It’s the work of an evil misleadership to warn of what their power, their administration, their dictatorship brings.

Here lies a point of no return, a tipping point where less than half the public pays taxes.
Time and again, the truism is proven right, but turned into cliché anyway.  Once again, growing lawlessness alienates law-abiding citizens.  And with the Euro, bad currency is set up to deliberately kill good currency.  It all comes down, and comes full circle, but the truth only matters to the media if they’re able to and willing to sell it.

It’s considered fact when Morgan Spurlock delivers a flawed argument in what-else but a form of propaganda, such as the 1%, the income gap, a matter of statistics without understanding a damn thing about economics.  So-called journalists on the left call the exposure of socialism in the country fearmongering, even racism because Pres. Obama is black.  Any way to excuse the truth that can’t be ignored, a truth that exposes the liars who have ultimate say on what goes on the air.  To excuse but almost never apologize, despite how much worse everyone’s lives have been made, including the lives of those so-called journalists.

The millenials have good reason not to trust the media; they exist to exploit as the primary.  Let the inappropriately placed burlesque dancer in the new Anthony Bourdain series on CNN make that clear, that CNN will do anything for decent ratings.  Anything except tell you the whole truth.  It used to be called “trash.”  Now it’s somehow news.

We now face the reality of a national public that can’t help but give in.  Either taking the government’s bribes, getting money in taxes instead of paying in, versus working to the bone, overwhelmed, monetarily supporting the welfare roles without option.  This is a scary time.  But don’t listen to me— I’m just a “fearmonger,” as the liars say.  There aren’t enough jail cells for this libelous, defamatory media…


Ukraine elects new leader; Kiev, under the gun, attempts diplomacy with Moscow.
A “peacekeeping” mission, Russia called it, in a threatening manner, supporting trigger-happy pro-Russia separatists, as rebels took over cities of Eastern Ukraine, and tens of thousands of Russian forces line the border.  Paramilitaries reportedly rushed to reinforce the local rebels as the elections drew near.

The public voted for a President, the election workers started counting ballots, and then, on May 26, the military began an assault on the pro-Russian rebels, around Donetsk (eastern region of Ukraine).  The rebels had taken over the Donetsk airport that morning, and helicopter gunships arrived to take it back.  The election of Petro Poroshenko, a.k.a. the “Chocolate King,” for his fortune made in selling candy, was in part overshadowed by the bloodshed, the dozens of rebels killed.

Poroshenko, a former chairman of the central bank and Foreign Minister, was one of the very leaders of the revolution that ended Ukraine’s old regime in Feb.  He won in a landslide, and showed just how upside Moscow’s claims were— that “a fascist body came to power in Kiev,” while an overbearing Russia sends hell-bent rebels to seize control of eastern Ukraine.  A relatively free country, with an independent media, was in part taken over, with lies and propaganda now.  As history shows, Communists use Fascism, real of not, to gain control over lands, over people.  Putin, the autocrat, shows to be a new form of yet another Communist “leader.”

With calculated propaganda filling the Russia-controled airwaves, a rebel insurgency clearly acting as a military force of mercenaries, making an unpredictable, even violent atmosphere, who can say that Poroshenko doesn’t have a target on his back?


Boston Marathon bombing aftermath: Matanov, questioned before, now arrested in connection with the Boston Marathon bombers.  People that know him are surprised; he’s thought of as a nice and quiet Muslim man.

Eric Shenseki, under pressure, resigns; “I was too trusting,” he said of the Veterans Affairs administration, indicating the obvious fact that the VA is out of control.  ‘A step in the right direction,’ the critical response pretty much call this a ‘quick fix,’ a ‘single-personel change’ that does nothing.

W.H. Press Secretary / spokesman Jay Carney is also stepping down, effective next month, his replacement named.

Fewer gun owners, double the gun assaults.
A phenomenon expressed in every area with Draconian gun laws: the less the ability for legal gun ownership, the harder it is to commit to self-defense, the stronger the illegal gun owners are.  And the statistics show a major increase in gun crimes for the state of Mass. now.


Improper filing led to the misplacement, loss in account of $6 bn. at the State Dept.  And just as John Kerry’s being asked on Benghazi (when it was Hillary at the Secretary of State helm), the wrong course of action will probably be taken with this.

No, the bureaucrats, the President— they can focus group all they want, avoiding the actual public, the right reasons for crucial objectives.  They don’t know what the country needs, but Our Dear Leader, President Barack Obama… knows what he wants, knows what the ideology calls for, and acts without fear.  Except there is fear.  Fear of the pulse of the public.  Where the saying goes, when the people fear the government, there is tyranny.  Yes, Mr. President, there isn’t tyranny in every corner— that would be cynical.  But your administration is edging us closer to that being the case!

Talk about self-fulfilling prophecy, that the people who warned and complained about a military industrial complex, of unjust wars, a corrupt Richard Nixon in the White House, “the man,” of the United States being “an empire,” have basically promoted all those things, and… are almost silent about it.  It wasn’t so much like this before.  The door was creeping open; now we’re talking of those things; you and/or you’re friends just piss all over it, call names, and attempt anonymity.

Do you want a better future, or not?  You have more power than me, believe that.

Fewer gun owners, double the gun assaults.
A phenomenon expressed in every area with Draconian gun laws: the less the ability for legal gun ownership, the harder it is to commit to self-defense, the stronger the illegal gun owners are.  And the statistics show a major increase in gun crimes for the state of Mass. now.



TIME: poet, author and San Francisco’s first black female streetcar conductor at 16, Maya Angelou, 86, dies.

A waitress, a cook, a dancer, a playwright and a calypso singer, it wasn’t until age 40 that she became an author, where she started a career that would cross into television, movies, and as a household name, the classroom, universities, the stage of Bill Clinton’s Inauguration and an episode of Chapelle’s Show.  Her presense, remarkable; her story of human endurance, profound; she inspired and influenced generations of writers and memoirists, and with her work no doubt inspire even more generations to come.

Angelou’s book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, she starts at age seventeen, and appears to spare nothing of her past.  From the hard experience of the Depression, a black woman living in the South at that, to the sexual abuse, her time as a prostitute and a madam, she also took on the hard challenge of being creative in the telling of that past.  To be self-deprecating, funny and lyrical, she managed turn the suffering and isolation into an art.  A too-big Negro girl, with nappy black hair, broad feet and a space between her teeth that would hold a number-two pencil, she described herself at one point.  She even outthought what her obituary should say:

What I would really like said about me is that I dared to love, she told an interviewer in 1985.  By love I mean that condition in the human spirit so profound, it encourages us to develop courage and build bridges, and then to trust those bridges and cross the bridges in attempts to reach other human beings.  This caged bird definitely sung.


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that states cannot use a one-size-fits-all IQ formula to determine the mental competence of inmates facing execution.  At 5-4, Florida’s rubric, which set the threshold at an IQ of +70, was considered too ‘rigid.’  The ruling could affect eight other U.S. states with similar laws.

Tea Party wins… within the party.
Candidates backed by the Tea party won big in Texas, with Dan Patrick, a talk-radio host and Senator, beating three-term lt. gov. David Dewhurst.  91-yr.-old Ralph Hall, the oldest member of the House, also lost, to John Ratcliffe.  Ken Paxton won the GOP side of the primaries for the AG position.

Jackie Gutfeld, mother of Greg, has died.


Faulty ignition switch in GM cars may have killed more people than reported.

Robert Gates becomes President of Boy Scouts of America; gays members allowed; gay leaders not allowed.

Majority of millenials do not trust the media.
They distrust the media more than the fedl. govt.  This may play a part in how The Daily Mail become the most popular news website in the U.S.  (The Daily Mail is from the United Kingdom.)


Memorial Day weekend: ceremony to read 7,000 names of service members in combat.

Brussels: mayor calls attack at Jewish museum terrorism; 3 people killed; some areas closed off.

Santa Barbara, Ca.: 7 dead, 13 hurt in shooting; gunman fired at crowd of young people, targeting mostly sorority girls.  Sheriff: atrocity was premeditated.  Some thought the shots were fireworks on Memorial Day weekend.

Identified as Elliot Rodger, 22, he made a seven minute YouTube confessional “retribution” video, and before that a some-140 page manifesto, blaming others for his problems, showing a hatred for women and humanity as a whole.  His intelligence was used for evil: two gunbattles with police, ten different crime scenes; he stabbed to death three housemates the night prior to his planned shooting spree; he hit a person on a bike so hard the windshield caved.

His parents, including the director of the Hunger Games movie, notified police some time ago, but Elliot acted normal.  The gunman, now dead of an apparent suicide, was manipulative, making false reports and a citizens arrest for three stolen candles with a value of $22.  He apparently beat himself up for one of the reports.


There is a growing link between diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s: high bloodsugar.  Alzheimer’s is caused by a build-up of toxins and inflamation of the brain.  Needless grains, gluten, alcohol — easily identifiable factors, but not so avoidable.  The misconceptions of fats are still professed as science.  Relearning what was understood before, the medical profession has yet to come to terms on the nature of food without looking at isolated percentages.

The brain needs fat; fat-free is actually really, really bad for you.  And simply avoiding gluten doesn’t cut it; the gluten-free products on the shelves are problematic — refined and loaded with sugar.  For non-vegetarians, there’s grass-fed beef.  For everyone, there’s fresh produce.  One thing’s for certain: excess sugar makes you sick; it promotes disease.  And gluten, an easy culprit, comes in different forms; it’s not just wheat.


Coup in Thailand: military taking over.  U.S. tells people to not travel to cancel trips, not travel to Thailand.

Portland, Orgegon residents told to boil the drinking water.
Some tests came out positive for E. coli.

Meteor shower: predicted, over 100 per hour.

Pentagon former puts the VA care at 35:1; compared to Gitmo, 1.5:1.  For the sake of being PC, vets are neglected, while terrorists are given A-grade treatment.


China: explosions hit Xinhua; dozens killed; China calls attack terrorism.

Paul McCartney reportedly hospitalized, vomitting in an appearance in the East.

Fox News’ Greg Jarrett arrested for misdemeanor.
It was Shep Smith that had been arrested for drunkeness a few years back, but now it’s Jarrett, who hasn’t been seen on air for a month.  He was apparently intoxicated, and resisted arrest, according to police.  It was the same airport that… some busts for gay activity were made.  Jarrett, in his late fifties and growing a gray beard, paid the $300, and was released.  The network says he’s been off to deal with personal issues; it is not known when he’ll be seen on TV again.


9/11 museum open to the public today.

BlackShade: $40 cost to hackers, used to break into any user computer; around the world, raids, arresting the people behind the software.


60,000 anchor babies expected in Texas 2016.
Babies just… walking across the border or ‘suddenly appearing’ in the U.S.  Media continue to cover up aliens killing American citizens, up to 25 a day.  Boehner wants ‘legacy.’  Yeah, the man who played an instrument while Rome burned went down in history too…

As much as 40 veteran deaths.
What does the Pres. know, and when did he know about the near non-service at the VA hospitals, the negligent homicide deaths.  ‘Outraged,’ in a statement made… via spokesman, Obama supposedly ‘heard it on the news like anyone else.’  Yeah… his admin. new about before entering office.  What a liar.

Dinesh D’souza to plead guilty.  It is not clear which charges he’ll plead guilty to.  He was charged in Jan. for alleged misuse of campaign money, making a documentary critical of Barack Obama.

John Kerry: set the world aflame.
Like an abstinence lecture by Bill Clinton, Kerry, who called the alleged ‘climate crisis’ a national/international threat (while terrorism’s growing, Russia’s building up to invade Crimea, Ukraine), he literally made an inflamatory statement at a commencement speech yesterday.  Meant more politically, Mr. Longface, Mr. “reporting for duty,” Mr. Boreyou T’sleep pretty much advocated anarchy.

“There isn’t enough popcorn.”
Calling sexism on Republicans, the New York Times of recent days has been playing the “nuts ’n’ sluts defense” against Jill Abramson.  At some point, it was a positive view of her, amounting to ‘better than better standards,’ spectacular reporting, … Jason Blair reporting.  With Pinch, a John McCain mistress, and Sarah Palin being a member of an Alaskan party wanting to secede from the union — lies run for days until a buried retraction in the paper of hypocritical record, one high and low, and lower.


There is enough popcorn.
Supernatural: Metatron wasn’t killed, but jailed, defeated using his own Universal Angel Broadcasting System.  Spoiler Alert.  And Dean didn’t die.  Just something Crowley didn’t tell, before Dean’s coughing up blood.  But Crowley didn’t lie.  You know what that means; Dean and Crowley are forcibly on the same team… of that… black eyes in a dream (of a previous season), now made true, blade of Cain in hand, a… demonic stew.


MERS (Middle East Respiratory Synd.): it’s not contracted from casual contact, but prolonged contact.
Found in an anti-body screening, an IL man got it from a business meeting(s).  This virus, much like the common influenza, has a fatality rate around 30%, but had initially appeared in countries with not so great health care; the IL had already killed off the diluted virus in his system.  However, up to some 1 in 4 patients known to have it don’t show symptoms.

Turkey: 18 detained in mine explosion probe.

Nigerian leaders declare war on Boko Haram.

Ukraine: after separatist control of east declare autonomy (for much the point to become part of Russia), there will be no presidential vote in coming days; environment ‘too unstable.’

The AT&T and Direct TV $49 bn. merger: how will it make service worse for customers?
The SEC urged review, delay— some say such a large consolidation could hurt competition.

A U.S. government worse than the Catholic church’s handling of pederasts within.
Of the Veterans Affairs amounting to negligent homicide, the officials, employees responsible?  We don’t have to fire them; we can move them somewhere else in the govt.  Obama said, seven years ago, we have to get these wait times down.  And they did… by faking them.

Ugly war after NYT cans Jill Abramson.
The paper, who hired her as the first female top reporter, denies the allegation she went to the The New Yorker with that she’s paid less.  NYT says that she’s been paid more than male counterpart(s) as result of bonuses.  Well… the bonus of the last year; her salary was less than her male predecessor.


TIME: Director of photography Gordon Willis, 82, dies of metastatic cancer at his home in Falmouth, Massachusetts.

Fellow photography director Conrad Hill dubbed him the Prince of Darkness for his way of bringing typically lit scenes into the shadows, creating atmosphere for all three Godfather flims, including the opening scene where Don Corleone decides the fate of another man.  Other titles include Alan J. Pakula’s All the President’s Men (Deep Throat in the shadows), eight of Woody Allen’s movies, three for Pakula (the other two, Klute and The Parallaz View).  His artistry also made TV commercials, and inspired the “man in the shadows” paranoia (such as use in shows like The X Files), making dark and mysterious characters more interesting than they ever would without.

He may not have invented the noir of low exposure, but he made great and creative use of it.  Unfortunately, other cinematographers were too conservative in the craft to see what he did as an art; it took twenty years for his art to get recognized, with a 1990 nomination for his work on Godfather Part III.


Released unto society to show ‘we don’t need these beds,’ thousands of illegal aliens; among them, over 100 rapists, over 1,000 aggravated assaults.  Only 20K ICE agents, vs. over 30K who shouldn’t be in the country that were let out, whereabouts unknown; no tracking.  Fake compassion: let people break the law.  Prison state: when everyone is, by default, a lawbreaker.


No equivalent of the First Amendmend in Europe.
European court rules that Google must delete search items when asked.  This is due to their phone book of a constitution that includes… bear with me… the right to be forgotten.  Such a thing doesn’t exit in the U.S., as it is trumped by free speech, and is rather evil.

Turkey: coal mine explosion kills 166+; nearly 800 in Soma mine at time of explosion; hundreds were trapped Tues.

Diver discovers Columbus’ Santa Maria ship, off Haiti— the 1492 vessel shipwreck.

Evacuations in order: brush fire threatens thousands of homes in Ca.

Bouncy house flies into air, taking children with it.

9/11 museum finally done, and open to the families directly affected by the terrorist attack tomorrow.

Former DJ Casey Kasem, ill with Parkinson’s, is missing.  Family points finger at wife, Jeanne; daughter named conservator.

Whistleblower: some ACA workers paid to “do nothing,” play games.  Throw money at a problem, rubber rooms— what, d’you expect, better healthcare with bureaucracy at the helm?



Supernatural’s really blowing up now, the season finale next Tuesday.  *Spoiler Alert*.  Not only has the queen of hell been killed, and Castiel’s army defected, but Dean threatens the life of Metatron on the spot!  Will the blade of Cain take out “the Big M”?  (Or “Small M,” given he’s played by Curtis Armstrong?)


Creating wormholes on Coast To Coast AM

The guest has had lucid dreams, with figues speaking to him, of the fifth dimension.  And the ancient pyramids speak of nine.  The angles, the means of communications; that ‘lightbulb’ hieroglyph is actually a communications device.  And Tesla, the company, has been producing fusion energy.  In cars?

So much to cover… and so many breaks… and the local WGAN programming interrupted C2C at 4:30 a.m. to talk about… medicinal marijuana.  Talk about prison planet— yeah, get high, and basically make official the end your living life…

But back to the story, of what I can recall.
5.151 MHz: the (angular?) frequency of the speed of light.  The magnetron in a microwave oven uses a chamber to make a concentrated microwave.  And with microwaves, it’s easily already established that compressed waves can travel faster than the speed of light.  A number of things were scrubbed on the internet on that end, including what became an ABC News story, how the combination of materials, gases produced a wave 300 times the speed of light.  Just gone, Classified.

Some of the science on resonance was mentioned in these news archives, time to time, but in the process of vortices?  Pyramids are the key: like how prisms can combine waves into a spectrum (from the wide part to the tip), the concentration, the trapping of the waves in a chamber out the end of a pyramid produces… a mini-black hole.  And semiconductor materials in the right form can produce mini-black holes on a material, micro scale.

Subspace Travel with Frequency, Speed

Now, the flux capacitor in Back to the Future is a load of crap.  (The Delorean, however it’s spelled, is still a real car by itself.  A needlessly expensive real car.)  Star Trek transportation is fatally flawed.  But the Stargate is real.  The story of Stargate, and the series SG-1 is fiction, but a number of the elements used are based on things that already exist.  The names, from classified investigations— a great means of counter-intelligence, to get the people who point them out to lose credibility.  That was from a sci-fi show; you’re nuts, they would say.

The right materials, the right frequencies, the right combination, concentration, vortex, and you get a wormhole.  A number of crafts have been lost in vortices.  Experimenting with different materials, different alloys, semiconductors… mini-vortices have even caused a few jets in early development to disappear.  Wormholes can be formed and maintained, but by accident, some things, and, well, some people have gone, never to come back.  It’s been said this is the very reason that, on this dodecahedron planet we call Earth, ships have disappeared in the Bermuda triangle and other places, to eventually show up at some other time.

One thing’s for certain: there are more than four dimensions.


Former White House aide Jeb Magruder, 79, dies.  Among Richard Nixon’s advisors who helped plan the 1972 Democratic HQ break-in at the Watergate complex, the conspirator became a confessed felon in 1974.  One of the first to cooperate with investigators, Magruder spent seven months in prison.  Decades later, he asserted that Nixon had personally authorized the plot.  Ordained as a Presbyterian minister, he helped raise money for churches and led a cause for ethics and values.  It’s a characteristic in American life that there is redemption.


The climate change stuff is getting more and more insane: condensed climate… climate disorder— yes, climate disorder.  Like some schools scamming the system for money, resources by alleging cases of autism that aren’t there, another disorder.  All about control, it tends to be the scammers that are the ‘disordered,’ only knowing how to cheat.  Or to put it like our Commander in Cheat, President Obama: only knowing how to cheat, period.  At least that’s not a lie.


Now, with the kidnapping of more girls the cowardly media decide get behind exposing Boko Haram (translation: Western education is forbidden), other terrorism… for a limited time only.

Sultan of Brunei imposes harsh Sharia; Hollywood snubs his hotels; Jay Leno compares this imposition to 1933 Berlin hotels.

EPA accused of obstructing probes; on employee, paid over $100K, has spent 2-6 hrs. a day looking at porn, DLing 7,000 porn files into his govt. computer.



AFP—Kano, Nigeria: shocked survivors count their dead after a Boko Haram attack; witnesses, protests help illustrate.  According to witnesses, Islamist gunmen, in armoured trucks, razed scores of buildings as they stormed the town of Gamboru Ngala, on the Cameroon border, on Monday, firing on fleeing civilians, killing scores.  This is the latest in almost daily attacks; over 150 killed, 1,500 this year alone.

House Speaker John Boehner defeated two tea party challengers Tues. in his bid for a 13th term in Congress, brushing aside GOP discontent over his leadership in Washington.


Ruling could ripple.
CNN: the Supreme Court gave limited approval Mon. to public prayers at a New York town’s board meetings, citing the country’s history of religious acknowledgment in the legislature.  They ruled 5-4 in favor.  (Frankly, it could go either way; split as they were, the judges are too ideological to represent the U.S. Constitution.)

Boko Haram ‘leader’: we will sell the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls into marriage.  (Or sex slavery marriage, which… I don’t think is in the Koran.  Terrorism starts with corruption.)

Co.: plane crashes into home; pilot walks away with minor injuries; residents weren’t home.


Teen in foiled plot intended to kill “as many students as he could.”
AP, Waseca, Minn.: that’s what the 17-yr.-old suspect told police, arrested and charged in juvenile court Thursday.  Four counts, attempted first-degree murder; six counts, possession of explosive/incendiary devices; two counts, criminal damage to property.  Capt. Kris Markeson told reporters they believe the teenager was acting alone and would’ve carried out the attack in the next few weeks if he hadn’t been caught.  His arrest came after reports of disturbing activity, and a tip by a female student of ‘a suspicious person’ at a self-storage facility.

The investigation started in Mar., when, about 80 mi. south of MN, devices were found in an elementary school playground; the teen admitted setting off practice bombs there.  He told authorities that he’d first kill his mother, father, sister; then, after setting a fire in a field, set off pressure-cooker bombs in the cafeteria, throw Molotov cocktails, gun down students at the school, and even the school liaison officer while he helped injured students.  The claim had a dramatic ending: his ultimate goal was for a SWAT team to kill him.

A bit of a worse-case scenario if carried out, he idolized the Columbine shooters and made references to other tragedies in his notebook.  And a “quiet type”: captain Markeson, who was himself disturbed by the number of guns and other materials obtained by the 11th grader, also said teachers tried to reach out to the teen, but he was shy.  We have escaped what could have been a horrific experience.


Mysteriously, coincidentally, … supernaturally, the U.S. television series Supernatural appeared on the Main Wikipedia page (given episode “What Is and What Should Never Be”), and also made some news of its renewal— more characters.  (And I missed the last episode, thinking it wasn’t going to air, like the week before.)  On the CW website, you can catch one of the interviews, including one with cast member Mark A. Sheppard, who plays Crowley.


The crisis in Ukraine escalates.
Interior minister confirms a helicopter was shot down, the pilot killed.

Though there are aims for accuracy here, as obligatory as used personally, perform fact checking for yourself anyway.  Only put trust in how sources are respective to their originator.  Oftentimes the information is more empirical than scientific.

You may request corrections.