As Gay as it Gets...
Gay?  Lesbian?  Bi?  Questioning?  Pretty damn sure and no way in hell you'll admit it?  Here are all kindsa links to things gay and otherwise...
Human Rights Campaign - somebody's gotta lead the fight.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force - somebody's gotta help
The Washington Blade - all the news that is news in Dupont Circle, the pink ghetto of DC
Planetout! An online community for lavender lovers
The Advocate - exactly what it sounds like.
Gay - We're here, we're queer...  but where the hell were we until now?
Here comes the bride...
OK, so the rant needs adjusting.  You can get married in Massachusetts.  I still can't believe it.  However, you cannot get married in Hawai'i.  You cannot get married in Vermont.  You can get a civil union there, which is a cop-out equivalent to getting married which is:
-not recognized outside of the state of Vermont
-unable to grant you full privileges that married couples are entitled to
-as good as we're going to get for a while.
Without this privilege, you have your primary relationship ignored by your government, your state, and your local community.  And let's hear it for the name. 
Civil Union.  How do you break up?  With a civil war?  California has a "domestic partner registry."  Sounds like I married my maid.

It's all so biblical, or so they think.  These bible thumpers wave around that poor, abused piece of text claiming that homosexuality is condemned in biblical verse, so we should follow it.  I guess that means we should also:  not eat shellfish or mix our fabrics (from the same verse), no longer educate women and make them subservient to men, sell our underage children for marriage.  Shall I go on?  Or should I also mention that these same people defended racism a hundred years ago saying it was sanctified by yon bible...
in Defense of Marriage...
"We have to protect the institution of marriage."  ( From what?  Well over half of all marriages end in divorce.  This is something to be proud of?  Way to go, heteros)
"I don't object to gay people getting married, they should just call it something else.  Marriage is between a man and a woman."  (Wow, the Jim Crow law for fags.)
"If gay people are allowed to marry, what message does this send to the public?"  (That stable, recognized relationships are a good thing?)
"If they're allowed to marry each other, sheep and goats are next!"  Yeah, right.  Let's hear it for Rick Santorum, and thank him for comparing homosexuality to incest and bestiality.

If we're going to differentiate marriage based on orientation, we might as well do it based on race and religion as well.  Really, what's everyone so afraid of?
Final note - a majority of States have passed laws barring recognition of same-sex marriages from other states.
Get me to the church on time!
Places you can get married as a gay or lesbian couple:
The Netherlands.  And Belgium as of January 30, 2003!!  And blame Canada all you want, but homos can get hitched there now.  That's it.  No place else.  Forget it.  One last time:  YOU CANNOT GET MARRIED IN HAWAI'I.  Are we clear on that yet?

Places you can get domestic partnership:
Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Hungary (of all places!)  I have to update my euros...
California has a DP registry, but legal rights are more limited

Places where they're thinking about it:
Germany, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania

Current local court battles:
     New Jersey (I'm not kidding)

If I've forgotten any, please
let me know.
We're in your computer, too!
Yes, it HAS to be pink!
I'm really a lousy gay man.  Full of pride, but I'm really just a honkin big dyke...
and now for something that completely frosts my nipples!
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