
Annually, the cost for services in California for illegal aliens: $25.3 billion.  That’s $4 bn. for medical care, alone.  Another phony speech by the U.S. president.

The Supreme Court sides with Hobby Lobby, 5-4, that the federal government cannot force organizations that hold to a religious belief, the sale of contraceptives.  Another thing where executive orders are… in order, with the corrupt ideology in the White House.


Pres. Obama wants $2 bn. for immigration… “letting ’em go.’

Pres. Obama nominates Bob McDonald as replacement Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs; graduating at top 2% of his class, a former Proctor & Gamble CEO.


With no real evidence, Egypt convicts and sentences three Al Jazeera journalists on communicating with the Muslim Brotherhood, “spreading false information” — part of the military’s crackdown, some seven, ten years behind bars, and a chilling effect on how independent journalism is treated in the country.

Suspected Benghazi attack mastermind Ahmed Abub Khattala now in the U.S., in custody; maybe first public trial of an alleged terrorist, in WDC.

U.K. phone hacking scandal.
Andy Coulson, News of the World former editor, and press secretary to David Cameron, was convicted of a felony.  Rebekah Brooks was cleared of all charges.


While North Dakota gains 3.3% in “job” growth, the national GDP dropped 2.9%.

World Cup, Brasil: Germany wins over U.S. (1-0), but both teams move forward.

IRS settling out-of-court w. groups it has leaked confidential info on, including National Organization for Marriage (pro-traditional marriage)— $50K.

Abortion: Mass. 35-mi. buffer zone law struck down by Supreme Court, 9-0; “liberal” justices say harassment laws already on the books should be enforced; change could affect other states.


Iraq: insurgents take over air base, attempting to surround Baghdad.  Fires could be seen in six miles of Baghdad.

Survivor contestant Caleb, 26, dies in train accident.

Booze, drugs and heat: dozens at Avicii concert hospitalized, in Boston; includes teenagers; one died of Molly OD on outside of a NY concert.

“Woops”: another drive containing e-mails crashed—the EPA now.

Targeting even members of Congress— Chuck Grassley, as Lois Lerner and company violate federal law by opening mail.

Report: according to an e-mail, the EPA plead to employees to stop defecating in the hallways after excrement was found; that was one of the Occupy protests (to poo in protest).

Several members of Congress, including Boehner, Levin, Lewis, Pelosi and Reid lock crossed hands in a chain, and rock on behalf of MLK, Jr., while music with a heavy vocal plays.  It’s something you would see in a stupid dream; it’s stupid.  #NervousOldWhiteGuys

Gary Oldman apologizes to after defending Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson, gainst PCness.  “I have an affinity for the Jewish people…”  Does he know that ‘affinity’ means marriage or likeness?  (It’s a relationship term.)


Iraq: insurgents take over oil wells.

Boko Haram kidnaps 60 more girls, 30 boys.

FL: pro-team Mexico revelers take the streets over Mexico’s World Cup win, set off fireworks, overturn vehicle(s); four arrested.

Juicy store chain to close 100, keep 60 intl. stores open; this comes after annual financial decline.


Pres. Obama sends 300 advisors to Iraq in the attempt to handle insurgency.

Harley(??) unveils electric motorcycle.

Fewer iPhones stolen after Apple adds “kill switch.”

Jerry Goffin, 75, dies.


Fukushima radiation increasing.  It most certainly isn’t over.  Another day, another headline, another bad sign of the future to come for the world’s children, grandchildren.

Patent office drops trademark for Red Skins.  The financial costs of not being able to solely merchandise the franchise may mean the end of the name; NFL will lose its share of money.


U.S captures suspected leader of 2012 Benghazi attack.  “Hiding in plain sight,” he spoke to Fox News 1 mo. after the attack, said he was not involved.


U.S. empties essential U.S. embassy personel in Baghdad, as ISIS takes a Syria-bordering city.  Questions raised, as Iran is eyed as a “possible ally against terrorism.”  (Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism!)


Father’s Day: the third Sunday of June, observed in the United States in honor of fathers.  Many of those fathers are serving abroad.

ISIS claims to have killed 1,700 Iraqi troops; U.S. attempts to strengthen embassies in Iraq; oil price rises.

Taliban cuts the fingers off of 11 civilians as punishment for voting in the Afghan presidential election run-off.

Obama: climate change deniers are a “serious threat.”

A dictatorship only three decades ago.
World Cup in Brazil: after homes were leveled, small protests 200-2,000 in total head count; police over-vigilant.


Radio DJ and voice personality Casey Kasem, 82, dies from complications of dementia.  He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s not long ago.

It was back in 1956, in his home state of Michigan, that he coined the catchphrase, Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.  The host of American Top 40 (1970-2004), he insisted he wasn’t much into music.  Nevertheless, his iconic voice was used for animated series, such as Scooby Doo (as Norville “Shaggy” Rogers), Super Friends (as Robin, Batman’s sidekick) and Josie and the Pussycats (as Alexander, the band manager).


Iraqi colonel, troops retreat.


Bowe Bergdahl released back to the U.S.: Texas.  He was previously under allied/German hospital care.


27th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s speech at which he said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”  …It’s also George H. W. Bush’s 90th birthday; he again skydived.


Jazz iconoclast “Little” Jimmy Scott, 88, died in his sleep at his Las Vegas home.  It was his rare genetic condition that made him small.

Entertainment Weekly: born third in a family of ten and orphaned by age 13, the Cleveland native went on to record with artists from Charlie Parker to Lou Reed, and sang at both Dwight David Eisenhower’s and William Jefferson Clinton’s inaugurations.  During the lull of his career, due to label troubles in the ’70s and ’80s, he took menial jobs, such as fry cook and busboy.  But when he resurged in the ’90s, he made an unforgettable cameo in Twin Peaks’ series finale.

For Scott, the song was always the thing: “If it tells a story, and I’m interested in the story,” he told EW in 1996, “then it’s a go.”


State of Emergency: al-Qaeda offshoot ISIL/ISIS has now seized banks, and taken control of major cities, basically taking over Iraq.  Beheadings performed regularly, this is the group that al-Qaeda wants nothing to do with because of how crazy they are.

Egypt: one of worst for women.
A study published by the United Nations finds that nine out of ten women in Egypt have been sexually harassed, sexually assaulted or raped.


Oscar-nominated actress, and activist Ruby Dee, 91, dies at her home in New Rochelle, New York.  She survived her husband, Ossie Davis, who died in 2005.

Born Ruby Ann Wallace of Cleveland, she was raised in Harlem before getting into film.  An activist, fighting for African-American causes, she, and husband Davis, emceed the 1963 March on Washington.  Though a humanitarian at heart, her onscreen presence intersected with other powerful costars, such as Sydney Poitier.  Her titles include A Raisin in the Sun (1961), Do the Right Thing (1989) and American Gangster (2007), as the mother of Denzel Washington’s character.


Dave Brat — Tea party challenger, beats establishment R Eric Cantor.  Lindsey Graham beat his challenger.


Las Vegas: 2 officers killed while eating; married couple used gun to kill one in store; shot/killed each other at end.  CNN exploits with the help of the Southern Poverty Law fellow — the two were at the Cliven Bundy ranch.  They had to clarify that the Bundys told them to get off of their property… but the “right wing extremism,” blurring lines everywhere — the defamation had to be done first.

French Open.
Rafael Nadal beat Djokovic, winning his ninth French Open title.  He is the first man to ever win the title nine times.


New Jersey pile up kills one, injures several, including comedic actor Tracy Morgan, 45, now in critical condition.

New complications with chem trails (which is the official name from military, air force): nano-engineered parasites that are attracted to EM and acids, fibers causing Magelan’s (unsure about spelling).  Strontium, barium, aluminum.  And some people that have tried to come forward were killed.  Almost prideful or careless, how the skywriters make new, creative designs with toxic gunk that eventually enters our lungs.


D-Day, 70th anniversary.  Celebration held in Normandy, France, the focal point of Allied landings in 1944, where soldiers stormed the beachside, and the waters turned red.


Record sale: Donald Sterling gives, agrees to sell the Clippers to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, for $2 bn.  Sterling, who’s owned the team since 1981, contested the deal reached by his wife.


Tiananmen Square protest, 25 years later.
Adjacent to the “Forbidden City,” the large Square has been used as a site for rallies, parades, festivals and demonstrations— but all of those government-approved, of course.  In 1989, a demonstrator (a person) stood in front of a tank; the series of tanks was supposed to be the demonstration.  China, to this day does their best to scrub the history, blocking web searches for it.  And many of the people don’t know about it; some still try to set up protest in the Square, always put into the back of a van, jailed.


The people pushing absurd taxes, like a “sunshine” tax.  Automatic gas tax, and now this.  Or a rain tax, because of how cloudy it is.  But no windmills, no— the birds!  The percentage of young adults, 18-33 living with their parents, at a high: 34%.  So many uninformed people in the U.S., not getting that electric cars are really coal-fired cars, as coal is the biggest producer of electricity.

On average, the Chinese put up one coal-fire plant every week.  They are the leading polluter in the world; but no, polititians in the Western world tell their own citizens what to think, what they can or can’t do.

The law of entropy versus global warming theory.
Thermodynamics… complex.  Global warming theory, grossly oversimplified.  With no other measurements of the atmosphere, an uptick of 0.01% from 0.03% in CO2, the numbers from the believers themselves… the believers keep going, and they keep ignoring other factors.  Invisible gases, panic!

Year after year, and another law ignored.  The practice, with political pressures and perks, becomes less ethical in scientific study.  Nitrogen, oxygen and water are the major components.  Soot and smog have more effect than carbon-dioxide; do you ever hear that?  No.  Instead, you have the new Cosmos, once again showing itself to be more entertainment than science.  Contains scientific facts is never the same as scientifically accurate.  …I am really starting to hate that show.

The volume of the ice remains the same, but in oscillation.  There are shifts, breaks, reshaping and refreezing.  NASA shows what… NASA was sent out to do.  3-D models?  No.  Surface, surface, surface; superficial people, superficial results.

Those invested in the illusion of course, see one side of it, and decide to complain, go to the politicians, or go to the antarctic, get stuck, and have to get rescued.  The ship sent to rescue them also got stuck!


Rachel Maddow uses the 2007 story of Jessica Lynch, propped up as a war hero, guns blazing (in reality, her gun jammed, no shots) to defend Bowe Bergdahl with… a lie.  Almost to tears, but fake tears, she sells the point of plotting by someone who worked for Romney, criticism of Bergdahl, and uses Fox News to again call the right heartless.  “Today, the American right are” almost saying that he shouldn’t have been rescued.  Thing is… I don’t remember the ‘almost’ part.

Maddow does the job that the White House can’t, as Obama put the allegation in his speech, “period, full stop.”  She does the job of repeating fabrications more effectively than Harry Reid, and yet too many people see through MSNBC or act as if they “already know that the Republicans are evil.”  Either way, not taken, ratings continue to drop.  The pulling of heart strings, shouldn’t it be unconditional— ‘have we come to a point in this country where we should stop rescuing’ … it went on.


Trading terrorists for a guy who, in 2009, deliberately left his post.  Even CNN calls Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl a deserter.  Incompetent governance; officials must think the resignation of Shinseki takes the heat off.  Just because the media don’t want to cover it doesn’t mean any of the serious problems have gone away.  Just… more bureaucracy.

Though there are aims for accuracy here, as obligatory as used personally, perform fact checking for yourself anyway.  Only put trust in how sources are respective to their originator.  Oftentimes the information is more empirical than scientific.

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