Dark Eldar Conversions - Raider Screaming Jets
Dark Eldar
This was a simple conversion.  The Screaming jets were made with pieces of 1/4-inch diameter tubing and cotton fibers.  The tubes were cut to size and bonded to some 0.030-inch diameter plastic rod that extend from one end of the tube.  The rod could be slid into holes that I drilled in the Raider deck supports.  I use these some holes to mount slave snares
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Raider with Screaming Jets
Raider with Screaming Jets removed.  Note black plastic rods protruding from the front of the jets
Disassembled Raider Components - Gunners, Snares, Jets, Tail, & Stand
A close-up showing the Jets being mounted on to the Raider
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