
Leading fear in the U.S.: public speaking.  No, not the fear of spiders, but speaking at a lectern in front of a crowd.

Judge rules Hickox ‘free to roam.’

3rd victim in Wa. state shooting at cafeteria at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, Shaylee Chuckulnaskit, 14, dies.


Obama visits Maine…

Accused cop killer Eric Frein captured near abandoned airplane hangar.

Hickox defies quarantine, disturbs local idiots; press cameras all over her as she biked.


Longtime Boston mayor Thomas M. Menino dies at 71.  He was diagnosed with cancer in Feb.

Born on Dec. 27, 1942, the college grad served as an assistant before becoming the gray-haired, popular mayor of Boston.  He was also given the nickname “Mumbles” Menino by some for his tendency to fumble the words to speeches he would give over time.


Nurse Kaci Hickox still held quarantined in her ME house despite testing negative for ebola; worried calls concerning the transmission of the virus still being made by nervous neighbors despite, again, testing neg.  10+% of the population’s just plain stupid.

World Series (Baseball): San Fran. v. Kansas City Royals; 3-2, Giants’ win—their 3rd championship win in 5 years.


New confusion over U.S. treatment of troops in ‘Ebola zones’—that the Pres. stands w. quarantine for soldiers (21 days) traveling overseas but not nurses with NY/NJ law, enforced by Chris Christie.  Nurse returned to Maine after a whole day in mandatory quarantine; she called the experience “imprisonment.”  Honey, you don’t know what prison is like.

USA Today: twitter usage lays and egg.
John Shinal: twitter’s net loss exploded—by about 3.5x to $452 mn.—about 25% higher than its sales, as CEO Dick Costolo and his team keep spending like there’s no tomorrow; the company set user growth expectations too high; despite the stock’s drop, sales exceeded expectations, more than doubling, at $361 mn.; shares had surged 80% because the company has been getting more advertising dollars per unit of content.


U.K. ends combat mission in Afghanistan.

Gia Soriano, 14, one of the shooting victims of Fryberg, has died.  Three other teens remain hospitalized.


NY hatchet attack critically injures one; considered perhaps terrorism.

Murder-suicide at Washington state school.  Witness IDs Jaylen Fryberg, a “popular” student, as the killer of a female student.


Ottawa witness: I heard, “pop, pop, pop.”  Shootings at Canadian parliament; gunman was killed; security covered the place.  Another at the war memorial prior (soldier killed).

Another fence jumper: someone climbed the WH fence, North-side; nabbed by Secret Service.


CNN cancels CrossFire, again, ten years after Jon Stewart’s ‘when will you stop hurting America.’


Nurse Nina Pham, exposed to ebola in Dallas, and second to known to contract the virus, was moved back to Dallas after traveling to Maryland; her condition has been downgraded to “fair,” able to walk.


Raspberry Pi still selling like hotcakes, as the saying goes.


Australia opera company bans “Carmen” play for smoking scenes, though the character dies in the end.  And once the sponsorship ends?  It’s alls about the money.


Viral screenings at airports.
Thomas Eric Duncan becomes first Ebola-infected patient to die in U.S.; Duncan, living in TX, was diagnosed w. the virus recently, contracted from his native Liberia(?), treated at Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas since Sept 28.

Syrian civil rights group(s) demanding more help.


Fierce battle unfolding between Kurds and ISIS at Turkey/Syria border.

N.Korea for the first time publicly acknowledges its “reform through labor” camps, but denies the existence of its prison camps for pol. prisoners—est. 120K in head count.


CW premiere of The Flash.
First, as a kid, Barry the boy sees color swirls around his mother.  My first words: “this is stupid.”  His father is arrested and convicted as his mother’s murderer (he isn’t).  As a young adult, Barry Allen gets his power from a particle accelerator explosion (plus a lightning bolt).  Nine months later, his muscles hasn’t atrophied, but they’re in a state of regeneration.  Unexplainable power outages at the hospital—the guy’s heart was pounding too fast for the EKG…  And lake Smallville, the particle accelerator explosion serves as this series’ meteor shower, affecting others.  “Very original,” I say sardonically.


1st death blamed on EV-D68, spread across the U.S.


Joseph Clancy named head of Secret Service after Pierson resignation.

Nobel Prize winning Martin Perl, 87, discoverer of the tau lepton, dies.


Released: footage of Allan Henning’s execution and political warning by ISIS.


Secret Service chief Julia Pierson resigns.


U.S.: Enterovirus D68 found in 4 patients that have died; 500+ cases confirmed, mostly children.

Ebola: 20 more cases identified in W. Africa.

Crespo, Mayor of Bell Gardens, Ca. shot dead by wife.

Though, here, there are aims for accuracy, obligatory as it used personally, perform fact checking anyway for yourself.  Only put trust in sources respective to their originator.  Most often information is more empirical than scientific.

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