Lead.  Do your homework and lead.

It only looks harder than it is.

Pretend Leadership in a Nation in Name Only.
We’re getting dangerously closer to half of the country not paying taxes, not knowing what it’s like actually be free, having little care in the world of oppression by the government.  Defenders of the hand that feeds it, people on unnecessary entitlements may come to outnumber the taxpayers that work for a living, paying for it all.  It’s not like it’s just going to stop.  It’s out of control, and the politicians perpetuate it.

It appears only the collapse of the economy (which is inevitable, the way things are going) will actually do anything to stop it.  Because, as Eric Holder said, we are a nation of cowards.  Yet Holder is one of such cowards, given his words were actually part of an argument entirely about race… like everything else.  And not really an argument— a speech to rally the misinformed… like everything else.

But this is all just a reflection, just a tip of the iceberg at play, where Holder is one of a set of people that stand up in an activist stance against… critics that point out the obvious and are tired of going over the basics.  He speaks truth not to power but the critics of the power, and, basically call everyone ‘racist,’ because he and other politicians are in power.  And to say they’re successful, too— hah.  Like Tim Geithner, these people are really cheaters that found a way up the chain.  Just to say, “you didn’t build that,” in yet another populist speech that does more harm than good.

Well, who did?  People who take credit for things they have no business in?  What else can I say about crooked politicians with a crooked press on their side, a set of cheaters that merely manage to get there, but don’t dare at a real record of actually… managing.  Revolutionaries, reconstructionists that don’t know how to govern, and don’t want to be bothered, even if it means not being bothered into learning how to govern.


Turns out, under the title of “archivist,” “V.” got away with taping Sterling in private— that she got his permission.  (She didn’t break the law.)

“Electile dysfunction.”
A genius (but still corny) campaign ad to oust John Boehner got the man in it fired from the school he works at.  J.D. Winteregg, a 32-yr.-old teacher from Troy, OH, was a political novice when he was picked in a strawpoll, but in 2013 he had launched his own group, called the Ohio Accountability Project, which would come to target Boehner.

The advertisement, a spoof on Cialis ads, went for electile dysfunction, an illness signaled by extreme skin discoloration, the inability to punch oneself out of a wet paper bag or maintain a spine in the face of liberal opposition.  Your electile dysfunction?  It could be a question of blood flow.  Sometimes when a politician has been in D.C. too long, it goes to his head and he just can’t seem to get the job done.  Then, with photos of Boehner with Obama, If you have a Boehner lasting more than 23 years, seek immediate medical attention.

John Boehner is where he is because he has spent a lifetime hustling money from the Chamber of Commerce to stay in office and sell us down the river, said Tom Zawistowski, a leader of the OH Tea Party.  We finally realized the electoral process has been hijacked.  Yeah, like OH, the rest of the country.

And now, Mr. Cries-a-lot, a.k.a., Orange Man, mocks other members of Congress by… pretend crying.  That’s low.


The severe weather across the country has not only spawned deadly tornadoes, but now there are flood watches, 3-5" of rain.

Benghazi ‘smoking gun’?
An email shows P.R. was at play: (The goal) is to underscore that it was a the video and not … policy abroad.  It appears Ben Rhodes was the one who pushed Susan Rice to push the video.

Alex Hribal charged as an adult.
He went on a stabbing spree at Franklin Regional High School, allegedly starting with a girl that refused to go to the prom with him.

Calling for her resignation.
Sharon Helman, the Phoenix VA hospital administrator blamed for 40 negligent deaths, has come under fire.

“He may not attend any Clippers facilities.”
Adam Silver bans NBA team owner Donald Sterling, 80, “for life,” also fining him $2.5 mn. (the maximum) for his I don’t want blacks to come comments made on tape (in a private conversation), and a history of racial denial, denying black families renting his private housing.  His racism is, however, a bit stupid, that he has a mixed-race girlfriend, and allows her to have sex with other people; he doesn’t want people of other races around him… unless he has sex with them.  It was his GF wife that taped him (which [without permission] is illegal in Ca., by the way).  Ann Coulter called Sterling an active whoremonger, and refered of him as “this piece of crap.”  Some basketball players can’t get over realizing that Sterling was this way this whole time.

Even dumber: the NAACP gave him a lifetime achievement award, despite all the indicators… and they’re ‘willing to forgive him.’  He’s a billionaire after all.

When not for “inclusion, respect and caring for others.”
And yet it’s these PC groups that are typically intolerant.  No, students at an Ivy League campus can’t launch a Phiesta 2014, regardless of whether any costumes are worn, regardless of anything really; you can play/mock ancient Rome with togas, but you can’t allegedly mock, render a name that… probably won’t affect anything.  Even after the college forcibly canceled the event, the students are harassed.  (And, of course, illegal aliens can commit all sorts of actual crime.)

Do you see the one-sided nature with Political Correctness, or are you apathetic, treating the subject guilty until innocent, assuming the best of something that at times is dishonest this day of age?  Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘dreamt’ of a day that people would be judged by the content of their character.  The response to ban Sterling has been to appease the sponsors; it has really nothing to do with Sterling’s crappy character.

In the corrupt political world you see on TV, people aren’t judged on character, but on political nonsense relative to money.  Leftist professors have to say it loud: if you’re not liberal, you’re not part of the cause, you promote racism, and all of the other B.S. reflected in the garbage media.  So often CNN “covers” the so-called “progress” in the country, neglecting actual news.  It’s a media that care for sponsorship money, not viewers.


Actor, film director Robert William “Bob” Hoskins, Jr., 71, dies of complications from pneumonia.  A father of four, he was best known for his Cockney accent, the detective in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988) and some ganster roles he’s played over his four-decade career.  In 2011, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and on Aug. 8, 2012, he announced his retirement from acting.  His final role was as Muir in Snow White and the Huntsman (2012).

Born Oct. 26, 1942 in Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk, to Elsie Lillian (Hopkins), a cook and nursery school teacher, and Robert William Hoskins, Sr., a bookkeeper and lorry driver, Bob left school at age 15 with a single Ordinary-Level GCE.  He followed in his father’s footsteps by also taking the role as a porter, lorry driver and window cleaner.  Briefly, he took a three-year course in accountance.

Though his father was a Communist, Hoskins was raised a mere atheist, later slamming Tony Blair as someone who’s done even more damage than Thatcher.  During his youth, Hoskins spent a short period of time volunteering in kibbutz Zikim in Israel.  He also herded camels in Syria.  Of his parents, in an interview, when asked what he owed them, he said, Confidence.  My mum used to say to me, ‘If somebody doesn’t like you, f-ck ’em; they’ve got bad taste.’

Hoskins’ acting career began in 1968 at the Victoria Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent.  He played a servant, Peter, in a production of Romeo and Juliet.  He was such a “natural,” according to friend Roger Frost, that Frost became Hoskins’ understudy.

Hoskins’ first major television role was in On the Move (1975-76), an educational series intended to tackle adult illiteracy.  His breakthrough role in TV, however, came in the form of an original BBC version of Dennis Potter's innovative six-part fantasy-drama Pennies from Heaven (1978), where he played the adulterous sheet music salesman Arthur Parker.  A seriously talented stage actor still, he took the role of Iago in Jonathan Miller's BBC Television Shakespeare production of Othello (1981), the Beggar in 1983’s The Beggar's Opera, George in Mona List (1986), receiving many Best Actor awards, from BAFTA to the Vallodolid International Film Festival, and as Sancho Panza in Don Quixote (2000).

He would come to land special, ordinary and comedic roles, and do a not-bad American accent for Frasier (as Coach Fuller), have a short role in Tales from the Crypt, land Nikita Khrushchev, a political commissar, in Enemy at the Gates (2001), and become Geppetto in 2008’s Pinocchio.  Some roles weren’t so great, of course.  In 2007, he openly regretted having played Mario in Super Mario Bros. (1993), as the worst thing I ever did.

But the legacy remains.  He was a recipient of the prestigious Prix d’interprétation masculine.  Out of the 15 awards he’s received, he lost fewer nominations.

Surviving, his wife Linda Banwell, and four children, Alex; Sarah; Rosa; and Jack.


No Fix For Windows XP Leaves 1 In 4 PCs Exposed
Forbes.com: Microsoft (MSFT) is scrambling to fix a major bug which allows hackers to exploit flaws in Internet Explorer versions 6-11, responsible for 55% of the PC browser market.  Microsoft has also confirmed it will not issue a fix for web browsers running on Windows XP after it formally ended support for the 13-yr.-old OS on 4.08.  XP still accounts for 25% of the world’s PCs.  Update (5.02): they made a patch anyway.

Discovered by cyber security software maker FireEye Inc., the flaw was stated as a ‘zero-day’ threat (first attacks made bef. MS would ever be aware of it).  FireEye also revealed a sophisticated hacker group campaigning ‘Operation Clandestine Fox,’ targeting U.S. military and fin. institutions.  Bad.  The easier fix: don’t use IE.


Pro-Russian forces take over Ukraine’s main TV station.


Arrests in the aftermath of the sunken Korean ship off Australia reach 15; 187 confirmed dead; over 100 still ‘missing.’

Surprise weather.
Hail in the midwest, tornado warnings, and the worse is forecasted for Monday.

OH drops state-based ACA exchange.


Iran elected, gets seat on one of the U.N.’s upside down bodies: women’s rights.  Iran, the nation infamous for its horrible treatment of women, under one-way interpretation of Islamic law, where even the prisons treat women far worse (no equal treatment anywhere, in other words).  The prisons are so bad that one woman committed suicide because of the torturous conditions — we’re talking electric batons and isolation in regular practice.  If it wasn’t for intl. pressure, a few women who were able to talk about their experience on television would’ve been executed.

Like Saudi Arabia, women in Iran must be with a husband or relative if out, but Iran goes a step further: women are literally regarded as half-citizens.  For criminal allegations, such as rape, there need to be at least three men as witnesses.  Men can marry girls at the ripe age of… nine.

Nicolas Tolentino warned of the decline in 2012.
There are “death panels” already with the Veteran Affairs hospital, now the negligent homicide of 40+ vets.  It’s been going on for years, vets treated poorly when coming home.  You refuse to go to the emergency room on the taxpayers’ dime, so you go there, and wait for months, years?

CNN website: Chicagoland is unscripted.
…Not for Rahm Emanuel, though, getting shots of him in a SUV, on a phone— being advised, scripted for those parts.  But it gains CNN better access, cozying up to him, as the network has for some other people… including Saddam Hussien (they apologized for that).  Emanuel, however, is one of the “beautiful people,” of course, so none of the crimes he’s commi— nothing to see here, folks.


The Korean ferry that sunk, killing most of whom didn’t make it to a life boat, had an inexperienced woman at the helm when the captain was on break; there was supposed to be a more senior member there; but because of bureaucracy…

Secret waiting list.
Shocking report: Phoenix VA hospital fatally neglected patients; 40+ died.  To grow the waiting times, and allegedly all for a bonus, the female administrator denies the charges. I have never directed staff to do a secret waiting list.  Even after death, the information on the veterans, as well as their causes of death are not available.

Coming to a hospital near you.
If you thought that was bad… just wait until the effects of socialized medicine hit the nation as a whole, as already, fatal dehydration.  It’s so easy, drinking water, fluids; it’s so hard in the U.K. to get care, with not-so-secret waiting lists, rationing, and women giving birth on the sidewalks.

Report of delayed investigations cause DHS to suspend IG.
The Investigative General is supposed to lead on… investigations.  In 2012, he even delayed the process for the prostitution scandal.  Geez, the cynicism of WDC in a nutshell, validated.

Obama hosts 1% heirs.
I didn’t run for President to cozy up to fat cats.  And then he does.  Billionaires, unemployed heirs, including the Rockefellers, invited to the White House.

Totally hallucinating.
Marijuana’s more legal than ever in the U.S., and the ill effects are quick to follow.  On April 14th, a husband that shot his wife said he hallucinated when he saw her, seeing something else.  Now faced with a murder charge, he was taking pot and prescription meds at the same time.  To equate this tricky substance, with now over ten times the potency of the former seen in the 1970s, with alcohol is foolish.  Not only does recreational use cause brain damage, but people used to smoking it experience bad ‘trips’ when eating it, and vice versa.

Republican shift on Bundy.
With an already ugly situation, with a corrupt, overpaid Harry Reid doing all he can to settle scores, and a somewhat militant crowd siding with the Bundy family, it’s clear neither side is actually right on the legal matter of who should have the land; both are selective on the practice of law.  And now, the NYT outs a somewhat ignorant Cliven Bundy making… an ignorant statement.  DuhrMondo racism charges and conservative defections.  Even Sean Hannity called the comments ‘racist.’

There’s what it sounds like, in a media that never ceases to be deceptive, and then there’s what it is: Cliven is stuck in the past.  Only people not ready for the 21st century still use the word ‘Negro.’  It’s obsolete, because… it’s not English; ‘black’ is the operative word for a melanin pigmant of the darkest color range.  Worse, you tread on bigotry when you use it in the phrase, about the Negro, and that’s what Bundy did.  And then, completely stupid, the whole thing was actually a political commentary on black people living on entitlement money, mixing in abortion, saying, are they worse off now than as slaves?

It seems this guy has no formal education.  Knowing that black slaves were treated worse than animals, even literally fed to the dogs, the extreme violence aspect, how painful the experience was, and that it lasted for a long, long, long time— 12 Years a Slave managed to illustrate some of that… there is no comparison, then and now.  Obviously, Bundy didn’t even see that film.

Now, no one literally lives under a rock (or no one that I know of), but it seems this family… live on top of said rocks, in the middle of the nowhere, the Nevada desert.


As much as 200,000 convicted felons eligible for release.
With new govt. fiat that targets people who’ve been put away for crack use and dealing, tens of thousands are subject for release.  In an unconstitutional move with vague wording, not individuals but masses with no “significant” ties to gangs, other types of organized crime known for drug-dealing, may get out.  What exactly does “significant” mean here?  But unlike ACA, with Nancy Pelosi saying we have to pass it in order to know what’s in it, we won’t know after ‘passing,’ because Congress looked at it and couldn’t make it work.  It just goes through by executive fiat, even though there’s no language that actually allows it.

Texas: the other BLM land dispute.
As it’s been realized and uncovered, this is an era of reconstructionism.  Some of it started with Reagan.  (Yeah, thanks Maddow and Stewart for pointing out things for bad reason.  Evil.)

The federal government wants to build.  And it doesn’t just come to Nevada.  No, the Bureau of Land Management on behalf of federal pavers that pave over people eye Texas too.  It doesn’t have the position of constitutional authority, as Andrew N. pointed out, but arbitrary laws are arbitrary laws, including laws you’re not allowed to see, partly because they… might not even exist.  (See: federal income tax law.)  Eminent domain for condos, for tax money; people like dollar signs— just… pave over them.

Say what you will over the individual cases, and call names like a good political hack.  Gov. Perry and other officials are worried.  Not because they can be hacks too, but because the feds are bypassing state rights yet again.  Like Rob Cordry’s character in Escape From Guantánamo Bay, the federal government at times treats the Tenth Amendment like toilet paper.  But not to build out of action hero finding a terrorist in every corner per se, but to bribe.  Always there to “meet the public’s needs.”  Even when it means paving over the public.  (Not to mention killing the natives, as what happened during another Reconstruction, in the 1800s.  Evil.)

Supreme Court upholds MI’s Affirmative Action ban for colleges.
A controversial move, but one in line with Equal Protection, letting the state not discriminate based on race.  Moonbats, of course, call the decision ‘racist.’  (As in, it’s racist to not discriminate, racist to not reject poor white students.)


Comedy Central’s new Trip show is… awful, just awful.  Brickleberry and Drawn Together have far better taste, and that’s saying something.


Ukraine launches anti-terror op after tortured body was found in the river.  Another op subject to fizzle out?  “Naked aggression” by Putin’s Russia.  U.S. to send $50 mn. to Ukraine’s ‘beleagured’ govt., and troops to Russia’s doorstep.

Still 200 considered missing; no survivors.
The official death toll for the capsized ferry off Australia rises to 128, many on board high school students.

U.S. tax revenue for year breaks record; not good news for the country, that the politicians may use the news to increase the annual deficit with more entitlement spending.

U.K. research: children no longer care about competition.
Worse, only 25% of parents in the study said they wouldn’t want their children playing if the sports weren’t competitive.

Chicago: police are scared.
44 victims, including 8 deaths in Easter weekend shooting spree.  Would-be handgun owners outnumbered with illegal weapon users.  And, of course, the politicians are outraged, and mayor Rahm Emanuel wants tighter gun control, which can only make things worse as already less are able to defend themselves.

Palcohol disapproved.
One day after reporting, the U.S. govt. reverses its decision to approve palcohol, the “do what you want with it” powdered alcohol.

“A CBS Special: Earth Day, can/will mankind survive?”
It started in 1970, when Walter Cronkite was on.  Pollution problems have improved since then… if you ignore China, like the politicians and the entertainers— no, a redistribution of wealth scheme, as the elites that overspend all kinds of resources but say it’s the end of the world if everyone else does.  The socialists are right in the wrong way: it is the millionaires, the billionares, but the useful idiots they are, it’s George Soros, it’s Al Gore, it’s the people that pay for their nonsense.

EPA celebrates this Earth Day, after going on Daily Show… makes the matter a matter of messaging, over 35 thousand gallons of fuel are to be spent traveling all over the country, Air Force One, the EPA campaign, footage of Gore going from a private jet directly to a limo.  An enviromentalist calls the actions of the EPA and the W.H. “hypocritical and misdirected.”  Ya’think?


Crisis in Ukraine: a shootout raises concerns of an all-out Russian invasion.


A 4/20 that also happens to be Easter Sunday.  An Easter Sunday that also happens to coincide with 4/20.  Whoa, I just like… already typed that.

Decline in Journalism?
There are fewer resources dedicated to investigative journalism today, but S. Attkisson minds more how producers wouldn’t allow things to move anyway.  With corporate interests, lobbying, with politicians playing hands, censorship can be found just about anywhere.  The details on who hacked her computer— whether it be the NSA, the FBI, or whomever— are still unknown.


Al Qaeda in Yemen, make targets, become targeted by U.S.


USA Today: is this WWIII?
The Russians are asking Jews to register their property.  Anti-Semitic tablets found— the old hatreds coming through, and a legal system that stamps out free expression, all over again.  To go after the neo-Nazis only because they’re fascist, racist.  Not if communist, pro-Islamic extremist, as Russia may strengthen its ties with Iran further.

The W.H., after taking a 8 mn. ACA enrollment ‘victory lap’ (despite 6 mn. kicked off), adds new ‘consequences’ to the list of what the U.S. will do with Russia… theoretically.

Fired Yahoo COO Henrique gets $58 mn. bonus for only 15 mos. work.

A trillion in taxes?
The CBO predicts a budget deficit of $6 trillion over ten years, larger than what came out of the W.H.  Under half a trillion under Bush— nothing to see here, move along.

Even he calls it generous.
Paul Krugman has been hired to show up at NY U., paid $225K for nine months, four times the median income for the state, and eight times what the professors at the univ. make.  Talk about “hurting the cause”; he talks but doesn’t do, and even then he backtracks because… he’s wrong so often.  $225K, while NY is in a deficit.  He’s there not to teach, but there as a prize-winning ‘performance artist,’ or something.  (That also makes it clear who wins these awards.)

Veterans and White Supremacy.
While Harry Reid calls Bundy family supporters domestic terrorists, a woman in a NYT Op-Ed perpetuates the stereotype that veterans coming home will join a White Power group, and cherry picks stories to support the narrative.  She says a “vast majority” won’t, but like the disgusting D, for political points call many Rs in Congress racist, this is all about pushing one of the same lies to advance their own buck.

The narrative is compatible with some of what comes out of Hollywood and how vets were treated during the Vietnam War: to blame the veterans of a war started by a Democrat.  The headline, the picture (one gives the Nazi salute, while the others salute normally) sparked outrage, and many vets demand an apology.  But no one will actually learn; the left will take the narrative they’re taught, and the right will never substantially change the media.  It’s proof enough that the vast majority of the media are against conservatives that another was banned from Facebook.


IRS hits Ron Paul group with large fine for not handing over donor list.

25-year-old Edson in custody for making a hoax bomb threat on the first anniv. of the Boston Marathon bombing, yesterday.

Ferry capsizes in waters off S. Korea; 9 confirmed dead; 300 still missing.

Portland, OR reservoir shutdown, flushed (millions of gallons), after a 19-year-old urinated in it; such reservoirs, without a cover, will be shut down for good come the 2016 EPA regulation that those without a cover are vulnerable to all sorts of contamination, including animal waste (e.g., bird droppings).


The Boston Marathon bombing, one year later.  Out of the coverage, only Fox News does anything on how to prevent it from happening again.  Part of why the FBI, the Watch List missed the Tsarnaevs was the misspelling: Tsarnayev.  And, as mentioned in the report, Google does a better job than the FBI; the FBI declined an interview.  The rest of the media basically glorify the news industry.  We were there.  No, you’re not even here, now.

Oscar Pistorius murder trial, day 23 (and counting).
Steenkamp said ‘I love you,’ for the first time the night she died.  Pistorius covered his eyes and ears today as pictures of Reeva Steenkamp’s wounds were shown in trial.

He didn’t have any money.
Jewish community and retirement center shooter Frazier Glenn Cross, 73, is a former informant, and a former KKK reject— yes, even the Ku Klux Klan kicked him out, calling him a “loose cannon,” saying he’s one likely to get killed.  In jail, he’s on suicide watch.

Blood moon.
A reflection of Mars, but really a refraction of the wave lengths that miss Earth, the light that bent around our planet and hit the moon produced a rust-red lunar eclipse, last seen in 2011, however more intense this morning, around midnight on the west coast, U.S., where the cloud coverage was clear.  Only four lunar eclipses will occur in two years.

Kate Middleton: the Duchess of Normal Style.
I’ve always seen Kate as a 10, maybe the quintessential 10, that she has a great personality, character, and fails to disappoint.  Looks great, even better in ordinary clothes and sneakers, as seen in the photos (Yahoo/Vogue Magazine).  If she wasn’t already taken…

Lawrence O’Donnell taking extended leave after taxi accident.
O’Donnell, 62, and his brother, Michael, were both injured while out of the country Sat., and have since been brought back to the U.S. for medical treatment, MSNBC said in a statement.


Passover: of each 4.14, remembering the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.

Pro-Russian forces take over 9 government buildings, one a day.
Ukraine backs down on its threat to clear areas of Russian protesters, and Pres. Obama backs down on his threat of sanctions.

Bus station bombing in Africa blamed on growing Islamic extremism.

Harry Reid: battle over NV land, it’s not over.

Bret Baier helps raise $10.7 mn. for National Children’s Hospital.

Very much an anti-Second Amendment administration.
Man convicted over illegal ammo (after repeatedly raiding his place until finding muzzle a loader and a shell) now faces a taxes investigation, with the Attorney General’s office acting in a coordinated effort.  The man’s lawyer still has not been able to speak with prosecutors.

Adding insult to massacre.
The new plane-hijacking movie with Liam Neeson, ends with— spoiler alert— the terrorist being a 9/11 victim, while a Muslim doctor is a hero.

Jay Carney decorates home with… Soviet propaganda posters?  WWII-era posters, so “I guess that makes it O.K.”  Allegedly. —The WWII-era part.


Shots fired: a pro-Russia militia is gunned down, as Ukraine launches full-scale anti-terrorist operation against Russian separatists.  All they can do: Ukrainian special forces enter eastern Ukraine; one killed.  Russia then requested a U.N. Security Council meeting at 8 p.m.

Russia calls possible military operation ‘criminal order.’
Ukraine channel one taken off the air; replacing, propaganda out of Moscow, saying ‘Kiev is full of fascists.’

ABC News: crisis in Central African Republic: violence bet. Muslims & Christians.

Well, I guess it’s a range war, that’s all I can say!
Images of a protester with a sniper rifle pointed released, after authorities pointed their sniper rifles.  BLM: public safety concerns led to the release of nearly 400 cows after a round-up, and a thirty-minute standoff.  Fences and troughs were also broken down.  …Pushed out of helecopters, the feds… got scared?  The last rancher in the area, Cliven Bundy calls the tortoise ‘a ruse,’ being set up with grazing fees, on… well, public land.  Regardless of the generations situated there, he doesn’t actually have proprietary ownership.  But still, grazing fees in “the middle of nowhere,” Nevada?

Lockdown, three killed, one day before Passover.

Multiple shootings reported at a Jewish community center in Overland Park, KS.  A man [in his 70s] wielding a shotgun at a theatre, was shooting, moving about the vehicle in the parking lot.  He shouted “Heil Hitler!” as he was arrested.

Lerner on trial.
WSJ: direct evidence uncovers the methods Lois Lerner used, and that she even lied to the IRS so that conservative-named groups would get more scrutiny, audited.

So… Sebelius out (partly ’cause of a bad Daily Show performance).  Replacements?
Sylvia Burwell already in confirmation the process.


Eastern Ukraine: pro-Russian separatists take over a Ukrainian base, and like what happened in Crimea, Russia denies it had anything to do with what’s happening.  One security officer killed, five wounded in Slovyansk, the current hotbed.

Federal agents call off cattle round-up on Nevada Bundy ranch.


Rpt.: IRS targeting average Americans for debts they might not even have.
But ‘in no way’ is that related to the State Dept. losing $6 bn.  Six billion dollars, just… missing.  Not to be confused with the $700 mn. that was used to advertise ObamACAre.


I won’t go, I won’t do it your way.
NV rancher C. Bundy refuses to do what the feds say over a tortoise.  So now the federal govt. comes in with guns, seizes land, seizes cattle, shuts down an entire range, cordons “free speech” zones; ultimately, they aim to show who’s boss.  It shows that Waco isn’t ancient history.

CHANGE your passwords!: Heartbleed bug exposes a flaw in a popular encryption program; passwords on popular sites at risk.

Zoo chimps break loose in NY.

AP: Health and Human Services Secretary Katherine Sebelius to resign.

Bobby Jindal says Vance McAllister is an embarassment, and should resign.

GM finally fires two engineers, after the delayed recall for a number of models have led to several deaths— faulty engineering that resulted in easy power loss, where airbags would not be deployed.

Turkish high court finds media ban unconstitutional, but corruption is corruption.
First twitter, now YouTube among the bans by the Turkish Telecomm. AuthorityBesides the audio recording of a planned false-flag against Syria, more audio was leaked that incriminate the Justice and Development party leader, Erdoğan.  What he calls ‘immorally-edited material,’ had been published on YouTube that supposedly was of Erdoğan instructing his son to hide millions of dollars from the police, further implicating him of corruption allegations.

Stabbing spree at Franklin Regional High School.
It happened at a 1,500-student public school about 15 miles east of Pittsburg, Penn.  For almost an hour yesterday, a student weilding two kitchen knives slashes and stabs 20 students and a security guard, before being subdued by an assistant principal.  Nate Scimio, showing his bandaged wound on FaceBook, is being ‘hailed as a hero,’ for pulling the fire alarm during the rampage to alert the school.  The suspect, 16-year-old Alex Hribal, is in custody.

No adequate checks and balances.
Along party lines, Lois Lerner held in contempt by the oversight committee.  It may take… forever in the House.  Eric Holder is still in contempt.  There’s no history of anyone going to jail over contempt from the oversight level.

Some personal responsibility.
The man who ran his SUV into a daycare center, resulting in a chain-reaction crash, leading to one death, 14 hurt, some still in the hospital today— in the afternoon, he turned himself in.

7 doctors got more than $10 mn. each from Medicare in 2012.
USA Today (Peter Eisler, Meghan Hoyer, Alex Beall): It’s the first time since the 1970s that Mdeicare, the public insurance program for seniors, has provided claims and payment figures for individual provers.  Among the 880,644 health-care practitioners who billed Midicare for services in 2012, the average reimbursement for the year was $87,883.  Yet more than 2,000 of those providers broke $2 million in Midicare receipts.

The race card: they don’t leave home without it.

Holder, Charles Rangel, and ‘dear leader’ Barack Obama— their treatment, the issue according to Rangel, is race.  Of course.  Not because these three are crooks.

Holder’s been in contempt for two years over Fast & Furious, where guns were smuggled out of the country by the Fedl. govt.  But no, he should be treated ‘with kid gloves,’ despite the fact that he’s been stalling that and other cases, instead of his job: enforcing the law.  Instead, he assembles a pro-admin. crowd for a populist speech, the kind of ignorant crowd that always buys into the race card.  And, of course, he started with “forget about me, this is not about me.”  (His treatment is about him, bending the law.)

This was yesterday, a day when Obama called for people to come together… only to agree with the crowd the narrative that Republicans want to keep minorities from voting, adding, why should we have to deal with that these days.

Holder veered off talking points, to suggest race and civil rights played a role in why he was grilled.  “What AG in history has every had to deal with that kind of treatment.  What President in history…”  Nancy Pelosi went on to call Rs sexist.  So… whatever you are (or claim to be— as Liz Warren thinks it’s cool to call herself a native American), use that against the opposition.

Racism, Sexism, etc.— usually pitted against conservatives.

It was ‘the end of the world’ when Herman Cain gave gifts, versus the explicit nature of Bill Clinton engaging in oral sex, at the least, versus “Carlos Danger” (Anthony Weiner) sending lewd pictures to strangers, versus John Edwards, with a love child, not to mention misuse of campaign funds.

The majority of the media do all they can to ignore those cases, given the old “Democrat discount.”  The news only becomes clear at the end of the road.  Jesse Jackson Jr. had to quit because he was going to prison.  Homicide will do that.  Ultimately, it has to be multiple offenses for a D to be forced out, while Rs are almost always destroyed.  Howie Carr put the odds at 10% survival for an R; 75% for a D.  One name: David Vitter.  Carr goes as far as to even say that Hillary would’ve been elected instead of “this Marxist buffoon,” if the press “took off the ideological blinders,” and actually did their job, exposing how bad Edwards was.

Why Justice Roberts changed his vote at the last minute.
The theory is John Roberts has kids from Ireland, and would’ve been exposed (blackmail).  It’s not established fact, but it’s printed here now.  (Vs. nothing at all, with the one-way “mainstream” media.)

Doubts on statements, doubts on numbers.
Lettin’ em’ go: the number of illegals deported, the admin. claims 2 mn., but the actual is closer to 150K.  Probably lose your doctor: 7.1 mn. in enrollment claimed; yeah, 6 mn. were kicked off because of “minimum standards” with ACA, which may parallel to that pre-existing conditions.


Honorary degree retracted.
Hirsi Ali, a woman who, along with her family, was mutilated, took part in a film that criticized Islam, stated that there is a war with militant Islam (which is just fact); the director of the film was murdered by extremists, left with a note that said, ‘You’re next.’  Ali had a death warrant Fatwa put against her.

Courage in the face of adversity, what does the University do?  Brandeis caves to CAIR, Islamic groups that do not represent the majority of Muslims, refuses to show the film, denies her the honorary degree they offered.  More adversity, and probably a money changes hands thing as well.

LADEE, NASA’s Lunar Orbiter scheduled for crash-landing on moon.


It’s official: CBS gets Stephen Colbert to replace David Letterman next year, sans persona.

Game of Thrones, the HBO show and a casting record-holder for most series regulars (29), renewed for two seasons, despite the fact that George R.R. Martin finished the series.


All-out brawl breaks out at Ukraine’s parliament.

Health insurance costs go down by… negative 12%.
(In other words, an increase in costs.)  11-12%, according to 148 insurance brokers; and Delaware’s hit the hardest: premiums up 100%.

Al Sharpton admits to being an FBI informant.
He helped take out mafia figures, but says he did it ‘at the barrel of a gun,’ that he’s not “a snitch.”  Some information that came out says otherwise— that he may’ve been pressured by the FBI, with the alternative consequence of charges.  Update: law enforcement officials beg to differ, as talks of cocaine with an undercover agent in 1983 have been exposed.

Fowl play?: China to serve as middleman in chicken processingIn case you were looking for another reason to try a vegetarian diet…

Also: Death Penalty for the three rapists India, sets precedent.


Decline of Venezuala, with riots, socialist govt. oppression: many dead, scores injured in recent days.

Oscar Pistorius takes the stand in his own trial, and apologizes to the victim’s family; he wished that the cameras not face him.

Jeb Bush for 2016.  Yeah… that would be bad.
Jeb has the position that aliens crossing the border amounts to ‘love,’ making the assumption of crossing for ‘their family.’  He’s also for Common Core, which takes the teaching power and options away from teachers and parents and replaces homework with tests, draining students for no good reason.  (Bureaucrats, of course, see good reason in everything bureaucracy thinks of.)

Vilified Mozilla CEO resigns; he gave money to Prop 8.  And now the company gets complaints over his resignation.  In other places, fire over having FireFox on their machines; this is insane.  Insane enough to get Bill Maher to say, is there a gay mafia?

‘We’re all libertarians these days.’  No, we’re not, says experience.
Rob Lowe comes out wanting govt. out of “almost everything” in a new NYT interview.


XP die hards fend off hackers on their own.
Despite Microsoft’s long-heralded plan to stop “supporting” the nearly 13-year-old operating system, it still powers from 20-30% of Windows machines around the world, according to industry estimates.


Actor Mickey Rooney, 93.  He starred in a number of memorable roles, won a number of awards, was limited in roles thereafter since he could never surpass 5' in height, dealt with the legal matters of elder abuse and debt, sued his stepson to get custody of his estate.


Unsettled weather across the country promotes tornadoes, hail.


Nigeria poised to become Africa’s biggest economy.

Pussy Riot protesters cleared of religious hatred charge.

ACA ruins ability to shop for insurance any time of the year, at any price.

Democrats try to make Supreme Court campaign finance ruling all about the Kochs.

A Movie to Not Get Your Hopes Up

[The] Bag Man (R, 2014— the year for the packaging).
Based on the book Motel, which I’m sure has at least some real depth, even a sliver, compared to the movie version, a hollow piece of… what was the word the “prostitute” used to describe the manipulator of the story, played by Robert de Niro, Jr.?  Oh, yeah.  “Trash.”

They call it ‘noir,’ a graphic novel even.  Or having a ‘graphic novel’ effect, with its dark characters, which is… everyone— all of the characters are bad, morally.  No, the over-hyped Mob City, despite how not-great that is, that’s noir, and far better.  The actors did their job here, and Robert even had his father’s paintings in the film, but unfortunately the screenplay is one big cliché.  It’s the worst role that John Cusack ever took.  Without spoiling it, the plot can be summed up in four words: job, manipulation, explosion, candy.  Materialistic, in that it ends up being ‘all about the money,’ and basically uses.  It’s not gratuitous like Trance (R, 2013); instead, it’s a bit empty.

It adds to the reflection on how bad things are in the culture, that the people who developed the movie keep using terms like ‘top-notch’ in the Behind the Scenes (on the DVD) for things that aren’t really good.  If it was good, it’d be implied; if it wasn’t, but still met the easy but uninformed definition of things, you’d only have people saying good things about it.  And that’s what you have here.  Grade: C-


Funeral held for firefighter Michael Kennedy, was one of a number of firefighters that battled a horrible blaze in Boston.

David Letterman to retire next year; he made the announcement on the show.


Chile hit hard.
Massive, deadly earthquake and tsunami hits South America; yet the “big one” is said to be on the horizon.

Multiple deaths at Fort Hood.
There was a “strange” situation where there could be a repeat shooting.  Update: 9 patients, 3 critical.  It was a ‘depressed’ soldier who served in Iraq that made claims of PTSD.  Ivan Lopez, 34, identified as the alleged shooter; strong evidence of med. history, mentally— “a fundamental causal factor.”  Fergusson, however, managed to use his body as a shield, against the door, stopping Lopez from killing more people.

He knew it was terrorism, but took all references out.
And then he had the nerve to say, no substantive changes were made.  Mike Morell on Capitol Hill, grilled, knew, but for the sake of being PC, made it all about the YouTube video anyway. Finally, someone may be held accountable for the botched handling of the Benghazi attacks.  Maybe.

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