Dark Eldar Conversions
Raider Interchangeable Gunners
Dark Eldar Conversions
This was another Raider conversion that I made to allow me to easily change the weaponry on my Raiders. I used spare and purchased bits to make two gunners for each Raider.  One gunner has a dark lance and the other has a disintegrator.  The gunners and their weapons are mounted to a thin plastic stand that is cut from 0.030-inch thick polystyrene sheet.  The stand is painted to match the gunners deck of the raider.   This conversion also allows you to easily remove the gun and gunner from the Raider during a battle if your opponent gets a "Weapon destroyed" result on the Glancing Hits table
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Disassembled Raider Components including Gunners, Snares, Jets, Tail and removable Stand
Another view of the Gunners and the front of the Raider
A Close-up of the Gunners and their blue-painted bases
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