Dark Eldar Conversions
Reaver Succubus with Power Weapon
and Tormentor Helm
Dark Eldar Conversions
For a long time I have wanted to do a special conversion for a Succubus on a Reaver Jetbike.  On a whim  I decided to build the conversion while I  was making last minute preparations for my Wych Cult army for a Rogue Trader Tournament.  I originally intended to include a Hellion Succubus in my army, but I did not think that the model stood out enough from the rest of the squad. I thought that I could make a Reaver Succubus for my jetbike squad that would be more dramatic.  The conversion started with one of the metal jetbike riders that come in the Reaver jetbike boxed set.  I bent the right arm down and away from the body and removed the hand.  In its place I pinned and glued the right hand and weapon from the female dark eldar lord model.  The weapon had a wire bundle attached to it, which I bent and connected to a box on the riders belt.  The Tormenter Helm was cut out of an incubi model and sculpted to fit the rider's head.  I had to cut away some of the rider's hair to get a good fit with the helm.  The final piece was the jetbike.  Since I had little time, I decided to borrow the Reaver Jetbike that I had done for my Archon/jetbike conversion.  The paint scheme on the bike was updated and the large blade underneath was painted  to be a power weapon that was part of the bike itself.
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The large blade underneath the jetbike was painted to be a bike-mounted power weapon.  Note the cable connecting hand-held weapon to the rider's belt
The Tormentor helm came from an Incubi model. The Jetbike was from my Archon/jetbike conversion
Front view
The power weapon is from the female dark eldar lord model
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