
    April 15 1452, Leonardo is born in Anchiano, a village close to the town of Vinci near Florence, in Italy. He was an illegitimate son of Piero da Vinci, a rich notary, and a peasant girl called Catarina.

    House where Leonardo was born.

Around 1466 he moves with his father to Florence where he begins to study in the Workshop of Art of Verrocchio (c.1435-88 ). It's by Leonardo, the lefthand angel from Batism of  Christ made by his master and apprentices around 1472. By the same time it is painted Annunciation, which was , probably, the first da Vinci's master piece .1473, First Drawing signed by Leonardo: a landscape dated August 5.
 In 1481, starts  Adoration of the Magi , a splendorous work that would never be finished .
In 1482 , he writes a  letter  to Ludovico, il Moro, offering his services as an engineer and an  artist. Being accepted, goes to Milan, where he would stay until 1499. Are the works from this period : Madonna of the Rocks , Portrait of a Musician, The Last Supper,the drawing of Virgin  and Child with St Anne and St John The Baptist  and many manuscripts about a lot of different subjects.

     Leonardo's signature viewed  in a mirror ( yo Lionardo).

1502 - Starts working to Cesare Borgia ,as an architect and an engineer-in-chief ,during the Romagna campaign. In 1503, returns to Florence. Around 1503 starts to paint   Mona Lisa .

    Mona Lisa ( center ), Musée du Louvre.

1504 , July 9: Death of Leonardo's father.

1505- From the notebooks: Begun by me, Leonardo da Vinci, on the twelfth day of July 1505.Book entitled "Of Transformation",that is,of one body into another without diminuition or increase of substance.

1506- March 22: Leonardo begins a collection of notes on mathematics and phisics. June: Leaves Florence for Milan at the request of Charles d'Amboise.

1509- He draws maps and geological surveys of Lombardy and Lake Isea.
In 1510, makes his favourite paiting : Virgin and Child...

1513- Enters the service of Giuliano de' Medici,brother of Pope Leo X, and resides in the Belvedere Palace of Vatican.

1516- Designs his Self-Portrait, nowadays inTurin, at Royal Library.

1517- Leonardo arrives at Amboise in April.He is still able to draw,although his right hand is partially paralyzed. 1519- April 23: Leonardo dictates his last will and testament.

Dies on  May 2 , at Amboise,  France, where is buried his remains.


    The Last Supper,  Santa Maria della Grazie Church.

Leonardo influenced generations of artists, and although surviving paintings are rare and projects such as his equestrian statue were never completed, he continues to be revered as an universal genius.

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