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Cheyenne Class

Here you can find ship schematics as well as great info and pictures of the Cheyenne Class Federation starship.

Federation Cheyenne Class Starship

USS Ahwahnee - NCC-73620

Technical specifications
Length: 370m
Width: 270m
Height: 90m
Crew: 625

Transporter systems
Personnel transporters: 8
Cargo transporters: 6

Shuttlebays: 2
Shuttles: 10

Weapon systems
Primary weapons: 5 Phasers type X
Secondary weapons: Photon Torpedos
3 launchers 200 torpedos
Defensive systems: Shields

Energy and propulsion systems
Primary energy source: MARA MK I warpcore
Secondary energy source: Fusion reactors
Max warp speed (for about 12h): 8.5
Max cruise warp speed: 6.5

Computer systems
Crew interface: LCARS
Computer cores: 3

View Ship Directory for Commissioned Cheyenne Class Ships

Ship / Class History:

The Cheyenne Class of Starship is a direct descendant of the Constellation Class of Starship. Having been referred to as a 24th Century update of its predecessor, the Cheyenne follows the design lineage of its sister classes, the Nebula and Galaxy and also its cousin, the New Orleans Class which created systems which were later used on the Cheyenne class. The initial project brief was for a replacement for the now aged Constellation class which first entered service some sixty years before. Starfleet Command was estimating that all Constellation Class ships would be decommissioned by the late 2360's and as such a replacement fleet of Cheyenne class ships would need to be ready to take over the role of these decommissioned ships.

The Cheyenne Class was to be capable of heavy cargo transportation and towing missions on top of the normal roles of its class (Diplomatic and patrol functions). In addition though the class also needed to follow its sister classes with the ability to protect itself to a high standard and also the ability to separate into a saucer and drive section. The Cheyenne Class employs four warp nacelles to generate the powerful warp field necessary for warp speed cargo transport and towing missions. Fed by a single Type I MARA core the ship is capable of extending its warp field around an object of approximately the same size as itself. Using a progressive warp generation field, the Cheyenne class can control its warp factor with extreme precision and hence it makes towing vessels / large objects much easier. In addition the is a forced Replusor/Tractor emitter located on its aft hull which acts a buffer between the object in tow and the ship.

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Ship Schematic

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This page was last updated on 26 June 2000 05:01 PM GMT Daylight Time.

Cheyenne Class
Here you can find info, pictures and other stuff about the Federation Cheyenne-class starship!

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