Channel Rules

Like any other channel in Dalnet, #beatles has some specific rules. Actually they are not rules. This is due to the fact that in a chat server, one can easily break rules and get away with it. This fact has made the notion of strong rules and enforcement a bit of mockery. That is why we term it as standard behavior patterns of #beatles, instead of rules. The standard pattern includes the following points:

1. One should not harass the operators in any manner. Remember, they are normal human beings. They are not geeks, and they can have lacking in knowledge, regarding specific beatle related matters. Thus operators cannot be charged for ignorance. Ignorance is not a sin. Comments like "You don't know did you become an op?" will not be taken into notice. Refer to rule 11 for more info.

2. Please do not beg for Ops, and make yourself appear funny. We know that many of you beatlefans out there would honestly like to be an op, and some of you deserve ops as well. However, the op giving policy in our channel is based on mutual trust and friendship. It took me 3 years to become an aop, and nearly 2 more years to get promoted to a Sop. If you're regular, and if you have deep interest and knowledge regarding Beatles, you will become an op. If you do not earn things in a hard way, the earnings to not bear any value or pleasure. P.s. do not send memos to the sops, begging ops. Any such act will be reported to the Dalnet IRCops, which might result in freezing of that particular nick.

3. Please do not make any offensive comments regarding the band Beatles, its members or anyone related to the band, in the channel main. Please do not provide false information regarding the band as well. Due to obvious reasons, one cannot expect to receive good treatment from the ops, after doing such mischief. Although people have their right to express their opinions, we do not want to see our dear channel become a dirty place.

4. If a person with a specific nick or persona keeps on doing such acts, he/she will be added to the akick list of the channel. This is not done quite often. Our ops are tolerant, and if you are clever, you might as well get away with your remarks. But do make wise use of your eloquence, cause talk is cheap and we are not dumb people.

5. As a whole, try to avoid offensive language. It's not good for anybody. We all know it, but sometimes we forget it. Racist comments will not be tolerated as well.

6. People from all over the world come here to chat. So no particular nation or region should be looked down upon.

7. We do not allow serving files of any sort, in our channel. New dalnet AUP (acceptable use policy) prohibits file sharing in a large scale. Thus any users attempting such actions will have to leave the channel. For more info, users should check out Dalnet's website:

8. Ops should be in the channel, whenever they join Dalnet. Any exception to this phenomenon might cause deletion of channel access. However, if the person is not using his primary nick or is away, this rule might be relaxed.

9. Op giving and deleting will be primarily decided by the founders. JPMac and dearpru has all the right to add and delete any channel staff, in any point of time. They also have the right to prohibit any users from joining the channel, without stating any reason.

10. Although our channel is dedicated to Beatles, it is not limited or confined to Beatles. Users can chat about good music, bands and artist. Actually one can talk anything, as long as it is harmless.

11. To become an op, one has to have the following qualities:

a) He or she has to be regular in #Beatles

b) Sound knowledge regarding Beatles

c) Has to gain the trust of the ops

d) Has to have at least basic knowledge of  IRC commands

However, having these qualities does not ensure ops. Please refer to rule number 9.

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Copyright © 2003 by DeAd_MaN_RoLliN and JPMac, #Beatles. All rights reserved.
Revised: 05/22/03 12:51:28 +0600.


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