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Constellation Class

Here you can find ship schematics as well as great info and pictures of the Constellation Class Federation starship.

Federation Constellation Class Starship

USS Stargazer NCC-2893

Technical specifications
Length: 302m
Width: 162m
Height: 85m
Decks: 29
Crew: 350
Max life support: 600

Shuttlebays: 1

Weapon systems
Primary weapons: Phasers type VI
Secondary weapons: Photon Torpedos
Defensive systems: Shields

Energy and propulsion systems
Primary energy source: MARA warpcore
Secondary energy source: Fusion reactors

Computer systems
Crew interface: DCLD

View Ship Directory for Commissioned Constellation Class Ships

USS Stargazer NCC-2893

Ship / Class History:
The Constellation class starship was a result of the need for a high speed, long range cruiser with substantial firepower during a time where current technologies were not sophisticated enough to provide sufficiently effective hardware with the traditional two nacelle design which dominated the design of starships in Starfleet since it's exisitence and even back to the Phoenix which served as the basic configuration for all starships even up to this day. The Federation's territory was growing at an extremly fast rate with better and better starship designs and engines allowing Starfleet to explore fronteers of space uncharted at that time. The current fleet in the 50's, 60's and 70's were fast though their range was not what Starfleet was comfortable with.

Starships could not travel the long distances required of them and in several cases ran out of power before they reached their destination. In battle situations, sending a ship low in power would be disasterous. The R&D labs were working on increasing the range with new designs and technologies but by 2261, Starfleet could not wait any longer. They began conceptual designs for a new long range ship that would use current technologies heavilly modified to fit the needs of Starfleet. They found that by using 4 nacelles, with lower amounts of power supplied to them, they could achieve better range than the mainstreem dual nacelle configuration.

There was some drawback to this scheme. It required a dedicated computer to monitor and manipulate the subspace fields constantly. Adjustments had to be made constantly to maintain a stable warp field. Because of this configuration, it left many of the power and sensor systems highly vulnerable to damage in battle. At the same time, R&D labs were making significant gains in new technologies, but most of it was highly experimental and was not up to starfleet's standards for field testing in a testbed ship. Starfleet could not wait and decided to go ahead with the project.

USS Constellation NCC-1974

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This page was last updated on 26 June 2000 05:12 PM GMT Daylight Time.

Constellation Class
Here you can find info, pictures and other stuff about the Federation Constellation-class starship!

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