Oh, great—Net Neutrality again.  The government/greedy corporations, etc., whatever just won’t leave this alone.  And, of course, there are people throwing around “free” not knowing that what they’re fighting for may lessen said freedom.


Hong Kong: Dozens arrested in clashes bet. pro-Democracy protesters and police.


Ofc. Darren Wilson resigns from police force.

Reuters: E.U. imposes sanctions on the organizers of rebel elections in eastern Ukraine this month.

AP—Austin, TX: gunman attempted to set Mexican Consulate in Austin ablaze, fired more than 100 rounds at downtown buildings early Friday before his death, according to authorities.


Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever (2014, Lifetime), featuring the cat used in 2012 memes, franchised, etc., voiced by Aubrey Plaza, is definitely written for Plaza, “grumpy” jokes, and bad singing, etc.  Some adult humor.


Black Friday becomes a thing for the U.K., and stronger that they have no Thanksgiving, and even stronger on the weekend.  It disturbs the January tradition Brits have.  Fewer people saving.

Outages not over: 127K remain in the dark in NH; 31K in ME.

“Black Out Black Friday.”  Union protesters target Walmarts across the country.

Killing Kennedy scheduled to run on FNC, Sun. @ 9 p.m.  Language?


Annie Claus is Coming to Town (2011, Hallmark), starring Maria Thayer (Strangers with Candy), Vivica A. Fox, Samuel Page, Nay Nay Kirby… is one of the worst. No, it’s not weird or insane hooking up with the daughter of Santa Claus. It’s just “Wow.” Literally— they all, at the same time, say “Wow.” And then everything’s normal.


Thanksgiving.  Snow dump on the Northeast.

Nightline: donor chain in Alabama.


AP: Tracy Morgan in recovery, prognosis murky at best, says attorney.  He’s been out of the hospital for a while but he’s busy with cognitive rehabilitation, speech rehabilitation, and physical rehabilitation, Benedict Morelli told the Associated Press Tues.  He’s still fighting to get better and he’s making incremental progress.  He added, it’s unclear whether he’ll be the Tracy Morgan he once was. …I’m not saying he’ll never recover.  I’m saying we don’t know.

AP: protesters force lockdown of St. Louis City Hall.
Protesters rushed into the building, chanting “shame, shame.”  A mock trial of officer Wilson was conducted.  The gov. ordered the initial St. Louis force of 700 in law enforcement presence to be increased to 2,200 in the hopes that their presence would help local enforcement keep order.

“Let’s burn this bitch down.”
Michael Brown’s uncle incites arson.


Major fires in Furgeson: Grand jury decides not to indict officer Darren Wilson.

In Maine…WIND!


Mag.-6.7 quake in Japan: damage worse than thought.

AP: a daylight assessment Sun. found 50+ homes destroyed in two villages, and 41 people injured across the region, including 7 serious, most w. broken bones, according to officials.

Four-term DC mayor Marion Barry, 78, dies Sunday morning.


Big snow storm closes major arteries in NY.  Nothing here, in Maine, so far.

Big immigration executive order: Pres. Obama sells another one; he said he ‘wasn’t an emperor.’  Is anything he say not a lie?

The importance of Vitamin D and the deficiency epidemic.

Honduras police suspect boyfriend of Sofia Trinidad Alvarado, 23, in the murder and burial of her and her 19-yr.-old sister, Maria Jose Alvarado (Miss Honduras).



Oscar-winning director Michael Nichols, 83, dies.

The director brought influential titles like Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Carnal Knowledge, and Catch-22 to the silver screen.  He won the best director Oscar® for The Graduate (1967).  On Broadway, Barefoot in the Park connected him with playwright Neil Simon, where with Simon, Nichols won best-director Tonys, and later the two brought titles like The Odd Couple to life.

Later in his career, after over a decade away from directing, he made several more films, including Heartburn, Simon’s Biloxi Blues, Primary Colors, and Charlie Wilson’s War.  He won an Emmy in 2001 for Wit, and another in 2003 for the HBO miniseries Angels in America.

According to Meryl Streep, the urbane and intellectual director could be “the meanest” in his lows.  That is, until he married Diane Sawyer, his fourth wife.  He leaves behind Sawyer, and three children from his earlier marriages.


Pope Francis denounces right to die movement.

CDC: Crown Princes—of over 1,000 ship passengers, some 174 infected w. norovirus.

Footage: ISIS killed Kerrig.

60 Minutes: Ca. enters 4th year of record-breaking drought; “desert ground”: ground water unreplenished; dropped 200 ft. in 2 yrs; sinking ground, 1 ft./yr., causing infrastructure damage; sewage filtered into water, pumped into ground.


Rpt.: weapons go missing in Afghan U.S. bases, including Kandahar.

Surgeon in Sierra Leone diagnosed w. Ebola sent to Omaha, NE.

Obama shares presser with Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar.

Projected fuel costs drop; propane, petroleum, nat.gas.

25°F avg. across U.S., snow across N.E.  North central windchill as low as -13°.

S&P downgrades twitter’s debt to “junk” status; despite higher nos., they’re not making a profit.

Al Roker to set record on longest weather report—34 hours—only 5-min. break/hour; 8 a.m. ET finish.

1st trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey (film) out.  Too bad I find the actors unconvincing.

Richard Simons, 66, speaks after his knee injury; “sidelined,” out of public eye since Jan.

World’s tallest man and shortest man meet on Records Day.

PaperMag: No Filter: An Afternoon with Kim Kardashian “breaks internet” with an article brief on her rise to celebrity; her motherhood, w. North; marriage to Kanye; and nude body, in 3 pics, undressing.

The Real World/Road Rules, The Challenge MTV reality star Diem Brown, 32, dies after battling cancer; 1st found in stomach and colon, spread to liver and lymph nodes.


Exec. order, bypassing Congress again: amnesty to some 4.5 mn. illegal aliens.

The Simpsons co-creator Sam Simon talks terminal colon cancer.

Big Bang Theory paid tribute Thu to the late Carol Ann Susi who played “Mrs. Wolowitz,” who died of cancer at 62.


Philae probe makes space history by landing on a comet.

Rpt.: “White Widow” Samantha Lewthwaite killed by Russian sniper.

Israeli military vs. Palestinians throwing rocks.  Again.  One Palestinian man killed.  Again.

University of IL hires convicted murderer.  No surprise; it’s the same place that hired Bill Ayers.

Broken cable: scaffold dangles at One World Trade Center.


Happy Christmas stars Anna Kendrick, Melanie Lynsky, Lena Dunam, and two similar-looking males, as the husband and the brother.


Veteran’s Day (U.S.), Rememberance Day (Canada).


Missing basics in education hits commitment.
Only some 50% of Americans over 18 today are married, compared to 72% in 1960.

Rpt.: Joan Rivers suffered a similar fate as M. Jackson: under Propofol, vitals declining for 15+ minutes.  Ethicals, any?: the doctor took a selfie.

Vigil held for victims of the Noyes Street building fire; one student that was in critical condition had died, totaling 6 deaths; many still in shock, finding it hard to believe the empty space, and that their friends and “nice” people are gone.


“You have to think, ‘you’re the shit.’”
CNN’s This is Life with Lisa Ling does a doc on strippers…uncensored language.


DHS: Russia’s been targeting U.S. infrastructure, including electrical, gas and water since 2011; not the organized crime targeting individuals, but the Russian govt., by malware, in case of a conflict, even with Ukraine, should the U.S. step in.

Andrew Fryberg, 15, cousin of shooter Jaylen, dies at the Seattle hospital he was cared for in, becoming the fourth victim of the High School murder-suicide back in late Oct.

Toxicology results: Robin Williams, who committed suicide Aug. 11 at age 63, had no drugs or alcohol in his system; this supports the theory that he took his life over his prognosis of Parkinson’s—gradually becoming unable to be the quick improv comedian he became.


Full moon.


Protesters, police clash in Jerusalem.

CMA (country music awards) on ABC: Luke Bryan wins entertainer of the year.


U.S. mid-term election day; live Daily Show, Republican landslide.


Brittany Maynard, 29, died Sunday of assisted suicide under the Oregon Death With Dignity Act via prescribed medication; terminally ill of brain cancer, she made headlines, opening a “debate” on assisted suicide, as she made the choice to use the state-wide law.


Switch to EST; fall back; windy, leaves blown onto windows; light snow in the northeast.


Military leader to lead Burkina Faso, Africa.

5 young adults dead in Noyes Street fire, one in critical condition.  Some jumped from 2nd story window.

Though, here, there are aims for accuracy, obligatory as it used personally, perform fact checking anyway for yourself.  Only put trust in sources respective to their originator.  Most often information is more empirical than scientific.

You may request corrections.