Things I like:

Beautiful people (especially boi's)
Make up
Long hair
Being spoiled
RHPS (not the actual movie, but the show itself holds some of my fondest memories)
Mathematics (it's just so logical and makes so much since)
Music that moves me (I'm not really a music person, but I like anything that makes me laugh, cry, and so fourth)
Intelligent people
Good food
Incense (not the cheap kind)
Fashion from every other century then the presen
Things I hate:

Uneducated people
When people IM me and ask if I "wanna chat"
Manic- depressives
People who threaten suicide (just go ahead and kill yourself and don't bitch to me about it, do you really think I care?)
Guys who assume that I think that they are attractive (I rarely find heterosexual males attractive, so if you're one of those few, feel special)
Guys who don't shave their armpits (and legs), claiming that a "man" isn't supposed to do that (in ancient Egypt everyone shaved to control body odor, guys smell really bad when they have hairy armpits and it looks unkempt)
Heterosexual males in general
Bad drivers (I'll admit that I am referring to anyone who drives faster or slower then I do)
Rap, country, R&B, hip-hop, 90's pop, boy bands, Brittany Spears, etc.
People who come to my web page and don't sign my guestbook (hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
Control freaks
Being a control freak
Fruit- smelling cologne
People who IM me and ask if I'm cute when I have a link to my website on
all of my profiles
Anyone with low self-esteem
The internet
I respect anyone who can:

Put up with me
Grow their hair out past their waist and keep it looking nice
Be confident without being conceited
Be gothic without being manic-depressive
Be tickled without getting pissy
Wrestle with me without hurting me
Be spontaneous
Keep me entertained
Admit defeat
Debate with me
Write good poetry
Put their make-up on properly
Have the patience to learn how to play a musical instrument
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