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Constitution Class

Here you can find ship schematics as well as great info and pictures of the Constitution Class Federation starship.

Federation Constitution Class Starship

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A

Technical specifications
Length: 302m
Width: 144m
Height: 75m
Decks: 23
Weight: 220,000t
Crew: 500

Transporter systems
Personnel transporters: 4
Cargo transporters: 2

Shuttlebays: 1
Shuttles: 2 Galileo type, 6 Workbees

Weapon systems
Primary weapons: Phasers type VI
Secondary weapons: Photon Torpedos
2 launchers (fwd) 100 torpedos
Defensive systems: Shields

Energy and propulsion systems
Primary energy source: MARA warpcore
Secondary energy source: Fusion reactors
Max warp speed (for about 12h): 9.0
Max cruise warp speed: 7.0

The warpcore of a typical Constitution-class starship

Computer systems
Crew interface: DCLD type II

View Ship Directory for Commissioned Constitution Class Ships

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A

Ship / class history:
The design of the USS Enterprise-A was one of the last Constitution class designs. Like in every class of ship the last design is the best one because all the bugs from the former versions are known and most of them could be removed (this is how it should be). The NCC-1701-A has been built after the destruction of the refitted NCC-1701 in order to keep on with the tradition of the ships named Enterprise. Soon it became obvious that the Enterprise-A had been built overhasted. The warp drive was the best available at this time but a ship doesnīt only consist of a warpcore. Most of the doors didnīt open the Turbolifts malfunctioned and even the captain's log made big problems. However the NCC-1701-A stayed one of the best ships Starfleet had to offer (the Excelsior class consisted of only one ship at this time) and proved to be very capable on several missions. Today, the NCC-1701-A can be seen in the Starfleet museum.

USS Enterprise NCC-1701

Federation Ship Index

USS Enterprise NCC-1701

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Ship Schematics

This is a schematic of the Constitution Class Alpha Design.

This is a schematic of the Constitution Class Beta Design.


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This page was last updated on 26 June 2000 06:00 PM GMT Daylight Time.

Constitution Class
Here you can find info, pictures and other stuff about the Federation Constitution-class starship!

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