
Libya Islamic militias declare control of Benghazi.

Protests of Israel, anti-Semitism: Jewish Center in France firebombed.

The U.S. bans/phases out GMOs, bee-killing pesticides in all wildlife refuges.


World War I turns 100.
On this day in 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia.  At first, the U.S. had no intentions of entering.  But in 1918, an allied forces of Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Japan, the United States and others defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria.

AP, Baghdad: Mosul residents watched helplessly as extremists ruling the northern Iraqi city blew up beloved landmarks and shrines to impose a stark vision of Islam (just as the Taliban have done in Afghanastan).  The Crooked Minaret, a more than 840-year-old leaning tower is (or was) a feared target.

Ebola can spread like “forest fire,” U.S. health officials warn; 1,201 cases and 672 deaths in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone—CDC.  Two missionary Americans are now fighting for their own lives.

U.S. launches more spy satellites; Delta 4 rocket carrying two of the Air Force’s finest were launched from Cape Canaveral.

Reuters: Israel warns of long Gaza war as Palestinian fighters cross border.

Reuters: Boko Haram kidnaps Cameroon vice PM’s wife, kills 3+ in cross-border attack involving +200 assailants in Kolofata.

China: shortly prior to Xbox One launch, govt. officials visits Microsoft offices in the Communist country, lifts ban on consoles.

AFP: Passport Office workers strike amid applications backlog.

AP: outgoing Pres. Hamid Karzai says Afghans need new president, urges speedy conclusion.

AFP: Britain plans major joint maneuvers in Poland for Oct. amid Ukraine crisis, part of NATO exercises.

Study calls for E.U. screening aftert Hepatitis E was found in donor blood—3,000 cases; HEV is known to cause liver damage.

Thousands march in Marseille in support of Israel, and—“Please stop!”—Pope Francis pleas for peace.

Egypt army says it’s destroyed 13 more tunnels connecting the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip, which would bring the total to 1,639.

Papal first: Francis visits Pentecostal church—AP.

N. Korea threatens nuclear strike on White House, Pentagon.

AFP: Air Algerie jet pilots asked to turn back—France complex probe; 118 died.

AP: after 6 weeks, finally a deal on Veterans Affairs health care—$15 bn. in emergency spending…

Fourth U.S. Circuit federal appeals court strikes down Va.’s same-sex marriage ban.

FAA proposes $12 mn. fine for Southwest Airlines.

Reuters: U.S. appeals court backs govt. demand for dealer names of gun “straw buyers,” suspected of buying guns for Mexican drug gangs.

Judge allows $2 bn. sale of L.A. Clippers to proceed.

LiveScience: banned in 160 countries, why is ractopamine still used in pork?

Revere: tornado strikes north of Boston, tearing off roofs, uprooting dozens of trees, and destroying the face of a clock tower, apparently.

An intl. court orders Russia to pay +$50 bn. in compensation to former majority shareholder of Yukos, a now-defunct oil producer, over expropriation of the company that occured +10 yrs. ago.

Dutch Police chief: some MH17 victims may ‘never be found’; 298 victims, indescribable remains.  Everything looted: Some victims of recent plane attacks in the Russia/Ukraine conflict have fallen from the sky, one falling through a roof of a building onto an inhabitant’s bed.  The U.S. and the E.U. have agree on increased sanctions against Russia.  Meanwhile, Pres. Obama writes a letter to Putin over Russia’s violation of the 1987 (Reagan era) nuclear missile treaty.

From stoning, to… this?
Operating from Al-Bab, Islamist State opens “marriage bureau” for single women to wed fighters in Syria and Iraq.

AP: Obama mulls large-scale immigration move.
White House officials make plans to act before Nov. elections to grant work permits to potentially millions of immigrants in the U.S. illegally, allowing them to stay in the U.S. longer.

U.S. News & World Report: according to an SHRM member survey of 510 pros, over the past 5 years, employers have reduced a variety of benefits, educational assistance and perks.

Reuters: according to a fmr. senior U.S. Treasury Dept. official, Obama could act without congressional approval to limit a key incentive for corporations in the U.S. to move tax domiciles abroad in so-called “inversion” deals.

Police have arrested a 34-year-old man for the kidnapping of Abigail Hernandez, the NH teen who disappeared on her walk home from school 9 months before returning home last week.


The Atlantic Wire: Sunday’s episode Masters of Sex, a brilliantly-acted take on Mad Men’s “The Suitcase,” from season 4.


Scarlett Johansen sci-fi flick Lucy, with $44 mn., beats Hercules (starring Dwane Johnson) at the box office.

Ant-Man cast revealed: Lilly, Douglas and Paul Rudd.  WTF is “Ant-Man”?


Some ceasefire calm taking place in Israel/Hamas conflict.

Rockets fired into Ukraine; footage shows Russia is involved.

Ukraine/Russia conflict continues to interfere with MH17 probe; it’s said Russian separatists have destroyed evidence.

Freak thunderstorms also apply to California: 14 injured, 2 critical, 1 golfer—lightning strikes; one death.


“Where’s my butt cream?”—Frankie Grande, Big Brother: After Dark. He sung that line too.  At the BBAD beginning for the day, Jocosta the minister got out her book and did her thing in sort of leading a group to discuss the recent deaths in the family to Frankie and Derrick, respectively.  The other contestants showed their appreciation and thanks in general.


Israeli/Hamas conflict breaks 1,000 mark for Palestinians killed; 40 Israelis (soldiers) killed.

Judge Frederick Scullin strikes down WDC gun ban, enabling people to carry legal weapons in public; appeals likely.


Iraqi military kills 100 opponents of Iran regime.

Pro-Russian separatists deny involvement in downing of MH17.

Slinger, WI: 2 traincars derail, spilling 5,000 gallons of fuel.


SAG lifetime achievement award-winning actor James Garner, 86, dies of “natural causes” at his Brentwood area home in Los Angeles.  He’d suffered a stroke in 2008.

Born James Scott B[a]umgarner in Norman, OK, his mother died when he was five.  Wounded in 1951 while with U.S. Forces in Korea, he wasn’t presented the Purple Heart medal until 1983.  According to Garner, he learned about acting while playing a non-speaking role as a Navy juror in the 1954 Broadway play The Caine Mutiny Court Martial, starring Henry Fonda and Lloyd Nolan.

Garner starred in the 1950s TV series Maverick.  ABC debuted it Sept 22, 1957.  They were desperate for ratings; but it overtook The Ed Sullivan Show, those Sundays.  He’d appear in the 1994 film revival of the title as a marshal (Mel Gibson was the lead).

He went to film, and appeared in comedies, with Kim Novak in Boys Night Out, and with Doris Day in The Thrill of It All.  Versatile an actor, he landed roles in dramas, such as The Children’s Hour, as well as suspense, with They Only Kill Their Masters.  Still, he’d be best known more for his roles in Westerns, such as, Duel at Diablo and Hour of the Gun.

Returning to television, Garner co-starred in The Rockford Files (1974-80), for which he received an Emmy.  Success, of course, doesn’t come without failure, with series like Nichols (1971-72) and Bret Maverick (1981-82).

As an older man, he’d be cast in elder roles, such as the father in Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002), and in TV, with 8 Simple Rules…For Dating My Teenage Daughter after John Ritter passed away.

When handed his lifetime achievement award, in 2005, he quipped, I’m not at all sure how I got here.

Actress Skye McCole Bartusiak, 21, dies of undisclosed causes.  Her mother, Helen McCole Bartusiak, said she’d been suffering from epileptic seizures, according to CNN.  We think she had a seizure and choked, and nobody was there, she said.

Skye began her acting career in 1999, with The Cider House Rules, when she was only six.  But she was better known as the daughter in The Patriot (2000).  Into the next millenium, she appeared in Don’t Say a Word (2001) as the daughter of Michael Douglas’ character.

A life and career cut short, Helen said that more recently Skye had been working on producing and directing her first feature film.


MH17 carried 283 passengers, 15 crew; all died yesterday when it crashed in Donetsk region of Ukraine; U.S. officials believe it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, probably by pro-Russian separatists; getting such sophisticated equipment isn’t easy (helped by Russia, perhaps); the Boeing 777 was on an authorized path from the Netherlands (no justified reason to shoot it down).

State Dept. announces Iran nuclear talk extension.

Snowden: NSA staff members pass around “intimate, nude” photos; no evidence to support claim.


Rupert Murdoch wants to buy Time Warner.  Merger proposal in the tens of billions; low ratings: CNN is only worth about $10 mn.

It would appear that the missile was propelled by a blast of wind from Howard Stern’s ass.
A Howard Stern fan manages to prank anchor MSNBC’s Ball live on air.  The program went to break after the prank caller called her a “quite the dumbass.”


VH1’s Dating Naked is… actually interesting.  For a moment.  Awkward at first—the naked fact the participants must be nude at times.  It’s more funny than gratuitous.  But severely limited.  The network doesn’t blur out their naked behinds—that’s something.  Ass.


Stage actor Elaine Stritch, 89, dies.  She won a Tony for a one-woman show called At Liberty, and set the bar for solo acts.

American author Thomas Berger, 89, dies.  Best remembered for his 1964 novel Little Big Man, he wrote over a dozen books.


Israel warns Gaza residents to leave; bombs dropped; Hamas will not stop firing.

Militants take key Iraqi city of Tikrit.

Russia advances on Ukrainian border.

Audio tape allegedly shows WH official illegally soliciting funds to help reelect Pres. Obama.


With most unguided missiles intercepted, no Israelis have been killed; the Palestinian toll, however, with Israel’s offensive, is over 180.

World Cup fußbol (soccer): Germany wins the Cup; vs. Argentina, 1-0.

Bo Bergdahl is back in uniform, at a desk job.  He has gone through therapy for his experience, being held by Islamic militants.


Bob’s Burgers renewed.

Nickelodeon cancels Sam and Max.

Alyson C. of Fox News, off since March, signed onto CNN.


Walk of Shame: stars Elizabeth Banks and James Marsden; to-be 5 o’clock anchor Meghan Miles (Banks) has just been dumped by Kyle, is taken to a bar by friends, hooks up with a guy (Marsden), wakes next to him as if he’s a stranger, chases after her towed car, gets lost, gets treated like a hooker because of the yellow dress, borrowed by a “slutty” idiot of a friend… it’s kind of a dumb movie, written as a dumb movie.


Israel ignores calls for ceasefire, claiming defense against persistent rocket attacks by Hamas, any others; ground offensive has started to root out rocket attacking militants.  Netanyahu says no other country on the face of the earth would willingly accept such regular (rocket) attacks.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes opens at #1, with $73 mn. at the box office; Transformers: Age… slid to $16.5 mn.


Airstrike Gaza death toll: 135+.  U.N. Secuity Council calls for ceasefire.  Palestinian-Americans start to leave Gaza.

Humanitarian crisis on the border continues.
DHHS may have an eye on the health concerns, but the admin. seems to just lay it on the states to handle it; sites over the country, including Nebraska and Delaware have been put up to take on hundreds of illegal aliens.  Old, easily vacinated diseases are returning as result of the missing treatment, missing physicians in treatment of these noncitizens.  Tuberculosis (characterized by the formation of tubercles on lungs, other bodily tissues), scabies (parasitic mites that bury eggs in the skin), measles (rubeola)— the list goes on.


Tommy Ramone, 62, the drummer and the last surviving member of the Ramones, dies of cancer.


Israeli defense chief: one word (command) away from going to war.

Further destruction of Iraq’s antiquities.
Video shows ISIS terrorists destroying priceless artifacts.


Four days after winning Wimbledon, Novak Djokovic married his pregnant fiancee in Montenegro; it was a private ceremony.


Israel: ground invasion may come at any moment, as Hamas launches rockets ten minutes or under at a time; half of Israel in shelters; rocket intercepts caught on phone cameras.  Regions, in chaos, Iraq an Islamist state, and the President of the United States attends a fundraiser.

Benghazi suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala, seen at court today, faces more charges.

Obama asks for $3.7 bn. for border kids.


Extant, written by Mickey Fisher, starring Halle Berry and ER’s Goran Visnjic, carries a premise that takes a page from well-known sci-fi movies like Alien (parasites that grow within people to become giant, black acid-spitters that make more parasites) and A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (when humanity builds advanced, learning/loving android children), and goes into uncharted territory.  An android child (Ethan, played by Pierce Gagnon) and an alien baby growing within astronaut Molly Woods (Berry)?

Well…it’s directed by Stephen Spielberg, and it’s well-acted!  And those large, black alien monsters with smaller mouths within their mouths that also spit acid will not be seen in this thirteen-ep.-per-season series.  The lead episode is so strange and creepy, with the alien father drawing his hand down Berry’s center… I can’t wait for the next episode.

One issue, however, came up with CBS’s standards and practices: fake or not, you can’t show vomiting; Berry is basically drooling into a toilet.  …Can’t wait!!!


Givin’ them driver’s licenes: Arizona is now giving illegal aliens licenses, under certain circumstances.


“Nationalistic motive.”
Protests, over the murder of a Palestinian teen, turn violent.  The death is allegedly a revenge killing for the deaths of three Israeli teens.  A cousin of the teen was released, and an individual was arrested.  At least 20 rockets were launched into Israel.


Cat. 2-3 storm Arthur across the southwest, thunderstorms and possible tornadoes in the northeast.  Independence Day: washed out; more rain.


AP—Belo Horizonte, Brazil: freeway overpass, originally part of Brazil’s plans to add bus lanes for the World Cup, collapses, injures 19+; kills 2+, including female driver.


American soccer ref dies after being punched by player during adult league match.

Tim Howard randomly drug tested after big World Cup performance.


Canada Day.

Live to Make Happy, Be Happy

[Man] sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.  And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived. — His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Though, here, there are aims for accuracy, obligatory as it used personally, perform fact checking for yourself anyway.  Only put trust in sources, respective to their originator.  Most often, information is more empirical than scientific.

You may request corrections.