Wyche cult army list - 1500 points
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By Dan Moore, December 23, 2002
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Lately, there have been several inquiries on the Commorragh group about making a wyche cult army at various point levels.  A wyche cult army is fundamentally different from a standard dark eldar army because the focus is primarily on hand-to-hand combat with little emphasis on shooting.  The following are my preliminary efforts to make a workable 1500 point army list using the wyche cult rules.  This list is a work in progress,  so I would welcome any input or feedback from anyone with experience playing the new wyche cult army list.   The 1500 pt roster             
A few guidelines to remember:
Dark eldar should outnumber their opponents when possible
Wargear should be kept to a minimum
You should either take many raiders or none at all
Warp beast packs are a bargain at 75 pts. Take as many as you can
Wyches cannot survive shooting.  Get them into HTH as quickly as possible
Unit choices
After reviewing the HQ options, Lelith looks like the best value for the points.  She comes standard with agonizer, pistol, wyche weapons and shadowfield for 90 points.  A similarly equipped Dracite or Archite would cost as much or more.
 Wyches are the only troop options for the list so the key choices are whether or not to put the squads in a raider, what size squads to use, and what upgrades to give the squads?

Remembering the guidelines above, I would choose to put all of my wyche squads in raiders.  The raiders offer the wyches some protection from shooting, while allowing them to close for HTH combat as quickly as possible.  As an added bonus the raider has either a disintegrator or dark lance for dealing with power armored troops or vehicles.  

The next thing to decide is squad sizes.   Initially, I had considered maximum sized squads, but that limits how many squads and raiders you can take at 1500 points.  My solution is a compromise of sorts.  I would rather field more squads with a few less models per squad.  In this case I will use 8 man squads and take 4 of them as opposed to three 10-man squads.  My feeling is that 8-man squads will deal out nearly the same amount of damage as 10-man squad on the charge as it may be difficult to get 10 models in base to base contact initially.  

More squads will give more rolls on the combat drugs table and possibly more flexibility in force configuration.  Each wyche squad is essentially unique depending upon their combat drug roll.  The key will be to best utilize the abilities of each squad to maximum effect.

The extra wyche squad will allow me to take an extra warp beast squad.  More importantly, my opponent will have several more targets (wyches, raider, & beasts) to deal with.  The goal is present your opponent with far more targets than he/she can handle.  This forces them to make tough decisions in the heat of battle. If they focus their firepower on the raiders for instance, then the warp beasts swarm their positions and vice versa.

Generally it is not a good idea to have lots of smaller squads.  In the case of dark eldar and wyche cults however, their speed and mobility allows you to pile in extra bodies as needed for an assault. Consequently you can spread your forces around so that all of your points are not dedicated to just a few large units.  Your opponent can only shoot and engage part of your army while the remainder attacks when and where they will.

Squad upgrades for wyches fall into two categories.  If the squad is intended purely for HTH fighting then it should have wyche weapons and a succubus with agonizer and pistol.  If the squad is intended to deal with vehicles or heavily armored foes then it should be equipped with 2 blasters.  I chose to use only one squad of wyches for an anti-vehicle role and took the minimum number of models, five, to save points

The transports for each type of squad should have armaments that match their function.  The wyche squad with blasters should have a raider with dark lance.  The wyches used for assault should have a raider with disintegrator, which is more of an anti-infantry weapon.
Mandrakes, warriors, and raider squads are your choices for elite units.  This list was configured to use only wyche units so no elites were chosen.  One possible substitution would be to use a raider squad with dark lance as an anti-vehicle unit instead of a wyche raider with blasters.  The dark lance/raider combination would have better range than the wyches however the squad would need to be stationary to fire its dark lance.
Fast attack
A 5-man squad of jetbikes with 2 blasters was chosen because jetbikes look too good to leave off the battlefield.  With blasters the unit could attack enemy vehicles or heavily armored models. The jetbikes can also support assaults, crossfire fleeing enemy units or claim table quarters.  The jetbikes could just as easily be substituted for another raider-mounted wyche squad with blasters at the same points.

Hellions were not chosen because I am still not convinced that they are a good value for the points.  They are certainly not as fast or as durable as jetbikes so I left them off the list.
Scourges and ravagers are the choices for heavy units.  Neither was chosen because they are not wyche units and they both are geared for shooting as opposed to assault.
Putting it all together
My preliminary army list totals 78 models at 1498 points.  The army consists of 16 units that can claim and hold table quarters.  There are 5 skimmers, 5 jetbikes, 3 disintegrators, 3 dark lances, 4 blasters, and 10 agonizers.  The agonizers should prove to be a great equalizer when fighting armies with power armor or lots of vehicles.  

The key to using this army effectively will be to move and assault the opponent's forces as quickly as possible.  Every unit should take a maximum move whenever possible.  Warp beast packs and wyche assault squads should fleet of foot during their shooting phase.  The bulk of the army should be thrown at one of the enemy's flanks to gain local force superiority.  The army can then attack along the enemy lines and roll up them until there is nobody left to fight.

The combat drug rolls for each wyche squad will need to be determined before the battle so that each squad's role can be assigned.  If a squad gets a 12" assault then they should lead the charge as they can cover 27" - 32" on turn one (12" assault + 12" raider move + 2" disembark + 1d6" fleet of foot).    These squads should engage forward enemy units so that the resulting HTH combat will block LOS for enemy units behind them.

Wyches squads that get the "always goes first" drug result should be assigned to attack enemy units in cover or units that also always strike first.

Raiders should always be moved to screen enemy fire lanes when possible.  Lead raiders should be used to screen raiders behind them from enemy fire.  Warp beast packs follow behind in a second wave using forward units, HTH melees, and raiders for cover from incoming enemy fire.   By turn two the warp beast packs should be assaulting enemy units or joining existing HTH fights.

The jetbikes should turbo whenever possible to get the 4+ invulnerable save.  They should turbo forward on an enemy flank so that they are in a position to assist in assaults or crossfire enemy units by turn 2.

Lelith can be deployed with any of the wyche squads as needed.  She should probably be deployed with squad that is intended to engage a tough or difficult target like terminators.  Her superior weapons skill, wyche weapons, and agonizer could well make all the difference in whether or not the squad achieves its objective.
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