Art - Impressionists Home
My wife, Roxianne, is the artist in the family. She has studied art, amongst other things, both here and abroad.  Her interests have influenced me, and over the years I have developed a deep appreciation for classic art, particularly the impressionists.  My favorite artists are Claude Monet and Pierre August Renoir.  In our travels, we have been fortunate to visit several wonderful art museums including the Louvre and Orsay in Paris, the National Gallery in London, and the Freer and Sackler galleries in Washington D.C.  We are working to develop our son Douglas's interest in the arts but it is a slow process.

Monets at Orsay

Two Monet's at the Orsay museum in Paris. Roxianne and Douglas are in the foreground The Mona Lisa in the Lourve in Paris Roxianne poses between two Renoir paintings at the Orsay museum in Paris

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