Warhammer 40K
Warhammer 40K Battle Reports
These battle reports were written by me to chronicle some of the league and tournament games that I played with members of the Pittsburgh Iron Legion

Some of the battles were fought in the city.  The city battleground was constructed by members of the league over a course of several weeks.  It was featured in issue #265 of
White Dwarf magazine.

Technical note: The maps that I used for the battle reports were made with Profantasy's Campaign Cartographer 2 software.  I made custom symbols to represent the dark eldar forces.
Dark Eldar and Imperial Fists commanders clash on the field of battle...
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
A RTT game using the Archrivals mission. Grey Knights turn the tide of battle..
Dark Eldar vs. Dark Angels - May 17, 2003
A RTT game using the Emmisary mission.  Jetbike nastiness.
Dark Eldar vs. Space Wolves - May 17, 2003
Dark Eldar vs. Dark Eldar - May 17, 2003
A RTT game using the Battle in the Eye of Terror mission.  Jack Ramsey and I battled.
A RTT game using the Fog of war mission, a new mission developed by the PIL. 
Dark Eldar vs. World Eaters CSM - May 17, 2003
A Strongpoint mission between 2000 points of Dark Eldar and a mixed force of Space Marine defenders.
Dark Eldar vs. Space Marines - January 1, 2002
Dark Eldar vs. Dark Eldar - December 5, 2001
Cleanse in the City.  A bloody battle where ground troops battle mounted troops.
Pittsburgh Iron Legion - 40K league game
Dark Eldar vs. Eldar - January 2, 2002
A recon mission in the country.  Wyches rock!
Pittsburgh Iron Legion - 40K league game
Dark Eldar vs. Orks - February 2, 2002
Rescue in the city.  A close battle decided on the final turn.
Pittsburgh Iron Legion - 40K league game
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