Nightmare IV cont...

Roll the dice and then read the corresponding numbered paragraph.

1)You will victimize the player marked with this number for the remainder of the game.  If you can inflict any damage on any opponent at any point during the game, this player will be your first choice.  And if you become a Vampire, they will be your first victim to prey on.  If you are number 1, you are released from this task.
2)You will victimize the player marked with this number for the remainder of the game.  If you can inflict any damage on any opponent at any point during the game, this player will be your first choice.  And if you become a Vampire, they will be your first victim to prey on.  If you are number 2, you are released from this task.
3)You will victimize the player marked with this number for the remainder of the game.  If you can inflict any damage on any opponent at any point during the game, this player will be your first choice.  And if you become a Vampire, they will be your first victim to prey on.  If you are number 3, you are released from this task.
4)You will victimize the player marked with this number for the remainder of the game.  If you can inflict any damage on any opponent at any point during the game, this player will be your first choice.  And if you become a Vampire, they will be your first victim to prey on.  If you are number 4, you are released from this task.
5)You will victimize the player marked with this number for the remainder of the game.  If you can inflict any damage on any opponent at any point during the game, this player will be your first choice.  And if you
become a Vampire, they will be your first victim to prey on.  If you are number 5, you are released from this task.
6)You will victimize the player marked with this number for the remainder of the game.  If you can inflict any damage on any opponent at any point during the game, this player will be your first choice.  And if you become a Vampire, they will be your first victim to prey on.  If you are number 6, you are released from this task.
Cast the dice 4 times.  Find the corresponding number and then read your reward.
4) Receive a key
5) Choose between "Pleasure" and "Pain" then take a BLACK ROSE.  If what you have chosen is on the card, keep it.  If not, return it.
6) Banished to the BLACK HOLE.
7) Move to the closest gravestone marked with an X.
8) Return the next key you receive.
9) TIME card.
10) FATE card.
11) Roll the dice and IF you roll your number, receive a key. If you fail, you must miss the number of turns you have rolled.
12) Roll the dice and miss the number of turns you have rolled.
13) SCREAM and receive a FATE card for each player you scare.
14) Any 'flesh' in the BLACK HOLE are released.
15) If you have any keys, return one.
16) Banish the opponent of your choice to the BLACK HOLE.
17) Roll the dice again and IF you roll a '1', turn to page 8.
18) TIME card
19) FATE card
20) CHANCE card
21) Move to the closest gravestone marked with an X.
22) Banished to the BLACK HOLE.
23) Roll the dice and IF you roll a '1', turn to page 8.
24) Receive a key.
Read the following instructions carefully and then commit them to memory, as you are not permitted to refer to this page again.

You are now a Vampire and the faithful servant of The Blood Countess.  You cannot continue to play the game.  Instead, you will spend the remainder of the hour in the service of Elizabeth Bathory, preying on new victims.

You are now immediately instructed to:

*Return all your keys and cards.  The only cards you are allowed to keep are those marked with BLOOD.
*Return your playing piece and disc to the tray.

Do not read any further until you have completed all the above tasks, in complete silence!
Your transformation is complete. Now you can 'prey' upon the victims of your choice.  Choose ONLY one opponent, fix them with an ice cold stare, reach out and caress their neck then announce: "You are my prey."
Then, settle back, and watch and wait until that player lands on any stone marked with an X.  The instant your prey lands on that stone, seize the dice, scream their number out loud - the louder, the better the shock value- and roll the dice.
If you roll your victim's number announce:"You are one of ours! Turn to page 8."
You can then select another victim and repeat the above. BUT, If you fail to roll your victim's number you must wait until they land on another stone marked X before attempting again, unless you have BLOOD cards that allow you to prey on your victim on other stones.
Once all players have been turned into Vampires, the game is over, the tape stopped and The Blood Countess is declared the winner.
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