<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/dancing_dragon74/321con80.wav">
Lascivious & Luscious
Likes, Loves & Lickables...
John Mayer, Norah Jones, Claudia Gomez, Cesaria Evora, Sarah McLachlan, The Ahn Trio, Erasure!Chris Isaak,
Florence King, Amy Tan, Frank Herbert, Anchee Min, William Shatner (no shit!)
Sights, Scenes & Sounds
new: Latter Days, Louis & Ella
Finding Nemo, Breathe (DMB tribute album),
old:  My Big Fat Greek Wedding
...latest web gems
Mistress of the Dark - I'm not kidding
Zelda's themes - video game music without the headache of playing.
Fairyvision - sick fan dedication rocks!
Wierdness - from Nurse Persh
Shiny things! - video game music from Moon Patrol and others.  Try Mr. Do's Castle...
Nightcrawler - I can't help myself!  I'd never heard of Alan Cumming before and he's so cute in blue!
Scott - a dear friend, my sister's gay husband, and major geek.  He rules.
Sarah - my insane cousin who takes pretty pictures.
Keith - my goofball former boyfriend
Katie - my sister-in-law
Mikey Jr. - my dear friend Nancy and her husband have immortalized their kid!
People I know...
Other fun places to be...
make way! make way!
Really old drag
The original ass-master
creativity abounding

Rusted Root, Trash Can Sinatras,  ,  
Best Bad Lyrics to a TV Show:
of course, except for celestial yodeling, nobody ever heard them broadcast...

Beyond the rim of the star light
My love is wand'ring in star flight
I know he'll find in star-clustered reaches
Love, strange love a starwoman teaches

I know his journey ends never
His star trek will go on forever
But tell him while he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me!
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