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Ambassador Class

Here you can find ship schematics as well as great info and pictures of the Ambassador Class Federation starship.

Federation Ambassador Class Starship

USS Enterprise - NCC-1701-C

Technical specifications
Length: 526m
Width: 322m
Height: 128m
Decks: 38
Crew: 700
Max life support: 3500

Shuttlebays: 1

Weapon systems
Primary weapons: Phasers type IX
Secondary weapons: Photontorpedos
Defensive systems: Shields and Advanced armor

Energy and propulsion systems
Primary energy source: MARA warpcore
Secondary energy source: Fusion reactors

Computer systems
Crew interface: LCARS

View Ship Directory for Commissioned Ambassador Class Ships

Ship / Class History:
In the early 24th Century Starfleet was feeling the pressure of Defending Federation planets from hostile forces including the Klingon and Romulan Empires decided that a new class of Starship was to be built to replace the out gunned Excelsior class. This decision was made after a number of embarrassing incident in which Excelsior class vessels had been forced to retreat from heavily armed opponents. The design brief was for a large and yet fast battleship capable of exploration and cargo transport in none military situations. Starfleet Engineers and designers eventually came up with the Ambassador Class Starship. Designers drew upon the brief designs from the Constitution class ships with technical input from both the Constitution redesign and the Excelsior class of starship. The construction of the ship went smoothly with little incident and the test ship, USS Ambassador proved itself very capable in battle simulations. The ship was able to carry a much larger cargo and was also able to hold a great deal more crew. Upgraded defensive and weapons systems proved highly effective in real combat situations. The ships were originally produced at Earth Station McKinley, although this later expanded to other Shipyards. A new modification was armour specially developed in case of shield failure . Thick duranium plate armor cover over the out hull protecting vital areas of the ship from bombardment.

USS Enterprise - NCC-1701-C

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This page was last updated on 26 June 2000 06:06 PM GMT Daylight Time.

Ambassador Class
Here you can find info, pictures and other stuff about the Federation Ambassador-class starship!

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