with his trademark, all right, all right, all right.  Toward the end of the show, which ended midmight, 12 Years a Slave won the big award.  Otherwise, the we’re all are racist, joked Ellen.

Sidney Poitier, Kim Novak appeared, got a lot of applause.

A dead horse gives birth to a humam corpse, to birds.
Hannibal, the bold, anti-prodedural drama is back (Fridays @ 10 p.m., on NBC), and more cryptic than ever as far as giving up its plot.  Even its episode titles are in dining terms, in Japanese.  And no, Laurence Fishburn hasn’t left.  (At least not yet.)  Feb 28 was the second-season premiere date.

Unlike shows that either pride themselves on the sides of executives who nothing of quality with so-called ‘likable’ characters, or the same old prodedural clichés… this show is not watered down for a ‘wider audience.’  Unlike the “pretentious turd” known as Dexter (Showtime, canceled, thankfully), or NCIS (which stands for, loaded with errors), does not resort to dumb humor (i.e., Dexter getting oral).  Or Colin Hanks as a serial killer.

Hannibal is actually intelligent and creative.  Now, because it’s on network television, some of the out-of-this-world elements and the gore are kind of flashed on the screen; some objects may need to be obscured beyond first glance to keep the TV-14-V rating.  Taking a page from people like Stanley Kubrick, there are surreal, sometimes incredible environments.

And, of course, there’s gore, with never-before-seen means of killers taunting the brains behind those trying to capture them.  Sometimes gut-wrenching, but the show is worth watching.  Just be sure not to eat during the program; it gets strange and disturbing fast.

Ronan Farrow debuted in the week; it was unprepared… and odd.
Why?  ‘I knew he had it and I got him.’  Uhm… shouldn’t capable fit in to that mix?  And not a part of the MSNBC monolith— its premiere was the lowest rated, and went down after that.

And regarding MSNBC, Alec Baldwin unloaded after his… I don’t know, single-taping, or something.  Called Maddow a “phony.”  You’d think the dish in burning bridges would be news.

…And CNN cancels Piers Morgan Tonight.


State Dept. aims to cut back the military to pre-WWII numbers, leaving the U.S. almost defenseless.

Investigation a farce.
Ever since D politicians (including Dick Durban) called for the IRS to “do something” after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing non-profits to make political speech, what amounted to SuperPACs, the IRS targeted conservative groups, and haven’t stopped.  Most of the media ignore the obvious corruption, buying into the ‘bad apples in one region’ narrative, the kind of political corruption where a die-hard Obama admin. supporter in the “civil rights” Dept. was sent to ‘investigate.’

Well, the ACLU has joined in… not exactly fighting the big fight, but they’re also acting against this abuse of power.

Count ’em.
298 applications put up for special review.
100% “Tea Party” or “Patriot” groups targeted, compared to…
30%: ‘liberal’ groups.


Acids amount to bone erosion.
Sugars espeailly: bad carbs, but even the acids found in foods like raw spinach force the body to pull nutrients out, robbing you of your energy, making you hungry for— guess what, sugar.  It’s those acids, including “low fat” foods that lead to osteoperosis and other bone depletion diseases.  Ditch the so-called “low fat” foods, cook your spinach and avoid bad sugars.

Cooked fats are bad fats.
There’s an answer as to why many saturated fats aren’t worse than unsaturated: it depends on how refined the fat is, ultimately.  The body needs raw fatty acids, and temperatures well over 100°F damage them.  An easy tip: for the oils you would top, top them after the food’s cooked.

Beware of cheaters too.
You can tell if an oil’s been processed hot if it doesn’t chill correctly in the fridge (solidification).  Aim for cold-processed oils.

Even though there are aims for accuracy here, only trust original sources.
You may request corrections, with source(s).  Obligations on accuracy exist as the information is used personally.