
And now... what you've all been waiting for... (drum-roll please)

All the links found here have my personal guarantee
that you will find at least SOMETHING to amuse you.
Oh, and any sites with a banner or button will also be listed
at the bottom of this page... when I get around to
uploading all the pics. Gomen nassai, minna!

The Jaridien HomePage This is the home page of a story written by two friends and one of my other persona's. It hasn't been updated in years, so I wouldn't bother looking at it, but I have to list it. (You know, the whole friend thing and all...) Gomen nasai!

The International Lyrics Server This page has the lyrics to practically every English song I've tested it with. Trush me, it's worth a glance... I found the lyrics to "Informer" by Snow... now THAT's creepy.

House of Anime This is the anime store that sold me my first anime CD. (In case you're wondering, the "X" movie soundtrack.) They've got great prices, and a lot of merchendise. Enjoy!

Anime Dojo Yet another anime webstore. Like I always say, it's an addiction. You may have heard of this one before, but I still felt like listing it, so XP

Wizzywig I've actually visited the Non-line Wizzywig store, and if you're ever in Ann Arbor, MI... drop by. So many CD's, figures, and wallscrolls... O_O I'm in heaven. This place is packed!

Matsumoto High School This is the virtual High School that I attend. Anything and everything can happen when you drop by this school where anime and reality collide. That sounds soooo cliche. XD Well, head on by, and see for yourself. Don't say you weren't warned, though...

Phoenixfeather's Mp3 Horde! Well now... Phoenixfeather has the biggest collection of anime Mp3's I've found yet. Got a favorite opening? Perhaps an image song is more your thang... Well, I can't guarantee it, but I'm sure you can find it here! :D Have fun!

The Anime Web Turnpike Of course I'm going to list this site!! What self respecting site owning otaku-otaku wouldn't?!? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sorry... you poor, depraved soul. Anyway, drop on by. Oh, and say hi to Trixie for me!

Anime Cubed Her you'll find a lot of great pics and wallpapers. I have to comment on there AWESOME selection of KareKano pics!!! (Watch KareKano!) They also have the "Anime Purity Test"... Take it, it's good for you. (BTW, I scored a 97.5... @__@;;; Do I have a problem?!? XD)


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